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10 Extremely Desi Things That Happen In Every Pakistani Household

Lone Ranger

Oct 5, 2013
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1. When you're running out of shampoo and decide the remains should linger for a few more days..

2. When you know the toothpaste needs to be replaced but you really don't care and suck the life out of it

3. When you try the cheapest tactics to impress the guests.. yup

4. When your family buys a new car and you have to sit on the plastic seats for... a year

5. When the television remote batteries decide to die but you revive them one last time..

6. When you're going to a buffet and starve yourself all day long..

7. When you're checking out from a hotel and decide to take everything along with you..

8. Every single time you open the ice cream box in the fridge and find daal or alu gosht inside - kills you

9. Most of us have never even tasted these biscuits but seen this box a million times..

10. Seriously, this has to be the desiest thing Pakistanis do. That too, proudly

Very inaccurate, you shouldn't generalize all Pakistanis do this. I'd say only villagers would do stuff like this.
Very accurate in middle class family.
Don't know about Pakistan, however true for India point 10, 7, 6, 5, 4 and 1 and for UK 10, 6, 2 and 1
1. When you're running out of shampoo and decide the remains should linger for a few more days..

2. When you know the toothpaste needs to be replaced but you really don't care and suck the life out of it

3. When you try the cheapest tactics to impress the guests.. yup

4. When your family buys a new car and you have to sit on the plastic seats for... a year

5. When the television remote batteries decide to die but you revive them one last time..

6. When you're going to a buffet and starve yourself all day long..

7. When you're checking out from a hotel and decide to take everything along with you..

8. Every single time you open the ice cream box in the fridge and find daal or alu gosht inside - kills you

heeee how different we are really ? :-)
many of the things mentioned actually consider good habits, we belongs to resources starved country where every thing we get with high price + taxes, I believe it is good thing not to waste a single paisa, used your hard earn things till the end. You know how many food and these types of basic things wasted in US alone ? if they don't waste whole Africa can eat for full year without spending a single penny.
Turkish Version:

When you open the ice cream box and find....


...sarma inside!
Sarma (food) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Very inaccurate, you shouldn't generalize all Pakistanis do this. I'd say only villagers would do stuff like this.

This is quite common stuff bro, even in middle class urban areas lol.
Nah i dont agree with some things.

Petty things like taking things from hotel and tooth paste squeeze are individual problems not pakistani. I have never seen any one doing such thing at least for people i know in Pakistan.

LOL If you cut the middle of the tube in half you can still scrape a couple more brushes out of it LOL
I still do it through childhood habit if paste is running low ,brings back memories


How about also covering the roof lining in plastic on a toyota corolla LOL
easy wipe clean
But most of these things are old school. New generation is changing fast.
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