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10 Great Military Leaders

mate , he is turkish at the end so it doesnt matter , yes he did do that to yildirim but i would show you a video , biggest mistake for turks was to fight each other , think if timur and yildirim ( ottoman ) joined forces

Why you got jealous with Timur because he defeated the Ottoman turks in Anatolia and arrested Yeldirim!:woot:

btw Ataturk is NO.1
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Cyrus the Great missing. Professor Patrick Hunt about him:

''If you are looking at the greatest personages in History who have affected the World, 'Cyrus the Great' is one of the few who deserves that epithet, the one who deserves to be called 'the Great'. The empire over which Cyrus ruled was the largest the Ancient World had ever seen and may be to this day the largest empire ever.''

''Even today many consider Cyrus greater than Alexander in his accomplishment. In fact Alexander the Great was himself infatuated with and admired Cyrus the Great, from an early age reading Xenophon's Cyropaedia, which described Cyrus's heroism in battle and governance and his abilities as a king and a legislator. Alexander respected Cyrus to the point, that during his visit to Pasargadae, he paid significant homage to the memory of Cyrus the Great by ordering Aristobulus to decorate the interior of the sepulchral chamber of his tomb.''
Ataturk , Fatih sultan mehmet , sultan suleiman , timur , babur , atilla the hun , Alparslan , sultan selim and more

also who is mahmud of ghazni many places said hes a Turkic ruler invaded india 17 times
Barbaros hayredin pasha , piri reis , osman gazi , oguz han , etc etc etc
don't post euro trash

these porkers sent their entire continent against a single Muslim state and still got royally r@ped

1 million pork faced whoeuros are not worth a Pakistani Muslim fingernail
don't post euro trash

these porkers sent their entire continent against a single Muslim state and still got royally r@ped

1 million pork faced whoeuros are not worth a Pakistani Muslim fingernail

Then why do all modern militaries follow european military command structure and systems?Get out of your irrational hatred and inferiority complex and give respect where its due.
missing shivaji, hari singh nalwa, chandragupta murya, ashoka

Yes Under Shivaji Marathas , A weaker Guerrilla Band defeated Mughals after fighting them continuously for 23 years . I think It is one of the largest Battle in term of number of years fought in modern warfare .
thread is getting a joke people supporting only their individual heroes from their religions or countries.Lol at some of the names being put forward to be in the top 10 of ALL TIME.
Funny there is no Suleyman the magnificent or Mehmet the conqueror , but Timur is a Turk anyway

Mehmet the conqueror is a great statesman,rather than a great general,he lost a few battles such as Belgrád

I guess Selim I is the greatest Military Leader of Ottoman Empire
How could you compare people who fought in totally different centuries to one another? And why? A trivialiization of history. Reminds me of the "History Channel". When edutainment goes wrong.

don't post euro trash
these porkers sent their entire continent against a single Muslim state and still got royally rped
1 million pork faced whoeuros are not worth a Pakistani Muslim fingernail

Get laid.
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