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120,000 Indian troops for Afghanistan or hot air

This would be the wrong move for India because already they are complaining that there is terrorism in there country and different separatists groups. By them meddling in Afghan affairs the terrorist will turn on India and create Armageddon in which they probably moan and blame on Pakistan.
It will be disaster for India

I will happy to see indian forces there & Be killed

& yeah then Puston will Declare war with INDIA & will enter on Kashmir ..

Still no Pastuns in Kashmir

Allah has created pustoons to defeat super powers ...

First they defeated Russia presently USA facing defeat after USA they will defeat india super power in making

What a great nation
I don't think this is at all reasonable guys. This entire article is full of bad spellings, incorrect grammar and these people seem to take it for granted that the only reason Pakistan is wanted in the WoT is because their supplies have to go through our ports. Pakistan is needed and wanted because NO one can win the war in Afghanistan without active support from Pakistan. Not to mention the countless reports of commanders on both sides of the border saying that they are increasingly satisfied by the operations and conduct and cooperation from the other side. Also the fact that Pakistan had lost more servicemen than NATO/US put together seems to elude them. Narrow-minded unrealistic barely half-true naive BS, but one thing I have to hand to these Indians; they do have a good imagination.

I say we let them come, it’s going to be Sri Lanka all over again. That’s where the cream of the Indian Army got the whacking of their life (other than in 65 and 99 ofcourse) and had to run away. First of all this whole endeavor is a retarded, blatant display of unrealistic ambition but if it happens, it could work to Pakistan’s advantage. The PA/GoP won’t even have to bother claiming that Indian backed forces from Afghanistan are fighting the PA in the tribal territories and Baluchistan…the people will take it for granted. Popular support to the Army will be more forth coming which is frankly at the present moment the main deficiency we have in securing our side of the border and effectively cleaning our national slate.

Then we can just eat pop corn and watch the Indians try to deal with the Afghan Nationalist Taliban (Mullah Omar is not in any way affiliated with the Pak Taliban and has gone as far as to distance himself morally) and all the controversy any such operation is bound to develop before the Indians are forced to withdraw. Besides Pakistan could use the depletion in Indian strike corps to free up our forces for the western theatre where they can contain enemy influence and proxies more effectively than the Indians ever can from Afghanistan given the fact that it is not their country, they will obviously be outnumbered by Pakistani forces on the other side and fellow occupation powers (more powerful and influential) are unlikely to continence any Indian ‘unofficial’ ambition or incompetence. Basically, strategically speaking this possibility is going to leave India in a self imposed restricted military disposition much like we were in in East Pakistan. India is not dominant enough to attack Pakistan from both sides in case of war (even if fellow occupation power do allow it) and the logistics alone would be downright nightmarish. Indian forces in Afghanistan would be stranded from the Indian mainland in a tough part of the Islamic World next to an enemy who they can barely handle as it is.

Lastly it would be hard for India to pull off economically and simpily impossible without Pakistan’s cooperation (Iran won’t poke this one with a 10 foot long stick). All the stuff about the Americans finding an alternative route anywhere near as cheap as Pakistan is unsubstantiated BS, the US can’t change the map of the world anymore than it can befriend Iran within the next 50 years. Closest thing they have is the increasing belligerent Russia which is going to cost a lot, frankly I don’t think the Indian can afford it even if the others can.

Here is a map of the world if anyone wants to see how easy it is to find a route to Afghanistan that doesn’t go through at least 3 different countries.
OBAMA is ready to pull out of IRAQ....

Afghanistan & the SWAT border aera is the number one USA strategy from 2009 onwards.

OBAMA has already stated if more troops needed in AFGHNISTAN and more money then he will get this done.

From india,s veiw point KRAZI and his GOV,T uis a indo USA puppet.

India will send troops to assist USA not just in Afghnistan but also sea lanes and other overseas joint operations.

LOOK with your eye open.

USA give india nuke tech.

USA sells india C130J herceles transports

USA sells india trenton troop carrier 10,000 tonne helicopter carrier

USA will win MRCA deal for F18 super hornets

USA discusses PAC3 ABM system with india.

CIA RAW & MOSSAD all working together to tackle Taliban and other terror groups in South Asia.

OK i see you have a problem understanding a simple think Obama was elected cause bush screwed up the economy if Obama is to continue bushes path where is the money going to come from in order for him to fix the economy which he cant over night it will take some time how is he going to support Indian army in Afghanistan and just how does U suppose Indians or Americans for that matter will supply to Indian troops.

USA for very long time could have supplied Pakistan with fighter jets just like RUSSIA was for Indians but Americans refused to do so as it will change the balance of power in Asia so American supplying any thing to India comes as no surprise to Pakistan.

As a Pakistani i am actually happier then ever this relation ship is happening first example of that came when Pakistan cut down its order of F16s we are becoming more and more self reliant and in the long run that will saves our azz more then any help coming out of yesterdays superpower.
lol @ India go go go to AFGHANISTAN!! lol

welcome to the place who had finish WORLD POWERS without even attack on there Countries RUSSIA (1st super power finish by this chiki mountains country) once again history repeat it self... NOW another Superpower also finish (financial crisis etc still US govt said still 72% of afghanistan under Taliban's control LOL even after 7 years of heavy bombing etc) WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Afghanistan finish 2 super powers without even WAR! lol just mujahedeen's talibans AK47 Pride lol Against B2, B52, Cobra gunships, B1 lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Now one more *** army moving oh nope welcome to Afghanistan. If India want (financial crisis taste) so goo and move ur 1,20,000 LOL troops towards afghanistan. We will ask u after 2 years (Hello my dear shining india lol now wats the situation how many Troops left of urs now ?? lolz how much lost in afghanistan ?? wat about ur country financial stuff ?? LOL dun worry Pakistan ISI just negociation with Taliban to supply weapons and on the other side Pakistan will move his armed forces from Fata.. "daily news ayege aaj 50 NATO aur saath 20 Bharat kay troops opar walay ko pyaray hochukay hain lol"
A bit more to add to this one:

The article only exists at orbat.com. This would leave a bit of serious doubt as to its real truth or not. Also after a bit of scratching around, orbat.com is run by a Ravi Rikhye. What Mr Ravi Rikhye’s background is exactly I have not bee anle to determine fully. At best I found hidden in an archive of PakDef Forums the following comment was posted by one member re Mr Ravi Rikhye:
“The guy Ravi Rikhye who maintains the order of battle on Pakistan forces and goes around pretending to be some sort of a strategic analyst is actually a retired catholic shool teacher. He is just another delusionary Indian. As expected a lot of his information on the Pakistani orbat in made up and biased.”

As second member posted the following:
“Actually most of his research is done by news papaer tid bits along with some of the BR memebers who seem to know a little more thna 99%.”

Such comments are naturally unsubstantiated so his real qualifications are undefined.

With respect to the author of the article Mr Mandeep Singh Bajwa, I can not find anything.

As mentioned the article only exists publicly at orbat.com. If this had some semblance of vague truth then I would expect to see it in at least one Indian mews media. I would also expect to see a few Indian post here suggesting that this was valid and a wise move on the part of India. I see neither.

In general I would have reservation on the reality of this whole article and India’s intent. There are issues that would suggest beside all above that it was a not possible adventure.

The biggest factor being supply routes, total operational costs and the need to be deployed form several years.
Irrespective how India is currently viewed by Kabul, by sending troops to Afghanistan they will become just another NATO ally and suffer the same problems.
1. The full cost would have to be carried by India.
2. India would have to conform with the current command ops structure and ops ROE within Afghanistan.

So in many respects I would be suggesting that the whole article has a high degree of fabrication, big bag of hot air.
I think India would be making a mistake by getting outsourced for this task by U.S.

Taliban will just do target practice on Indian soldiers because they've learned a thing or two fighting against the Americans and NATO, who by the way are far more superior in what they do than India.

India loses 2 things in this the way i see it: 1) Claim over regional superiority and influence when it fails and it will because Russians couldn't even win 2) Precious lives of its soldiers. Imagine the effect that will have on India's Military morale.
I'm glad you've done a great deal of research to expose this article. It's very simple the way I see it, if NATO, with around 50,000-60,000 troops, has enough trouble with logistics, how can the indians even imagine sending twice that number to Afghanistan, which is pretty much land-locked by Pakistan?
Pakistani is using war on terror to obtain $2 billion a year from USA in aid. The bulk of this aid is going to PAK military to buy conventional weapons to fight a future war with india.

How many times do we have to tell you that Pakistan is being reimbursed for services rendered so stop calling it AID! Even then we outspend their reimbursement as it does not include the insurance of our soldiers who are losing lives, neither are we getting reimbursements for collateral damage caused by our military under pressure or US Drone strikes that mostly kill innocent civilians including women, children, aged, weak and sick (non combatants)! If full reimbursement cost was to be paid to Pakistan (compared to what is paid to the US soldiers fighting and dying) plus to rebuild destroyed structures by the US and by our military because of their war trust me the so called $2 Billion would like a very small figure! Plus we never get the declared amount as there are 'processing fees' and 'paperwork' etc. which takes a major bite out of every payment. Be also advised that we have to justify that cost which is audited severely!

India has crept into Afghanistan with USA invitation and the indians are all over the Afghan Gov,t with aid both economic and military. Now India wud more than happy to station 120,000 troops in AFGHAN. esp if USA pays for the cost.


USA is going to pay both india & pak.

But USA has its goals/designs

India has been meddling in our internal affairs through Afghanistan for decades, they have 10,000 security personnel in Afghanistan under the guise of "consulate security" whose sole aim and purpose is to destabilize Pakistan by supporting BLA and the much bigger problem in Betullah Mehsud and Tehreek-e-Talibaan Pakistan who seem interested in fighting Pakistan Army only and in destroying gas pipe lines and power pythons etc. This is not a new game but Bombay too is reeling under the brunt of it as is evident in the recent reports. What you sow so shall you reap!

Unfortunately we had to be neighbours with India, a country that has problems with every single of her neighbours be it Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Sri Lanka etc. Why can't it just learn to live and let live, just because we are small doesn't mean we are pushovers!
USA give india nuke tech.

Civilian Nuclear Technology to produce Electricity only.

USA sells india C130J herceles transports

USA sells india trenton troop carrier 10,000 tonne helicopter carrier

That is inconsequential!

USA will win MRCA deal for F18 super hornets

India already has better Aircraft in SU-30MKI's so why would they turn to a much more expensive Aircraft from an unreliable country that can bar delivery and hold payment plus stop delivery of spare parts etc. at will. If you take in to account the training that Indian pilots will have to get on American Jets plus their integration in to the Indian Battle Command Group (AEWACS, etc.) as well as their generally high cost of purchase and maintenance plus all that training to ground staff and weaponry costs etc. No mate I hope to think that Indian's aren't that stupid....Besides they are already working on a 5th gen Stealth Fighter with Russia.

USA discusses PAC3 ABM system with india.

You mean they would buy an inferior and unproven system? A system that has shot down more friendlies then Aggressors? Come on Man....wouldn't they rather go for the S-400 or something?

CIA RAW & MOSSAD all working together to tackle Taliban and other terror groups in South Asia.

If you honestly look at the current situation of the world and compare it to 2001 (US orchestrated strikes on their own soil to justify invasion of Iraq - 9/11) you would ultimately conclude that US has created hundreds of thousands of terrorists today compared to a few hundred or few thousands in 2001 because of their injustices and incorrect international policies, what that means at the end of the day is that CIA and MOSSAD are already responsible for 90% ills of the world today and RAW as we all know is trained only to create problems for all Indian neighbours. They are all the same!
"The bulk of the 'aid' Pakistan is receiving is going towards reimbursement of logistical and operational expenses. As such it is not exactly 'aid'.

The US is paying us for services rendered, and what we do with teh money afterwords is our business.

A smaller section of the 'aid package' is actually aid for budgetary support and military assistance I believe, but I do not believe the Bush administration attached conditions to that aid in terms of how it was to be utilized.

Lets get facts and figures correct please, there is a lot of misleading and half true information in the media on this issue"

Let's do so indeed.

Richard Boucher before the Senate on December 6, 2007-

"The United States is seeking to help Pakistanis build an economically healthy, stable and democratic Pakistan. To this end, since 2002 we have provided economic assistance totaling $2.4 billion dollars. These funds have supported education reform, including training teacher in modern teaching techniques, building schools in the Tribal Areas, providing scholarships and fostering science and technology cooperation between the U.S. and Pakistan. We have also funded governance programs designed to assist independent radio, reform political parties, train Parliament members in drafting laws, strengthen Pakistan’s Election Commission, promoted grass roots service delivery and reduce gender-based violence. U.S.-funded economic growth programs have, among other things, worked to improve the competitiveness of Pakistani businesses, provided micro-finance and encouraged more effective agriculture techniques. We have also supported refugee programs and funded rebuilding efforts following the 2005 earthquake.

Fighting terrorism is, of course, a preeminent goal of U.S. policy in Pakistan. In support of that goal, since 2002 the United States has provided security assistance to Pakistan totaling $1.9 billion. This has included $1.2 billion in Foreign Military Financing, $244 million in Department of State counter-narcotics funding and $87 million in Department of Defense counter-narcotics funding and $37.2 million in Section 1206 counter-terrorism funding. These funds have been used to help Pakistan prosecute the War on Terror along the Pakistan-Afghan border. This money has gone to purchase tactical radios, TOW missiles, Bell 412 and COBRA helicopters, and night-vision goggles. In addition, we provide counter-insurgency training, improve counter-insurgency strike capability and train more effective Pakistani military leaders. Another purchase under Foreign Military Financing -- P-C3C Orion aircraft -- is crucial for maritime surveillance and Pakistan’s participation in and leadership of Combined Task Force-150 patrolling the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Sea. In addition, we have provided $5.3 billion in Coalition Support Funds to reimburse Pakistan for expenses incurred in the War on Terror.

The United States has also recently begun to implement a five-year, $750 million development strategy for Pakistan’s frontier region that supports the Government of Pakistan’s nine-year, $2 billion program for the Tribal Areas’ sustainable development."

By my count, we've contributed civil and military aid EQUAL to disbursed coalition support funds through December 2007 according to this testimony-

Boucher Testimony: U.S. Foreign Assistance to Pakistan-U.S. Dept. of State

Here is testimony from the same sub-committee hearings by Lawrence Kolb that casts a slightly different light than Boucher-

Kolb Testimony: U.S. Foreign Assistance to Pakistan

Both are undeniable, though, in the sheer magnitude of our aid effort to Pakistan.

Finally, let's discuss "reimbursements". The notion of paying for services rendered is fine where it to be argued that your nation has no personal stake in this conflict. However, the outcome of this conflict does and has always been of critical importance to Pakistan. As such, actions conducted on behalf of WoT for which you've received reimbursement have, in many cases, benefited yourselves.

You've been subsidized for costs that you'd likely have incurred to some degree anyway to defend your nation- if doing so against all threats and not just India matters. The only argument which I could see is the suggestion that Pakistan had the luxury to opt out and, doing so, would have engendered no consequence to it's security.

Such a suggestion would have been rendered null the day in November 2001 that the first taliban/A.Q. began trickling into FATA/Baluchistan.

Our aid has been considerable and is likely to increase. I hope with any increase that we see a shift in emphasis but I recognize that security in FATA/Baluchistan/N.A./NWFP must be sufficient to permit civil aid to be established and sustained.
Saturday, November 15, 2008

ISLAMABAD: Owing to being part of US led war against terrorism, Pakistan has estimated a loss of Rs2.080 trillion on its economy on account of exports, foreign investment, privatisation, industrial output and tax collection during the last five years from 2004-05 to 2008-09, an official document of Finance Ministry reveals on Friday.

Pakistan’s government for the first time made public the details of massive losses of Rs2.080 trillion borne by the country through its official document called draft of Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP-II) here on Friday.

Pakistan will seek over $20 billion funding on the basis of PRSP-II document from the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) such as the IMF, WB, ADB, IDB as well as bilateral donors to compensate its losses in the next three to five years.

US provided aid/grant uptill now approx 5+2 bill USD as per your post but Pakistan losses in WOT is around 2 trill USD .

WOT has cripled Pakistan economy ,created hatred for army among public,PP leader murdered ,millions of pakistanis displaced and thausand of innocent peoples killed and drone attacks still continue...... .

Still no body know when this war will be finished and still US is not satisfied wanted more then that.

Instead of improvement in regional peace now india treathing for war?

Will US ready to compensate losses of this war when its own wall street and main street both are in trouble ,i dont think so.

In the end pakistani poor citizen will pay the cost of this US adventure to catch OBL ,GOD know dead or still alive.
This would leave a bit of serious doubt as to its real truth or not. Also after a bit of scratching around, orbat.com is run by a Ravi Rikhye. What Mr Ravi Rikhye’s background is exactly I have not bee anle to determine fully. At best I found hidden in an archive of PakDef Forums the following comment was posted by one member re Mr Ravi Rikhye

What ??? you dont know Ravi Rikhye??? - Wow!

Remember the book "Fiza Ya: Psyche of the Pakistan Air force" - He wrote the book
What ??? you dont know Ravi Rikhye??? - Wow!

Remember the book "Fiza Ya: Psyche of the Pakistan Air force" - He wrote the book
He is a Australian Soldier so i am sure he don't know who Ravi Rikhye is:cheers:.
In Reply to MAVRICK 3

C130J transports have been ordered to better move troops and commandos to hostile battle grounds outside of sub cnotinent. Its a USA transport because usa/india enviage joint operations.

With regards to western equipment intergration Israel is already supplying 90% of india new radar for fighter planes. radars ground based and AWACS..

tHERE IS ZERO RUSSIAN hitech electroinic equiopment.

And israeli/usa equipment is similar at worst.. so no pronlems there.

As for F18 S/H being inferior don,t you Pakistanis sear by USA fighters.

AND USA F18 with APG81 AESA will be better than current SU30MKI with bars radar.

india is not stupid acquiring off russia only.

India will spend $billions with israel USA & france FOR TOT in miolitary hardware in the coming decade.

Indians will not be dependent on 1 state.
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