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10 great goals to set for this Ramadan

Goal 11. Lose weight.

It reminds me a guy from Bangladesh, he is relatively fat, I first learned this thing from him.

I remember I said something to him like: Hi buddy, good chance, now you can lose some weight.

But it turns out that he always cooks a lot of food before sunset. After dinner, it is almost time to sleep, so he got even fatter in the end. :cheers:

well my friend the point of this month is to have moderation in your life, we sometimes take the very fact of having foods and water on our table as our right but it really is a privilege to have and that is the point why alot of islamique folk fast during this month in a nutshell. Hopefully i did not come off as super preachy but this entire month is a challenge and a constant reminder that we should be grateful for the things we take for granted like friend, familie, etc.

Well if your friend is just stuffing his face then I mean he is wasting his time really because its counter productive to the reasons behind fasting but remember every individual is different so I cannot really judge him but I am surprised that he got fat. I lose alot of weight during this month muahahaha a little more than my range of comfort but I think it worth it in the end :)
Well you know the messanger muhammed himself did that and i think this is the reason we are allowed to mix the prayers(so in rekath(bow) you do 4+4 times) though this is what i have seen alot of folks do in the community, may be some congregation/mosque differ in the role of prayer.

I have heard some people mix Zohor and Asr or was it Asr and Maghrib but never evening with mid day prayers or did you mean mid day (zohor) with afternoon prayers (asr)?!

well my friend the point of this month is to have moderation in your life, we sometimes take the very fact of having foods and water on our table as our right but it really is a privilege to have and that is the point why alot of islamique folk fast during this month in a nutshell. Hopefully i did not come off as super preachy but this entire month is a challenge and a constant reminder that we should be grateful for the things we take for granted like friend, familie, etc.

^^ good summary of the month of Ramadan!!
I have heard some people mix Zohor and Asr or was it Asr and Maghrib but never evening with mid day prayers or did you mean mid day (zohor) with afternoon prayers (asr)?!

^^ good summary of the month of Ramadan!!

yes I am referring to dohr and ashr, well everybody has a different way for sprituality, forexample I have come across some muslim folks that put their hands up to their waist while a lot keep their hands low for comfort during prayer so it all depends but as long as you are performing salat, it's all cool. Anyways we are getting way too much on scripture side, lets focus on lowering our crankiness, i find majority of muslim folks including me get super cranky and that is a big no no :) <<<<biggest challenge of the month
yes I am referring to dohr and ashr, well everybody has a different way for sprituality, forexample I have come across some muslim folks that put their hands up to their waist while a lot keep their hands low for comfort during prayer so it all depends but as long as you are performing salat, it's all cool. Anyways we are getting way too much on scripture side, lets focus on lowering our crankiness, i find majority of muslim folks including me get super cranky and that is a big no no :) <<<<biggest challenge of the month

lolz....cranky due to hunger?! :rofl: I used to get all pissed when I was a teenager now am too busy trying to conserve energy esp since its longer days than back then!!
Apologise to your mum if she's still around and your old man, if you have been behaving like a baboon.... Good way to start Ramadan. :cheers:
lionk, you should join us for COD MW and take all the anger in Ramadan..don't try that remote thingy like that kid on youtube lolz.
You mean after Iftari? Why? Just curious....

Yes! :agree:

While fasting you are depriving your body of nutrients and with all the artificial ingredients, carbonation and empty calories soda contains, consuming it after Iftari will not be beneficial to your health.

Soda also has an acidic effect on the blood, which can lead to an acidic pH level. One result of a high acidic pH level is metabolic acidosis, a condition in which too much acid is produced in the blood and the kidneys cannot effectively remove the acids. So i suggest water because it keeps you hydrated .
I used to get invited during Ramadan at my friends place during college days!! Iftar food used to be so good will neve forget.
We used to have a football tournament during that time. 2 of our main players used to follow Ramadan and play at the same time. Used to run continuosly and won matches for us even without drinking a drop of water. Such stamina and will power they had.
Don't drink any sodas after fasting!!

Actually, tea is surprisingly filling.

At our mosque, we do iftari with a cup of tea and biscuits; we're not really hungry for another hour or two.

3 times? I pray 5 times a day....

For some shia, like us, we pray three times a day: fajr, zohr+asr and maghrib+isha.

For us, the sequence is maghrib farz -> Hussain matam -> iftari (tea+biscuits) -> maghrib sunnat -> isha sunnat/farz -> dinner
For some shia, like us, we pray three times a day: fajr, zohr+asr and maghrib+isha.

For us, the sequence is maghrib farz -> Hussain matam -> iftari (tea+biscuits) -> maghrib sunnat -> isha sunnat/farz -> dinner

That is interesting...So you have a gap between Maghrib and Isha? and yet it is called 3 times? I thought it would be called separate due to the gap...I mean it is not read as Jamaa' it is prayed separately because you have iftari in the middle?!

Yes! :agree:

While fasting you are depriving your body of nutrients and with all the artificial ingredients, carbonation and empty calories soda contains, consuming it after Iftari will not be beneficial to your health.

Soda also has an acidic effect on the blood, which can lead to an acidic pH level. One result of a high acidic pH level is metabolic acidosis, a condition in which too much acid is produced in the blood and the kidneys cannot effectively remove the acids. So i suggest water because it keeps you hydrated .

Many you can have that condition even without soda :rofl: but yea....

Mashaallah Mashaallah majlis-ul-momineen :D @RazPaK molvee teri kammi hai bsss
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That is interesting...So you have a gap between Maghrib and Isha? and yet it is called 3 times? I thought it would be called separate due to the gap...I mean it is not read as Jamaa' it is prayed separately because you have iftari in the middle?!

The 3 times/day rule applies throughout the year. Normally, the isha namaaz is offered immediately after maghrib with no gap in between (same with zohr+asr).

The iftari is only during ramzaan and only 5-10 minutes. We must break the fast immediately after maghrib farz and before maghrib sunnat (or isha), even if it's just a pinch of salt or water. The actual dinner happens after isha.

This is at the mosque.

At home, people often skip the sunnat and do a quick two-farz (maghrib farz + couple of dates/biscuits/samosas + isha farz) before attacking the food.

P.S. The maatam also happens throughout the year, but it's a ritualistic 30-second sitting down affair with the hands, nothing extravagant.
you dont give up do you...!!! i got this as an e-mail so i posted it here 'as is' - i just added God Bless. also dont have time looking for 'credits' as you do...!


Yes Sir, just as you yourself do not follow PDef Rules and Regulations. How typically Pakistani and how typically WRONG.


You must give credit to online newspapers by posting their article with link. The link should be in the end of the post to keep the professionalism, and better if you quote the news, so members can easily tell which one are your own words and which ones aren't. Also bold the title and make it in red color to make it look perfect. Understand FAIR USE.

Unless there is some other rule that says that some are "exempt" from following the rules, Sir?

Why I am pointing this out is not to be rude or nitpick, but to stress the fact that if the leaders of PDef do not follow the rules themselves, it merely devalues the site by removing the moral authority to ask the members to follow the rules too.
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