Mumbai and New Delhi rank 5th and 6th in the 10 most polluted cities index.
Mumbai is one of the most populated cities of the world so you can see piles of garbage in various streets of the city. It is also considered to be one of the busiest and crowded cities of the world. There are places in the city where you would perhaps not want to go due to stink that comes from ****** garbage scattered over there. The pollution in these areas is massive and is spoiling the beauty of the city on daily basis.
Apart from this, air pollution is also engulfing the city a lot. The gasses released into the air are so dangerous that it can kill a person gradually. Nevertheless, NGOs and other social activists are pledging to find the best solutions to redevelop the city. However the government hopes to transform Mumbai back into a modern metropolis despite recent economic decline. A recent report, issued by Vision Mumbai, proposed changes in infrastructure, pollution control and economic growth strategy, which is contributing to the seeking more than 1 billion dollar of aid from the Indian government.
Garbage and sewage is creating water-borne diseases contributing to extremely high rates of infant morbidity in New Delhi.
Delhi is considered to be the fourth most polluted city in the world. Today pollution is one of the serious problems faced by the public and concerned authorities. Growing industrialization and migration is creating a unique challenge for the government to overcome. The alarming growth in the number of vehicles in Delhi is a major threat as everyday over 1000 vehicles are increasing on the roads in Delhi. The city is usually full of fog due to heavy traffic, and industries throw 3,000 ton of pollutants into the air every day. Thermal power plants contribute 13 per cent of air pollution.
Waste has become another major concern with the increase of hospitals in the city. Private hospitals and nursing homes do not have any adequate arrangements to treat hospital waste. Ground water is also being contaminated by toxic elements released by various industrial discharges.
Read more: 10 Most Polluted Cities In The World | Top Weird,Odd and Cool lists - Weirdly Odd