Thanks for the personal attack.
I pray that the coming generations of Kashmir are strong enough to enjoy the beauty of Kashmir during a nuclear fallout. You believe strongly in a war that will win you nothing. You believe that by becoming, what Quran calls "transgressors", you will get to kill mushriqeen for sawab. I wish it was that easy to earn Jannat. If however, India becomes the transgressor, then it is a duty upon every Muslim to take up arms and shed blood in the name of Allah. But you on the other hand, want to initiate that blood shed by BECOMING the transgressor. Never In the history of Islam, our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) initiated hostilities. Be it Ghazwa e Badar, Ghazwa e Uhad, Ghazwa e Khandaq or the conquest of Makkah (which was carried out due to the failure of Makkans to conform to treaty of Hudaybiyyah)
Me, being a student of International Relations, has to think of tangible and reasonable solutions to conflicts. So my argument is that the war between Pakistan and India cannot be physical in nature and could be one based on proxies, and efforts to weaken the other state through supporting separatist elements. In fact, this type of war is in full swing because both nations know that a conventional war between two nations will destroy each other.
Now if you ask me, I unfortunately know a bit about , what Michael Stevens of Vsauce calls "Cruel Bombs". You will be speaking about taking Kashmir and killing mushriqeen by invading Kashmir for sawab when millions upon millions of human beings in the subcontinent will cease to exist. Maybe that is our destiny, Allah knows. But one thing is for sure, that if that nuclear war comes, people like you will be blamed in history for the damage to the planet and human race. But you know Allah says in the Quran that he can destroy a civilization and replace it with a civilization that he likes. And he has done that multiple times. Maybe its our time also.