You see, everywhere, everything is done by ISI, so your comment as top agency in the world, holds solidly. One agency, undertaking tasks everywhere.
On the same flippant note, time for assessments and report cards:
1. ISI meddling in domestic politics: Destroyed civilian institutions, caused the current extreme polarization in the country and has caused damage that will take generations to fix (assuming it stops meddling in domestic politics immediately)
2. ISI meddling in India:
India has completely outpaced Pakistan economically, scientifically and culturally. IIOJK remains under Indian control with Pakistan completely on the backfoot in supporting Kashmiris for fear of being isolated for ‘supporting terrorism)
3. ISI meddling in Afghanistan:
The ISI picked the shiftiest possible factions to support - vile extremists and warlords that no other country around the world wants to touch without putting on a hazmat suit. And we continue to pay the price of supporting extremists in Afghanistan with extremism & terrorism in Pakistan.
4. ISI killing TTP in Afghanistan, as it seems so.
No credible evidence of such ops, and considering that we officially issued statements criticizing the Afghan Taliban for not stopping TTP, such ops, even if they are occurring covertly, have not done much given the spike in TTP terrorism again.
5. ISI providing baseline intel for IBOs inside Pakistan, as seen by CTD Ops.
Mostly same as point 4 above - such ops have not done much given the spike in TTP terrorism.
6. ISI sending Vigo's, as alleged by journos.
Given that the journalists targeted were critical of the Army and were allowed to return once they redirected their criticism, yet another failure that has irreparably harmed free speech, freedom of the press and public accountability and transparency via independent (not ISPR sponsored) journalism.
7. ISI taking out civilian targets, again as alleged by journos.
Has the FIR that Imran Khan tried to register against those he suspected (including serving Army officers) finally been done?
Perhaps if the Army and ISI actually stuck to what it is supposed to do under the constitution, it might actually be able to demonstrate more long term success.
As for Zia, he's the least understood but hated for no logical reason.
“No logical reason”?!
Does overthrowing an elected government (and therefore committing treason) and imprisoning and then murdering the most popular political leader and Prime Minister of the time not seem like a good enough “logical reason” to hate Zia?