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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

Ten soldiers were martyred after terrorists attacked a security forces' checkpost in Balochistan's Kech district, the military's media affairs wing said on Thursday.
According to a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the "fire raid" by terrorists occurred on the night of Jan 25-26.

"During intense exchange of fire, one terrorist was killed and several injured. While repulsing terrorists' fire raid, 10 soldiers embraced martyrdom," the statement said.

It added that three terrorists had been apprehended in the follow-up clearance operation, which it said was still in progress to hunt down the perpetrators of the incident.

"The armed forces are determined to eliminate terrorists from our soil no matter what the cost," the ISPR statement said.

Earlier this month, a Pakistan Army soldier was martyred after terrorists attacked a military post in Bannu's Janikhel.

On January 5, two soldiers were martyred and as many terrorists killed in two separate intelligence-based operations (IBOs) conducted by security forces in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Last month, four soldiers of the Pakistan Army embraced martyrdom in an exchange of fire with terrorists during an IBO in the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan tribal district.

So they killed at least 10 of ours against one of theirs in an attack that lasted several hours…just when you thought this episode could not get any worse…
Dudes Iranian establishment would be the stupidest intelligence agency in the world if they start supporting "balcoh liberation" a headache that even kills thier soldiers..
Think people, there might be some people within it's Iranian security apparatus

But "Baloch liberation" becoming a policy oof Iranian establishment
Makes little sense
, better ask for more collaboration, work on your strategy etc etc
Ie productive things

Not saying they're not doing thier share of secretion proxies - this is a genuine issue that needs a response!

But Balochistan is not Iran's doing

Not really, see how Iran have subdued their Baloch. People talk about economic disparity between Balochistan and Punjab the reason. But maybe they are comparing some posh areas of Punjab/Islamabad and asking why all of Balochistan isn't like that. See there isn't much difference in rural baloch or punjab population economic prosperity. Now compare Sistan with western Iranian/persians and you will see the reality. Plus its shia extremist regime that hate Sunnis. There is no democracy there and unlike in Pakistan Balochistan, Sistan isn't autonomous.

Despite all that Pakistani baloch separatist sardars do not claim anything from Sistan or even wish to join them. So Iran supporting BLA terrorists will not backfire for Iran.
Balochistan is a barren land, no water. Many balochs have migrated to Punjab or Sindh because of fertile land. If Allah hasn’t blessed them with fertile land then why blame Punjab for it. Poverty isn’t because of Punjab.
Balochistan is a barren land, no water. Many balochs have migrated to Punjab or Sindh because of fertile land. If Allah hasn’t blessed them with fertile land then why blame Punjab for it. Poverty isn’t because of Punjab.

Just excuses, it's never about economy, land etc its all a front, propaganda. You have their mouthpieces teaching in LUMS spreading information warfare whilst these groups carry out attacks on grouns. Al very coordinated. If there were no issues I'm sure BLA would exist because it's not a grassroot movement, no movement is. They are being sponsored to do this. Same happened in Bangladesh
Just excuses, it's never about economy, land etc its all a front, propaganda. You have their mouthpieces teaching in LUMS spreading information warfare whilst these groups carry out attacks on grouns. Al very coordinated. If there were no issues I'm sure BLA would exist because it's not a grassroot movement, no movement is. They are being sponsored to do this. Same happened in Bangladesh
Balochistan was worse than stone age for more than 100 years even before 1947. They act as if Pakistan state has stopped the development of balochistan. Balochistan is heavily subsidised by government by give extra preference in PSDP and NFC despite Balochistan adds no real value to Pakistan GDP. It is all propaganda.

At least Catalonia has genuine grievances of contributing the most to Spain GDP yet state doesn’t spend on them as much as they should.
And we wait to, for you to admit the truth on Iran. Iran is a state sponsor terrorism not in Syria Yemen Iraq but in your own country Pakistan now
stop crying and complaining
take action like Saudis and Iranians.
look at their countries, almost zero terrorism while those who complain about them continue to suffer.
Balochistan was worse than stone age for more than 100 years even before 1947. They act as if Pakistan state has stopped the development of balochistan. Balochistan is heavily subsidised by government by give extra preference in PSDP and NFC despite Balochistan adds no real value to Pakistan GDP. It is all propaganda.

At least Catalonia has genuine grievances of contributing the most to Spain GDP yet state doesn’t spend on them as much as they should.
Ofcourse it's all the same bs about rights, development. All areas in Pak need development and that will happen once we get patriotic, competent leadership that is loyal to state and people
I haven’t commented until now as I was so upset at the deaths of our brothers.
Yes it’s difficult but there are clear things that need to be improved.
Let’s please also give credit to our forces who are taking out their leaders in neighbouring countries.
As for areas to look at. Large numbers of these men are moving from/around the Iranian/Pakistan border into Pakistan uninterrupted. More FOB’s need to be built near the borders to stop these ‘clear runs’.
The bases or in this case outposts need to be built to withstand assaults like this and have overwhelming firepower and numbers to eliminate attacking terrorists.
The forces now have a large and powerful armed drone fleet which should be going on round the clock patrols, alongside men in RV’s who act as spotters and intelligence. Preemptive strikes before they reach gathering points is a must.
Finally the disgusting properganda seen against the state in universities by various people should be stamped out.

We will be held responsible for those brothers and sisters we did not care for when they needed our help on the day of Judgement. This isn’t aimed at the military leadership, troops, politicians etc but all Pakistanis in the fatherland and abroad.
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