10 - There are joogi baba in india who eat human flesh !!!!
(we found recently two canibals in Pakistan)
9 - Black magic is abundent in India (Ajmeri baba seems to confirm this)
8 - Indian girls are all ugly (proven false who made that assumption)
7 - Indians IT workers , work like egyptian pyramid workers
but its false because india - don't have
pyramids in India ....
6 - Indians are always plotting to take over the world specially pakistan
5 - Indians are abundant in streets
4 - Indians are always ploting to make it seem they are not plotting to take over the world specially pakistan
3 - Amitab Bachan put India on map not Tandulkar
2 - Muslims in India are abused
1 - Indian Super Bug Virus (Delhi Virus)
0 - Indian media/ Congress does not likes Pakistan - and feeling is mutal said afridi to burn some sentients
-1 -You are not an indian if you don't wobble your head in negative direction , and affirm yes to others at same time
(I suppose its better to say no , to USA once in a while even if its a wobble no then our leaders)