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150 Afghan schoolgirls poisoned in anti-education attack

is there proof that the water was poisoned intentionally....i mean, it isnt like Afghanistan's schools have potable drinking water to begin with

however if there is some sinister activity going on and certain fundamentalist groups are trying to poison girls trying to attain an education - well they arent so fundamentalist after all and instead they are just criminals and attempted murderers nothing else

has absolutely nothing to do with Islam or Quran so no need to even go there
Pathetic cowards! If caught they should be publicly flogged with barbed chains till they die. :angry:

Hope the little girls recover soon from this cheap attempt. This is what too much conservatism does to you. Afghanistan has a lot to work on to come back to 21st century. They are working hard but a lot more has to be done. Karzai should immediately stop allowing over-religious lunatics holding any power. Even if it means using Najibullah-like force.

If people cannot balance between common sense, humanity and (possible) spirituality, then they have to be forced to accept it until they adopt it or perish.

Don't get me wrong, in India we have a state that is almost like these types of people of Afghanistan in mentality: Haryana. I recommend the same methodology of brute force to change the mentality of male chauvinists in such places.

Tshering, you always been a nice opinionator for me. But care to choose words. What do you know about Haryana? We can debate all of the topics that you seems to be suffered with.
Dude that's 150 people. It's not a light matter. That's more than our soldiers that were trapped in the avalanche.
Some times, some idiots go over board while attempting to prank others and not realizing the consequences. Few students in my school went to ICU, because some body had poisoned the water in the water coolers.
Afghanistan is plagued with tribal mentality, and these tribals don't want to educate girls in the fear of empowering women, which in my opinion is absolutely ridiculous. The people need to change with the times.
We know that is the official stance of the Taliban as an organization. Now if some rogue splinter faction from the Taliban committed this, it wouldn't be fair to blame the Taliban altogether. They are trying to become political and I believe that if they are continually engaged in talks and compromises and also disarmed, it will be the solution to the mess in Afghanistan.
well u can neither defend nor attack them yet and their word is not Quran nor hadish Pakistan army and Taliban both have lied through there teeth and have been doing that for a long time so plz just because its an official response it doesn't prove that its indeed authentic and that is why this will always remain mystery unless an until an independent investigation is carried out.
AFP: 'Poison' scare at Afghan girls' school
KUNDUZ, Afghanistan — More than 100 Afghan schoolgirls were taken to hospital Tuesday after drinking water believed to have been poisoned by opponents of education for girls, an official said.
"I think some radical elements who oppose girls going to school are behind this act," said district governor Mohammad Hussain, adding that police were looking into the incident.
The schoolgirls fell ill after drinking water from a tank at their high school in the small town of Rustaq in the northeastern province of Takhar, Hussain said.
Education ministry spokesman Abdul Saboor, however, cautioned against jumping to conclusions about the cause of the incident.
"According to our reports a number of these schoolgirls were panicked and taken to hospital and they were then quickly dismissed.
"But some others are still there. We think it is a small incident, but we are continuing our investigations."
Afghan girls were banned from going to school or working in offices by the hardline Islamist Taliban regime until it was overthrown by a US-led invasion in late 2001 for sheltering Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
The Taliban have since waged an insurgency against the Western-backed government of President Hamid Karzai and some 130,000 NATO troops in the country.
Millions of girls now go to school, but they and their teachers are occasionally attacked.
Provincial health director Hafizullah Safi said 140 schoolgirls had been admitted to local health facilities but most were released after recovering from symptoms which included headache and nausea.
"Most of the schoolgirls who were brought to the hospital after falling ill have been dismissed, the other girls in the hospital are in stable condition," he said.
In similar cases last year hundreds of girl students were taken to hospitals across the country after falling ill from suspected gas attacks or water poisoning.
Authorities at the time mostly blamed the Taliban, though some suggested that the cause might have been mass hysteria, a phenomenon recorded around the world, often among young girls.
There can be nothing bad than poisoning the girls for stopping them from education.
Why Allah or God or Jesus does not strike at heart of such pathetic people who try to play with future of thier own children.
Well this is common and didn't karzai want $4 billion to keep Afghanistan stabilized ? if the taliban ever do join the government then the social issues will increase but then again it's unlikely they go along with the government.
enough is enough, this murdering thugs should be bought to justice.

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