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18 years old Uyghur boy submits request to ask to serve at China-India border to defend the country

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18 years old is the normal age to enter the army. If this is making news then that means this is a rarity and is a propaganda piece. No doubt India is a threat to everyone in the region though
18 years old is the normal age to enter the army. If this is making news then that means this is a rarity and is a propaganda piece. No doubt India is a threat to everyone in the region though
Inspired by a war hero and keep his portrait at bedside and solute to it everyday is extraordinary.
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18 years old Uyghur boy Kamili joins PLA and submits request to ask to serve at China-India border after seeing another 18 years old PLA soldier Chen Xiangrong 陈祥榕 died defending China against Indian agressors.

Kamili was a senior in high school and he decided to joined the army and request to serve at the frontline where fallen hero Chen Xiangrong 陈祥榕 used to fight.

Kamili keeps a Chen Xiangrong 陈祥榕 's portrait on his bed and solutes to Chen, he said Chen's heroism and bravery always motivate and encourge him and he will learn from Chen and is always ready to fight or even die to defend the motherland.

Dam... will indians be concerned about Uyghurs?...now?

It's ridiculous. He's like a propaganda bot.

like the west does with Ukraine?
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like the west does with Ukraine?
Yes,in a way. PDF is bombarded by beijingwalker's daily propaganda threads. He doesn't participate in any other discussion. It's always articles about how amazing the PRC is and how bad everything else,everywhere else is.
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