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10 Mi-28NE ‘Night Hunter’ attack helicopters to Iraq

First check out the links provided by @Yzd Khalifa,then decide if they are bloggers.
Official statements are never rumours.

Here is the export attempts of the Tiger :-

During the 1990s, export prospects for the Tiger had been invigorated by two large bids for orders from Britain and the Netherlands.[16] Discreet talks between Britain and France regarding an association with the Tiger had been continuing since the late 1980s and, although Britain has initially dismissed industrial participation in the project, it was known by the mid 1990s that Britain was prepared to purchase modern attack helicopters from abroad.[17] Eurocopter's management were keen to press production of the Tiger into action as soon as possible, as uncertainty over the date at which production, and therefore availability, would start was viewed as negatively impacting potential export deals. In both the Netherlands and Britain, a considerable amount of lobbying pressure was applied in the hopes of the Tiger's selection.[18] However, ultimately neither country would order the Tiger to meet their requirements.[19]

Australian Army Tiger in 2005
On 21 December 2001, Eurocopter was awarded the contract to meet the Australian Army's "AIR 87 requirement" for 22 Tiger helicopters of the ARH (Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter) version. Modifications from the standard Tiger included new communications and avionics systems, as well as compatibility with Australian safety requirements.[20] Per the contract's terms, 18 of the 22 aircraft were assembled at Australian Aerospace's Brisbane facility, a subsidiary of Eurocopter.[21] On 1 July 2007, because of delays in attaining operational capability, Australia's Defence Materiel Organisation stopped all payments in regards to the procurement.[22] According to Australia's Department of Defense, by 2008 the main issues had been addressed and payments resumed accordingly.[23] In October 2010, it was revealed that the helicopters will not be fully operational for another two years.[24] In December 2011, the final Tiger ARH was delivered to the Australian Army.[25]
In September 2003, Spain selected a variant of the Tiger HAP combat support helicopter – the Tiger HAD – for its army. The 24 helicopters of this type would be armed with the PARS 3 LR and Mistral missile systems, and feature uprated Enhanced MTR390 engines capable of lifting heavier payloads.[26] Deliveries of the HAD variant began in 2007.[27] The September 2003 arrangements not only involved a procurement deal but the induction of Spain into the Tiger program itself, leading to the greater integration of parts of Spain's aeronautics industry with the new multinational Eurocopter organisation.[28] Shortly following Spain's order, France chose to not proceed with the pure anti-tank Tiger HAC variant, instead electing to procure the multirole-oriented Tiger HAD being procured by Spain.[28]
In July 2006, the Saudi government signed a €6.9 billion contract for the sale of 142 helicopters, including 12 Tiger attack helicopters.[29] However, in late 2007, the deal was cancelled for unknown reasons.[30]
In May 2007, in response to an issued tender for 22 attack helicopters for the Indian Air Force, the Tiger was entered into a competition against multiple Russian and American helicopters.[31] In late 2009, it was reported that the Tiger would not be able to participate in the Indian field trials as it was to undergo upgrades.[32] In 2011, several Tigers participated in firing trials of the PARS 3 LR missile as part of a sales effort targeted at the Indian armed forces.[33]
As of 2012, the Tiger is competing for a ₩1.8 trillion contract to provide up to 20 attack helicopters for South Korea, along with the Boeing AH-64 Apache and the TAI/AgustaWestland T-129.[34][35] In January 2013, Eurocopter was reportedly in active discussions over potential Tiger procurements with Brazil, Malaysia, and Qatar.[1]

Clear, it doesn't seem to be Germany's problem only :/ but other operators are a bit stuck in the Tiger technical shortcomings :|
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@Yzd Khalifa @T-123456 Ok,so i've checked the links,the one from 2013 says that Germany cut back on orders just because of the budget,they have 21,they will still induct up to 57,it says nothing about bad performance.The other link is from 2009,lol,if problems were,they were corrected,4 years have passed you know,since then the Tiger was deployed in Afhganistan and Lybia,shortcomings were noticed in its ground-attack capabilities,but there are corrected.

Eurocopter Tiger in Afghanistan vs Apache Longbow

Eurocopter Tiger completes 1,000 hours in Afghanistan ops | Helihub - the Helicopter Industry Data Source

To call it "trash" is downright stupid,the Tiger is second only to the Apache and that remains to be seen as it will be upgraded very soon to face its lackings.
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@Yzd Khalifa @T-123456 Ok,so i've checked the links,the one from 2013 says that Germany cut back on orders just because of the budget,they have 21,they will still induct up to 57,it says nothing about bad performance.The other link is from 2009,lol,if problems were,they were corrected,4 years have passed you know,since then the Tiger was deployed in Afhganistan and Lybia,shortcomings were noticed in its ground-attack capabilities,but there are corrected.

Eurocopter Tiger in Afghanistan vs Apache Longbow

Eurocopter Tiger completes 1,000 hours in Afghanistan ops | Helihub - the Helicopter Industry Data Source

To call it "trash" is downright stupid,the Tiger is second only to the Apache and that remains to be seen as it will be upgraded very soon to face its lackings.
Dont know who called it trash but second only to the apache?
You should realy get your facts right,AH-1Z Viper and Ka-50-2 are jokes to you?
Both are better then the Tiger.
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Dont know who called it trash but second only to the apache?
You should realy get your facts right,AH-1Z Viper and Ka-50-2 are jokes to you?
Both are better then the Tiger.

They're not jokes,they're not better than the Tiger in my opinion and reading on forums i haven't seen anybody make the claim you're making.But if you say so,it must be true,lol.
I see you're quick in demolishing the battle proven Tiger but promote the Kamov who hasn't seen serious deployment.This is where serious discussion ends ,i'm afraid.

About the Tiger upgrades:

French army receives first enhanced Tiger HAD

I'm a big fan of the tiger myself. However, after spending two days of extensive research on it my judgment came as simple as this, the Tiger was an epic failure that France, and Germany should have figure a way out to fix its cons. If you care to read what I posted earlier, you will see that many nations cancels their orders due to its poor performance. This isn't what I expected from highly industrialized nations, they could have fix such issues, but I still don't understand why are you so sensitive about it.

@Yzd Khalifa @T-123456 Ok,so i've checked the links,the one from 2013 says that Germany cut back on orders just because of the budget,they have 21,they will still induct up to 57,it says nothing about bad performance.The other link is from 2009,lol,if problems were,they were corrected,4 years have passed you know,since then the Tiger was deployed in Afhganistan and Lybia,shortcomings were noticed in its ground-attack capabilities,but there are corrected.

Eurocopter Tiger in Afghanistan vs Apache Longbow

Eurocopter Tiger completes 1,000 hours in Afghanistan ops | Helihub - the Helicopter Industry Data Source

To call it "trash" is downright stupid,the Tiger is second only to the Apache and that remains to be seen as it will be upgraded very soon to face its lackings.
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@Yzd Khalifa -I am not sensitive but you're unfair,yes,there were problems but if you would check my links you will see that they are fixed and the upgrades are installed to all existing Tigers.Many weapons systems have problems but you will not hear these things from the chinese or russians because they keep their data hidden they just brag about constantly how their toys are great and when real conflict comes....we all now how that pans out,don't we? On the other hand,europeans,americans are very open about their products because of the money issues,need of transparency,etc but that's a good thing,when a problem arises the opportunity to fix it comes to as is with the Tiger.If you would read my links you would see that it faired well in A'stan and Lybia and also gave its designers the opportunity to fix any glitches.It's called trial and error and then improovement.Cheers mate.

P.S. You had links talking about 2009,2005,2006...the Tiger has improved much since then and as i've showed the currents cuts in the Bundeswehr are all about finances not quality of the machine.
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I have been fallowing your posts for few weeks, and I kind of notice that you are being very proud of being European, which is fine :P, I happen to be a half western as well. However, as I pointed to you out earlier, the criticism I made regarding the Tiger was out of nothing but a great disappointment, as it came from countries which are known for producing the highest qualities of weapons of all time. I'm not a big fan of Russian equipments tbqh, and there is no way on earth that we can compare apples to oranges whatsoever. If the Tiger could prove its effectiveness and reliability in near future, then all what we have to do is to wait and see. For now, we heard about some developments in the Tiger projects, but we can't be a %100 sure that the Tiger will come second to the Apache ;) ..
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I have been fallowing your posts for few weeks, and I kind of notice that you are being very proud of being European, which is fine :P, I happen to be a half western as well. However, as I pointed to you out earlier, the criticism I made regarding the Tiger was out of nothing but a great disappointment, as it came from countries which are known for producing the highest qualities of weapons of all time. I'm not a big fan of Russian equipments tbqh, and there is no way on earth that we can compare apples to oranges whatsoever. If the Tiger could prove its effectiveness and reliability in near future, then all what we have to do is to wait and see. For now, we heard about some developments in the Tiger projects, but we can't be a %100 sure that the Tiger will come second to the Apache ;) ..

But really IRAQ should look towards Z-10 as it will suit them best.
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I have been fallowing your posts for few weeks, and I kind of notice that you are being very proud of being European, which is fine :P, I happen to be a half western as well. However, as I pointed to you out earlier, the criticism I made regarding the Tiger was out of nothing but a great disappointment, as it came from countries which are known for producing the highest qualities of weapons of all time. I'm not a big fan of Russian equipments tbqh, and there is no way on earth that we can compare apples to oranges whatsoever. If the Tiger could prove its effectiveness and reliability in near future, then all what we have to do is to wait and see. For now, we heard about some developments in the Tiger projects, but we can't be a %100 sure that the Tiger will come second to the Apache ;) ..

Well,it isn't 100% sure that is second only to the Apache,it is just my opinion.I'm still waiting for all of these wonderfull russian/chinese machines to proove themselves on the battlefield to see how really great they are.

Some of the Tigers advantages that many people ignore,its helmet mounted display,its composite structure,etc.:

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Well,it isn't 100% sure that is second only to the Apache,it is just my opinion.

Actually, none other than the US's Viper is second to the Apache, not a European Helicopter or Russian or Chinese.

I'm still waiting for all of these wonderfull russian/chinese machines to proove themselves on the battlefield to see how really great they are.

I don't understand why you keep bringing the Russians and the Chinese every single moment. I'm not a big fan of the Russian equipments, but sometimes they make good stuff like the SU-30 and the upcoming stealthy Aircraft. As for the PRC, my judgments and opinion are different.

Some of the Tigers advantages that many people ignore,its helmet mounted display,its composite structure,etc.:

Still my fellow, that doesn't make it second to none!!!!
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well saudi friend why you saudis give more preferance to us made weapons believe me or not it is not in your hand to use when americans want these american apaches in saudi hands not even start to fly so dont go all out to american and western weapons MI 28 is deadliest than apache only one thing it dont have few war experience but bygee these MI 28 will make oppnent run and **** in their paints even apache pilots too russia are making qulaity weapons now
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