There is nothing delusional in pointing out how absurd the justification (for morally repugnant laws like the Blasphemy and anti-Ahmadi laws) of 'hurt feelings' is. Please, try to open your mind and actually think about what the justification you're giving me. People don't want their 'feelings hurt' so instead they'll persecute, discriminate and dehumanize millions and stifle free speech?
Pakistan's sky is red with the blood and persecution of innocents under laws passed just so some insecure people don't have their 'feelings hurt'.
The law discriminates, persecutes, spreads hate and intolerance and is completely un-Islamic when looked at in the light of various tenets of Islam that guarantee freedom of religion, equality and command the pursuit of knowledge.
When these morally repugnant and depraved laws are repealed, this so called majority will have to comply, or be treated like terrorists and gunned down by the State whose responsibility it is to ensure law and order.
You just validated my argument in your comment below:
and law actually protects the minority by providing a legal course to majority to vent anger....
You're saying that many Muslims have become so intolerant and prejudiced that they would carry out violence/terrorism against Ahmadis and those drawing cartoons of the Prophet if there were no Blasphemy and anti-Ahmadi laws (even though the mobs decide to carry out wanton violence and terrorism any way in Pakistan). This is precisely the kind of attitude that then morphs into justifying terrorism such as that in Paris or San Benrnardino.