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10 reasons why Pakistan should apologize to U.S.

Where to start..........

How about the apologies first from the US for genocide committed on the people of Pakistan.

I am currently trying to compile the names of all civilians, (thousands) killed and wounded by the US drone strikes including the following


With regards to this photo.............. please tell me their crime and justify their slaughter........... if you cannot, then dont start crying when they in turn come to kill your children.

That in itself would amount to thousands of apologies first.............
10 reasons why US should apologize to Pakistan
Pakistan’s demand of apology from US occurs after the brutal killings of 24 Pakistani Soldiers in an Attack by Nato and ISAF on a Pakistani Check post .Pakistan is called as Front Line ally in “War Against Terrorism” but US and Nato’s acts have shown that they have no respect for Pakistan.Instead of recognizing its role, and helping Pak Army every year Pakistani soldiers are being killed by Nato , ISAF and US bombings. US has apologize to India for detaining a Bollywood celebrity for 2 hours at airport,but has not apologize still yet to Pakistan for Killing their 24 Soldiers. Here are at least 10 reasons why US owes the Pakistan its deepest apology:

1) Formation of Al-Qaeda : After the Soviet Union invasion in Afghanistan, America supported the Muslim Mujahideen from all over the world to fight against Soviet Soldier giving them millions of dollars and every king of lethal weapon free of cost. Millitary training was provided to fighters but after the war has come to end no action was taken to sent them back to their home countries and they dispersed in Afghanistan and Tribal Areas Pakistan.Osama Bin Laden was very much passionate and dynamic,he gathered such people and formed Al-Qaida by the Grace of US.

2) Salalah Checkpost Killings: The Salala incident, occurred when U.S.-led NATO forces engaged Pakistani security forces at two Pakistani military checkposts along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border on Saturday, 26 November 2011.Two NATO Apache helicopters an AC-130 gunship and two F-15E Eagle fighter jets entered into the Pakistani border area of Salala at 2 a.m. local time, from across the border in Afghanistan and opened fire at two border patrol check-posts, killing up to 24 Pakistani soldiers and wounding 13 others. Pakistan demanded apology from US on the killing of their Soldiers but US has not apologized yet.

3) Supporting Dictatorship : US has supported military Dictators in Pakistan since 1965.Yahya Khan and Pervez Musharraf was the worse of all.US has used them in her own interest and after achieving their goal America removed them off. US is a biggest supporter of Dictatorship all over the world.US has not just Supported Saddam Hussain in Iraq, Gaddafi in Libya and Husni Mubarak in Egypt but has also supported Dictators in Vietnam,Iran,Jordan,Korea,Saudi Arabia,Panama,Mexico,south Africa,Cuba,Chile,Bolivia,Indonesia,Brazil,Nicarag ua,Huandorus,Guatemala,Spain,Nigeria,Uganda,Congo, China,Taiwan and so on…..

4) Deadly Drone Attacks. America’s murderous drone campaign is fuelling terror. Since 2004, between 2,464 and 3,145 people are reported to have been killed by US drone attacks in Pakistan, of whom up to 828 were civilians (535 under Obama) and 175 children. People and every political party in Pakistan has protested against the violence of sovereignty and killing of Innocents people including women and children due to drone strikes. But US has not stopped drone attacks in Pakistan, although it has extended it to Yemen At least 15 drone strikes have been launched in Yemen this month, as many as in the whole of the past decade, killing dozens; while in Pakistan, a string of US attacks has been launched against supposed “militant” targets in the past week, incinerating up to 35 people and hitting a mosque and a bakery.

5) Imposing the NRO. Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has admitted in her book that she managed an agreement between former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf and Former PM Benazir Bhutto named as “National reconciliation Ordinance”, a Notorious Presidential Ordinance to forgive the financial corruption of politicians worth 1031 BN Rs. And to withdraw all political cases of past 20 years except those with murder allegations. NRO helped certain political parties, which came into power after 2008 Elections. although in 2009 Supreme Court of Pakistan has dismissed NRO but US should apologize to Pakistani People for Supporting Corrupts to carry on corruption.

6) Abbotabad Operation. US Navy Seals did an operation in Abbotabad to kill Osama Bin Laden. Although the #1 Terrorist was killed,but US violated Pakistan’s sovereignty. People showed a great reaction over 02 May Operation for which the American President should Apologize to Pakistan.

7) Raymond Davis case: CIA’s operative in Pakistan, Security Contractor Raymond Allen Davis killed 2 Pakistanis on 27 Jan 2011.The US President Barack Obama lied to the world that he had diplomatic immunity but soon they used Shariah Law (Diyyah) (a form of monetary compensation or blood money).By Giving Diyyah to families of those 2 murdered persons US admitted that R.D did no had diplomatic immunity. The matter did not just stopped here, but a car coming to aid Davis killed a third Pakistani man in a “hit and run” while speeding on the wrong side of the road. The family of that 3rd Person is still awaiting Justice…

8) Violating Pakistan’s Soverienity: US is continuously violating Pakistan’s sovereignty by Drone strikes. Abbotabad Operation was also a clear Violation of Pakistan’s soverienity.Many of CIA Operatives in Pakistan have been found doing Suspicious activities. Apart from it, US and Nato Helicopters’ Firing Killed 3 Pakistani soldiers in 2010. US Must apologize for continuous violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty.

9) Dr Aafia Siddiqui : Dr. Aafia siddiqui was illegally arrested by FBI in Karachi in 2003.From that time she was made disappeared for 5 years.In 2008,media reports proved her detention in Afghanistan.A fake case of Murder Attempt was made against her and the Innocent Aafia was convicted and imprisoned for 86 years for killing nobody, On the other hand US has released Raymond Davis, the murderer of 3 Pakisanis… Her Family and whole Pakistan is still demanding US to free Aafia Siddiqui.

10) Threats to Pakistan: Ex- Pakistan Army Chief and ex President Gen (Rtd.) Pervez Musharraf said in an interview that Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage told the Pakistani intelligence chief that the United States would bomb his country back to the Stone Age if it did not join the fight against the Taliban. President Musharraf said it was a “very rude remark.” United States Should Apologize for this extreme threat given to head of the state.As a result of that threat Pakistan joined the so-called “War Against Terrorism” and so far 40,000 Pakistanis including 6000 security forces have been martyred and a loss of about 70 Bn $ has been faced by Pakistani Economy.
He's on R&AW's payroll. He has a degree from India on 'scholarship', repotedly an Indian passport too.
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