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11 Muslims sentenced to death in India’s Gujarat riots case

The little guys go to the gallows and the MASS MURDERER of 3000+ innocent Indians ( Narendra Modi ) goes Scott Free and becomes Chief Minister. Here is the Judicial system of India. Shame on India.
The little guys go to the gallows and the MASS MURDERER of 3000+ innocent Indians ( Narendra Modi ) goes Scott Free and becomes Chief Minister. Here is the Judicial system of India. Shame on India.
i wanted to report ur post..then i thought.what difference does it gonna make..i report u..u get banned and when u come back, u again start feeding the troll war.
u'r feeling warmth for ur brothers got killed in Riots..there are way more people dying daily due to hunger in Africa and bombings in Iraq...have u ever donated a single penny in the name of their welfare or even thought about it..no:no:
go get a life and pls stop spilling venoms..
The little guys go to the gallows and the MASS MURDERER of 3000+ innocent Indians ( Narendra Modi ) goes Scott Free and becomes Chief Minister. Here is the Judicial system of India. Shame on India.
oh detective Karamchand, please state facts.
The little guys go to the gallows and the MASS MURDERER of 3000+ innocent Indians ( Narendra Modi ) goes Scott Free and becomes Chief Minister. Here is the Judicial system of India. Shame on India.
if you do not know politics, STFU and get lost. Modi was the CM before the incident, the aligation that is brought in him is inaction during the riot which is a complete lie. The riot of such magnitude was brought down in 3 days, you want to blame some one for the riot to have sparked in the first place accuse/blame the Muslims who burnt the train with 57 kar sevaks alive.
Interesting that the threads havent been merged.. and the OP isnt infracted for posting without a link and tampered headlines...:)
Why every one is trying to boil rotten curry?

Off Topic: " Hindu mobs surrounded and raped Muslim women, then poured kerosene down their throats and their children's throats and threw lit matches at them. "

In India what I have seen is, if you have fight with low income group ppl (slum dwelers) and if they give a police complaint against you, they will definitely put the rape charges or harijan act . putting up rape charge is nothing for them. Thats why My family instructed me not to mess with slum dwellers. Rape charges and harijan act is very serious charges, most of the time, its non-baleble.

@ Gujrat: What happen was bad, it should not have happen. Both community have learnt the lesson from it and I am sure that no one will repeat 2002.

@ casuality: Pakistani are exaggerating the numbers. The death were much lesser than they claim.

@responsible: Both community were equally responsible and equally suffered the riots.

@ Court verdict: Indian judiciary is good, All culprit will be punished.

@ Modi: He is morally responsible for everything happen, so does Obama (Moral responsible for what happen in Afghan last week), So does Zardari (For Muslims death in Pakistan) and so on. Moral responsibility doesn't count for politicians (cause most of them are immoral)
My advice to Indian members. don't bother commenting unless it's a technical issue. If you find people distorting facts about India, ignore, because they are deliberately doing it to cause reaction from Indians, there by getting more posts for the Thread and making it rank higher in Google results. It will be a futile effort. There are already enough Posers under Indian Flag to do the dirty job. Don't be fooled. Just enjoy the non sense if you have no other work to do.
Thank you

WHAT??? :eek:

I thought India does not have death penality!! WOW, guess not.

they have but only for minorities....

BTW wht abt hindu terrorsits who killed thousands of muslims? ohhh sorry i forget those terrorists are "Heroes" for indians & sitting in govt....lolzz wht a pathetic shame
they have but only for minorities....

BTW wht abt hindu terrorsits who killed thousands of muslims? ohhh sorry i forget those terrorists are "Heroes" for indians & sitting in govt....lolzz wht a pathetic shame

Yet another example of my post #67.

this is a way of propagating Pakistani Propaganda. For example flame bites like "Indian Muslims are treated bad", "Indians are anti-Pakistan" will invite a reaction from naive Indian foroumers who feel the neurotic need to react to the allegations by Pakistanis who have absolutely no credibility whatsoever in international media. it's a brilliant way of Propagating uniquely Pakistani mindset to unsuspecting Indians, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and others who might not have particularly favorable opinions about India. Anyway , you should know these things before you signup for PDF.

Classic Propagation of Victim hood used by Islamists across the world.
Gujarat roit is a Black Spot in the history of India.... for this reason many people don't want Narender Modi or BJP.

I don't know what was planned but for bloody Indian vote Bank Politics many innocent people lost or reuined their life.

People are still speaking of the roit but even the rich muslims are not thinking of rehabilitation of roit effected victims living in Camps.

This is very Shame to Indian Politics and Goverenance None of the Hindus are convicted of the crimes they did during the roit. Even their photo are captured by Media."INDEPENDENT JUDICARY SYSTEM"


What does this have to do with Bangladesh Defense? :confused:

I think you guys should rename your country from Bangladesh to India. The number of threads I see in this section related to India is more than the number of times I read the word "India" in a Time of India newspaper :hang2:
Gujarat roit is a Black Spot in the history of India.... for this reason many people don't want Narender Modi or BJP.

I don't know what was planned but for bloody Indian vote Bank Politics many innocent people lost or reuined their life.

People are still speaking of the roit but even the rich muslims are not thinking of rehabilitation of roit effected victims living in Camps.

Why are we giving credibility to such threads here on PDF which have no intention whatsoever to empathize with victims as human beings but rather a cheap mindset of creating Victim hood for their own Population and any unsuspecting Muslim Indian or Bangladeshi. All their ills are blamed on giant Hindu India. This Paranoia will never end and Indians trying to answer such allegations will lend them unnecessary credibility.
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