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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Protest started in India against the killing of after 20 Indian soldiers

And to top it all off, Indian media has woken up to the reality of the fact that Americans have abandoned them on this current situation. As much as they've yelped and cried Trump hasn't give a single crap about their moaning. The beauty of the Chinese rise is that when they were a rag-tag starved militia they defeated India in 1962. Now they've simply come back with all their military might, sort of like a guy who goes in hiding for a couple of decades to work in silence and then later resurfaces with a nice big Mansion and a couple of elite automobiles. :D

All in all we have some seriously interesting times ahead...
It isn't really a surprise.
This military assertiveness has been planned by the Chinese for a long time.
I think it must have been about 20- 25 years ago that I came across an article about something the Chinese were calling Project 2020. The essence of project 2020 was for China to build up it's economy and military strength but to resist any military adventure, whatever the provocation, until the year 2020 when the Chinese envisaged they would be a world class power.
I'm sure I didn't imagine this but I never came across mention of this ever again.
However, if that was the plan, it certainly turned out as the planners envisaged.
I would ask a more knowledgeable contributor to elaborate on this if they have any knowledge of it.
This humiliation deserves an Arab medal for Modi LOL

@Indos Is a decent Muslim brother, he just has some misconceptions about Kashmir and doesn't understand India's mindset. They are very peripheral to the region too.

Pakistan and China know the only way to defeat India is to strike hard and fast. We have been dealing with them for 73 years.
@Indos Is a decent Muslim brother, he just has some misconceptions about Kashmir and doesn't understand India's mindset. They are very peripheral to the region too.

Pakistan and China know the only way to defeat India is to strike hard and fast. We have been dealing with them for 73 years.

He understands brother. It is greed and appeasement.
Guys want you all to look things more closely for analysis and gaining advantage and position, not just shallow words, How India's statements and media words keep changing in hours, Indians keep changing statements, faking up news stories like a parrot, as was the case against Pakistan 27-Feb-2019, while China and its state media has a single position, winning the Strategic information war, more quieter as was Pakistani media, clearly shows when Pakistan won the Propaganda war around world through PA/PAF ground successes, China is also winning internationally with a proper global position, showing its military muscle along economic muscle and protecting its One Road One Belt routes.

China also looks surprised on what India just did in Galwan Valley last night tried to reply the earlier Strategic hold of China of 60Km, in return it blackened Indian face, killing 34 soldiers.

India has lost face, Modi and BJP are being fried. Sanctions must be put against India at all costs.
India has already confirmed that they have disengaged. India tried to evict Chinese from the Galvan vallley but was given bloody nose by the Chinese. Chinese are still sitting pretty, parked in the Galvan valley.

It is Galwan Valley, named after Ghulam Rasool Galwan, a Kashmiri explorer.
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