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1001 Indonesia

Watch out ... MILE 22 (2018)

Summary :
An elite American intelligence officer, aided by a top-secret tactical command unit, tries to smuggle a mysterious police officer with sensitive information out of the country.

Cast :
Mark Wahlberg, John Malkovic, Lauren Cohen, Rhonda Rousey, and ... Iko Uwais.

Aside from acting, Indonesian martial art actor - Iko Uwais is also choreographed the fight scenes in the movie. Fans of The Raid series surely will recognize him. @DESERT FIGHTER 8-)

@Indos , sering2 mampyir en ikutan "nyumbang" d'sinih, yak? ;):enjoy:

Watch out ... MILE 22 (2018)

Summary :
An elite American intelligence officer, aided by a top-secret tactical command unit, tries to smuggle a mysterious police officer with sensitive information out of the country.

Cast :
Mark Wahlberg, John Malkovic, Lauren Cohen, Rhonda Rousey, and ... Iko Uwais.

Aside from acting, Indonesian martial art actor - Iko Uwais is also choreographed the fight scenes in the movie. Fans of The Raid series surely will recognize him. @DESERT FIGHTER 8-)

@Indos , sering2 mampyir en ikutan "nyumbang" d'sinih, yak? ;):enjoy:


Well his level is keep rising from the very humble beginning
Watch out ... MILE 22 (2018)

Summary :
An elite American intelligence officer, aided by a top-secret tactical command unit, tries to smuggle a mysterious police officer with sensitive information out of the country.

Cast :
Mark Wahlberg, John Malkovic, Lauren Cohen, Rhonda Rousey, and ... Iko Uwais.

Aside from acting, Indonesian martial art actor - Iko Uwais is also choreographed the fight scenes in the movie. Fans of The Raid series surely will recognize him. @DESERT FIGHTER 8-)

@Indos , sering2 mampyir en ikutan "nyumbang" d'sinih, yak? ;):enjoy:


Of course dude !!! :P
Indonesian diaspora professors in the US invent protein-rich rice
Jakarta | Fri, May 25, 2018 | 08:25 am

Two Indonesian diaspora professors living in the United States have invented a protein-rich rice variety they call Cahokia.

The rice contains about 50 percent more protein than common rice.


Cahokia rice

Herry Utomo and Ida Utomo, who are professors at Louisiana State University, said their creation is expected to reduce malnutrition across the world.

“There are millions of people whose lives rely on rice. They have meals three times days, but they do not consume enough protein because they cannot afford to buy meat,” Ida said in a statement issued on Thursday. “I think, by increasing the protein content of rice, we can address serious malnutrition cases.”

One portion of rice, she explained, normally consists of 4 grams of protein, while the same amount of Cahokia rice has 6 grams of protein.

Cahokia rice has been patented and is now being sold in US supermarkets.

Blake Gerard, a farmer who has been cultivating rice for 18 years, said he had harvested the new rice variety five times, adding that the protein content was consistent and the yield was also good.

The rice is also safe for diabetics because it has a lower glycemic index, which means a slower conversion process from carbohydrate into glucose, Ida said.

Herry assured that Cahokia rice did not require additional costs in the planting and harvesting process. Each hectare can produce up to 150 kilograms of additional pure protein, which is equal to 550 kg of meat and 4,500 liters of milk.

The US, which has 1.8 million hectares of rice fields, could potentially produce 0.23 million tons of additional protein, he said.

“If it is planted in Indonesia, which has four-and-a-half times more rice fields than the US, the additional pure protein [they produce] can reach 1 million tons or equal to 3.6 million tons of meat,” Herry added. (bbn)


Just for fun... :azn:

So you Married a Local

We all have our moments when it comes to experiencing culture clash living in Indonesia, but imagine if you had to navigate through it all the time. When you’re a foreigner who marries a local that’s exactly what happens–not just in the home, but with your in-laws, your spouse’s friends, your neighbours, and even strangers you meet as a couple.

Sacha Stevenson describes her experience being married to a local Indonesian, and pulls the curtains back to reveal the honest truth behind their marriage.

Crocs still exist in West Java river, quite shocking though, as crocs need working and healthy river to survive. Long campaign for better environment is bring them back?

Fakta-fakta Penampakan Buaya Berjemur yang Gegerkan Bandung
Wisma Putra - detikNews

Buaya berjemur di Sungai CItarum. (Foto: Istimewa)
Kabupaten Bandung - Selama sepekan ini beberapa kali buaya menampakkan diri di kawasan Baleendah, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. Belum diketahui pasti seekor buaya yang berjemur di aliran Sungai Cisangkuy dan Citarum ini sama atau ada buaya lainnya. Berikut fakta-fakta kemunculan buaya tersebut yang bikin geger warga.

Pada Senin 21 Mei 2018, buaya berukuran lebih satu meter muncul di bawah jembatan Kampung Rencong, Desa Malakasari, Kecamatan Baleendah. Di aliran Sungai Cisangkuy tersebut buaya itu tiga hari berturut-turut memamerkan wujudnya.

Baca juga: Cerita Warga Baleendah Lihat Buaya Berjemur di Sungai Cisangkuy

Warga yang pertama kali melihat buaya tersebut, Dadang Baret (49), sempat mengira satwa tersebut biawak. Sebab di Sungai Cisangkuy masih banyak habitat biawak.

"Kirain biawak, saya lihat ternyata buaya. Saya panggil warga terus banyak yang ambil video," kata Dadang, Kamis 24 Mei.

Buaya di Sungai Cisangkuy yang gegerkan warga Baleendah. (Foto: Istimewa).
Buaya itu, sempat berjemur di atas batu yang berada persis di bawah jembatan Rencong. Tiga hari berkeliaran di sekitar Sungai Cisangkuy yang ada di Kampung Rencong, tepat di hari ke empat atau Jumat 25 Mei saat detikcom ke lokasi penemuan, sang buaya tak muncul.

Penemuan buaya tersebut dibenarkan polisi. "Benar, bahkan anggota sempat menangkap (memfoto) gambarnya," ujar Kapolsek Baleedah Kompol Supriyono.

Baca juga: Buaya Berjemur di Sungai Citarum Kembali Gegerkan Warga Baleendah

Kamis, 24 Mei 2018 sore, muncul kembali seekor buaya di aliran Sungai Citarum, tepatnya di Kampung Jambatan, Kelurahan Andir, Kecamatan Baleendah. Kehadiran reptil melata ini mengegerkan warga Baleendah.

"Buayanya besar. Muncul di sini (Sungai Citarum) kelihatannya jam lima sore," kata Lilis di warga sekitar, Jumat (25/5) lalu.

Baca juga: Ini Penampakan Buaya di Sungai Citarum yang Gegerkan Baleendah

Sebagai warga yang tinggal di dekat aliran Sungai Citarum, Lilis mengaku khawatir. "Cemas? Ya cemas, takut nya naik ke atas buayanya. Kemarin-kemarin juga pas hujan ada kura-kura naik ke atas," katanya.

Seminggu kemudian, Jumat (1/6) kemarin, sekor buaya lagi-lagi menampakkan diri di Baleendah. Buaya itu muncul di aliran Sungai Citarum (perbatasan Baleendah-Dayeuhkolot) atau tepatnya di Kampung Parung Halang, Kelurahan Andir, Kecamatan Baleendah, yang jaraknya sekitar satu kilometer dari lokasi penemuan buaya yang berada di Kampung Jambatan.

Di lokasi tersebut, buaya itu hampir tiga jam berjemur di atas endapan lumpur. Buaya itu menjadi tontonan warga sekitar.

"Munculnya sejak Pukul 12.00 WIB. Naik ke endapan lumpur Sungai Citarum," kata warga sekitar Oki Alexander kepada detikcom di lokasi penemuan buaya.

Kemunculan buaya di Sungai Citarum. (Foto: Wisma Putra/detikcom).
detikcom berkesempatan melihat kemunculan buaya yang menggegerkan warga Baleendah. Buaya itu bertubuh kuning keemasan dan sisik hitam. Sesekali muncul ke permukaan air untuk menghirup nafas.

Lalu buaya tersebut masuk ke dalam air dan hanya memunculkan kepalanya ke atas permukaan air. Buaya itu terus berenang melawan arus Sungai Citarum mengintari pinggir-pinggir endapan lumpur yang ada di sungai tersebut.

"Tuh buaya nya sekarang mengarah ke wilayah Desa Citereup," kata Oki.

Baca juga: Buaya di Cisangkuy dan Citarum, BKSDA Minta Warga Melapor

Kepala BKSDA Jabar Sustyo Iriyono mengatakan sungai memang habitat buaya. "Zaman dulu sungai yang masih normal memang ada beberapa tempat (habitat) buaya dengan ukuran sungai. Misalnya ukuran Sungai Citarum, zaman dulu pasti masih ada" katanya via telepon, Jumat (25/5).

Dia menduga kemunculan buaya itu karena migrasi dari sungai besar ke sungai kecil. "Saat hujan, banjir. Kemungkinan ada perpindahan dari sungai yang lebih besar ke lebih kecil atau ada orang yang pernah memelihara, itu migrasi ke sana lepas, masih dugaan," tuturnya.

"Intinya, dahulu kala ceritanya pasti ada habitat buaya. Kalau sekarang sungainya rusak, makanannya tidak ada, buayanya punah. Tiba-tiba muncul ya balik lagi ke yang tadi (migrasi)," ujar Sustyo menambahkan.

Kemunculan buaya di Sungai Citarum. (Foto: Wisma Putra/detikcom).
BKSDA Jabar belum melakukan observasi ke wilayah hulu Sungai Cisangkuy dan Sungai Citarum untuk memastikan apakah masih ada habitat buaya tersebut. Namun, menurut Sustyo, sungai yang masih ada habitat buaya di Jawa Barat ialah Cisadane dan Cimanuk.

"Kami belum melakukan survei atau penelitian, yang ada dulu pernah di Cisadane, terus di Cimanuk. Citarum mungkin ada cuma belum ditemukan," kata Sustyo.

Hingga kini buaya tersebut belum tertangkap dan kemungkinan masih berkeliaran di aliran Sungai Citarum.(bbn/bbn)

Gonna use this thread to share interesting lectures and talks related to Indonesia.

A well nuanced and witty take on the nature of corruption in Indonesia and how it relates to Indonesian governance, culture, and the big family (keluarga besar) mentality.

Includes gems like a western medical worker, when asked by the world bank "What is your main recommendation for policy on tackling HIV and AIDS?" answered sincerely by saying "Triple the military budget". (2014)

How are political lines are drawn in Indonesia? Unlike the West, it isn't between capitalism and socialism. Understanding what it actually is the first insight in understanding the dominating issue that nearly every other big issue either stems from, or orbits around.

Given in 2012, this talk established how Indonesia's reformasi movement managed to avoid the destructive standoff between Secularism vs. Islamism that has doomed so many other Islamic countries to civil war or dictatorship.

Shared despite its age because on how well it resonates with current affairs: Those who are doing their best to destroy the middle ground risk undoing the very compromise that made this republic stable and feasible.

A general outlook of Indonesia as it moves into the political year by Antara News Network Chairman. (0:00-21:00)
Gives insight on how the simultaneous elections in 2018 and 2019 would impact Indonesia, and the scope of the largest 1 day election in history, and in the world.

Shared for its candid and insider discussion on current Indonesian political realities.
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Why is West Papua more advanced and developed than PNG or any Melanesian countries?

Wirawan Winarto
, has visited 58 countries and all 34 Indonesian provinces
Answered Jul 20, 2017

Thanks for the A2A, Fachat Maulana!


Contrary to popular belief and what Western trying media tell us, West Papua is always the top priority for Indonesian government since the fall of dictator Soeharto in 1998. While The West is still dwelling in the past, thinking Papua as the land of genocide (just like pre-1998), Indonesia has been moving forward in a very fast pace.

In the past ten years, West Papua enjoy average 8.3% economic growth, greater than most other Indonesian provinces. Even some regencies like Intan Jaya enjoyed more than 25.0% annual economic growth. The city of Jayapura, for example, is already catching up with other Indonesian provincial capitals.


The reason why West Papua is developed so fast, leaving all their Melanesian counterparts behind is also because of the conflicts are no more. In the past, conflicts are happened in large scale, but today most people are content with the special autonomy and with the full-support from Indonesian government in terms of infrastructure development and taking care of people’s needs. In the past year, there are less than five people killed in remaining small tribal clashes in this world’s second largest island.

This is much less than the number of people killed in traffic accidents there.

I was staying with Marind people (one of large Papuan ethnic) in southern parts of West Papua, they were quite happy with their life now, they were inviting me for a tribal party, that’s why they brought a lot of banana. They told me precisely, “I don’t understand why those people want independence. I think they just want to be in power. Our life is getting much better now. If we are independent, what those freedom fighters can give us? None, I believe. ”


West Papuan are also getting far much better education than their Melanesian brothers. Many teachers from Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara are sent into the deep hinterland, teaching the kids to read, write, and math. This village near Merauke are now being the center of fishery, the kids are learning how to process fish and selling them to the town market.


In the past, West Papuan are mostly primitive, lived by hunting and gathering. In today’s world, they are catching up with the world, practicing skills like trading and handcrafting. Indonesian government also build Pasar Mama Mama Papuatraditional market to enable them grow their own economy.

West Papuan is now also flooding the job market. I met Simon, who told me he got scholarship from Indonesian government for higher education five years ago and now an officer in National Search and Rescue Team (SAR). With its young Papuans entering huge job market, becoming civil servants, plantation workers, headmasters, and even flight attendants, their economy is snow-balling.


One thing I don’t understand is why Australia wants them to remain backwards.

Yes, Seriously?

The third aspect (aside from less conflict and better education) is the full support from Indonesian central government. This year alone, the central government pledged Rp 80 trillion (USD 7 billion) for West Papua. Ten percent of the fund is used to build infrastructure, to connect the much isolated villages with roads, railways, modern airports, and modern harbours.

This is the Mopah Airport in Merauke, a town that was considered as remote.


Merauke is pretty much thriving town. Once it was remote town, today it has big harbours, self-sufficient in food production, and since 2017, they begin exporting food (cassava, rice, sago) to Papua New Guinea.


There are also hundreds of churches are being built in West Papua. For example, this is a white-marble church in the deep hinterland of Puncak Mountain. This is just one among hundreds in the once unreachable places. These churches often invite preachers from Toraja or Manado.


Also this once quiet village has their own coffee industry. It is one high-quality Arabica, if you want to support them : Kopi Papua, Kopi Wamena


All across West Papua, the situation is now changing.

In the coastal town, Nabire,West Papuan people are now exporting their “exotic” handicraft. This lady wearing traditional costume, opening a small shop selling handicrafts.


Things change because they are supported and they feel they are supported.

Wow…. we get Rp 3.386 trillion for our villages in Papua” (Tabloid Jubi is a local newspaper). To see what West Papuan needs and wants, you need to meet them, visit them, and talk to them, instead of relying what biased media tell you.

The non-existent conflict, the better educated workforce, and full-support from central government are the reasons why West Papua is much more developedthan their Melanesian brothers.

Granted, there are still a lot of work to do. But they are getting better.


You cannot give people “democracy and freedom” and tell them to live happily while they just watch world is leaving them far behind.

This is one thing that Asians understand that The West never understand.
Movies featuring badass from Indonesia

Mile 22 #2 trailer

Netflix Orders Martial Arts Drama Series ‘Wu Assassins’ Starring Iko Uwais

Netflix has given a 10-episode order to Wu Assassins, martial arts sci-fi crime drama series starring Iko Uwais (The Raid, Star Wars: The Force Awakens). It hails from Tony Krantz of Flame Ventures (24), John Wirth (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles; Falling Skies) and Nomadic Pictures (Fargo, Hell on Wheels).

Byron Mann (Altered Carbon) co-stars in the series, slated for an August 8 production start. Stephen Fung will direct the first two episodes, with Krantz expected to helm another. In addition to playing the lead, Uwais also will serve as producer, lead martial arts and fight choreographer and stunt coordinator.

Written by Wirth, who also serves as showrunner, Wu Assassins, set in San Francisco’s Chinatown, is a martial arts crime series with supernatural elements. It stars Uwais as Kai Jin, who becomes the latest and last Wu Assassin, chosen to round up the powers of an ancient triad and restore balance once again. Mann plays Uncle Six. Wirth executive produces with Krantz and Nomadic Pictures’ Oakes and Frislev.

Uwais is known for his roles in The Raid, The Raid 2on which he also served as fight choreographer, and most recently Star Wars: The Force Awakens. He’s in post-production on Mile 22, on which he stars and serves as co-fight choreographer. He is repped by Gersh, Ricky Siahaan and Management 360.

Mann most recently appeared as O.G. Kovacs in Netflix’s Altered Carbon. He’ll next be seen in Universal’s Skyscraper and Blumhouse feature Only You.

Wirth previously worked with Nomadic Pictures on Hell On Wheels where he served as an executive producer.

Krantz also has Suburbs Famous (working title), a dramedy co-written and starring Nia Vardalos, in development at Bravo. He is repped by CAA, Echo Lake Entertainment, and attorney Bianca Levin.

Movies featuring badass from Indonesia

Mile 22 #2 trailer

Netflix Orders Martial Arts Drama Series ‘Wu Assassins’ Starring Iko Uwais

Netflix has given a 10-episode order to Wu Assassins, martial arts sci-fi crime drama series starring Iko Uwais (The Raid, Star Wars: The Force Awakens). It hails from Tony Krantz of Flame Ventures (24), John Wirth (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles; Falling Skies) and Nomadic Pictures (Fargo, Hell on Wheels).

Byron Mann (Altered Carbon) co-stars in the series, slated for an August 8 production start. Stephen Fung will direct the first two episodes, with Krantz expected to helm another. In addition to playing the lead, Uwais also will serve as producer, lead martial arts and fight choreographer and stunt coordinator.

Written by Wirth, who also serves as showrunner, Wu Assassins, set in San Francisco’s Chinatown, is a martial arts crime series with supernatural elements. It stars Uwais as Kai Jin, who becomes the latest and last Wu Assassin, chosen to round up the powers of an ancient triad and restore balance once again. Mann plays Uncle Six. Wirth executive produces with Krantz and Nomadic Pictures’ Oakes and Frislev.

Uwais is known for his roles in The Raid, The Raid 2on which he also served as fight choreographer, and most recently Star Wars: The Force Awakens. He’s in post-production on Mile 22, on which he stars and serves as co-fight choreographer. He is repped by Gersh, Ricky Siahaan and Management 360.

Mann most recently appeared as O.G. Kovacs in Netflix’s Altered Carbon. He’ll next be seen in Universal’s Skyscraper and Blumhouse feature Only You.

Wirth previously worked with Nomadic Pictures on Hell On Wheels where he served as an executive producer.

Krantz also has Suburbs Famous (working title), a dramedy co-written and starring Nia Vardalos, in development at Bravo. He is repped by CAA, Echo Lake Entertainment, and attorney Bianca Levin.

'You have no idea how evil my government is"
~Iko Uwais character.

Let's hope this isn't set in Indonesia :P
'You have no idea how evil my government is"
~Iko Uwais character.

Let's hope this isn't set in Indonesia :P

It was planned to be set in Indonesia, but later changed to unspecific Southeast Asian country. :-)
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