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$10.8 bln "bunker-buster" US sells to UAE & Saudia

No, I'm not trolling, and I'm well-aware of Iran's Air Force capabilities. None of the 3rd generation jets Iran locally built and produced can stand a chance against your adversaries - in this case I mean Israel - we can say the same to the aging MiG and F-14s as well.

Actually, the main problem of IRIAF is having a strong interceptor aircraft. intercepting role is very important as you mentioned. btw, Azarakhsh and Saegheh are not interceptors. up to now, they have overhauled and upgraded F-14s, which are 4th generation aircrafts for this job. but, the fact is IRIAF will need some capable 5th generation aircrafts for this role. That's why they try to invest on Qaher. Anyways, they need to produce it before USA mass produces F35s and delivers them to Iran's enemies.
Iran is under full arm sales embargo. When the Su-30 deal rumors came into the press the US and Israel were as mad as hell at Russia.

Why do we have to run over Iran :what: Only Israel is beefing with them.

Iranians are our Muslim neighbors to the east. What they consider themselves is equal to being feminine. They speak farsi in a very eccentric accent, and have mostly become city dwellers. But we can not allow an attack on our neighboring country. This will cause much instability in the region and many innocents in pain. If you have any belief in Muhammad saw or Allah; you will aid the Iranians If Israel were to ever attack them.

We non-Arab Muslims consider you to Saudis to deliver justice. So complete your obligations. Sunni-Shia conflicts are only minor, but If you betray Islam for the Jews, even I will not be able to accept you.
No, no country can rely on its own except the US. Iran is now left without a single squadron to protect her airspace.

Protect its airspace from whom? The United States or Israel? Forget about that. Even if Iran would spend billions on buying Western or Russian air fighters, the US (and to some extent Israel) would have no problem to eliminate Iran's Air Force in case of a confrontation. That would not only be a unnecessary loss of money, but also an extremely shortsighted and dumb military strategy. You see, unlike KSA, Iran faces threats of the sole world superpower. No amount of money available would give Iran a conventional momentum against the US.

That is why Iran shifted away from its conventional military policy towards a more asymmetrical policy. To some extent the Iran-Iraq War, which caused enormous economical and social damages to Iran, has played a role in this change of policy. What the Iran-Iraq War taught Iran was that the West would not only allow Iran to gain a conventional victory in the Middle East, but also that its costs do not outweigh its gains.

Furthermore, what Iran foresaw and KSA didn't, was that military confrontations, regionally and globally, at the end of the 20st centuries were increasingly having a asymmetrical character. Palestinian resistance, the First Lebanon War, etc. were all signs that conventional power only is not enough to gain military victories. Another country in the Middle East, Syria, did not make efforts to change her military character too, and that is one of the reasons why it has difficulties to defeat rebel groups at the moment. Their conventional capabilities have proven to be unable to defeat small, mobile and determined rebel forces. Therefor, it is no surprise that the most capable and successful pro-Assad military organizations have a asymmetrical character, which Hezbollah and the Abu Fadl al Abbas groups are example of.

Besides Syria, KSA has failed to build up its own asymmetrical capabilities too. They have failed, after two years of supporting rebel groups in Syria, to unite the opposition, and are dependent on foreign military equipment to supply rebels groups. Iran on the other hand has 100% self-sufficiency in producing low-intensity military equipment, and therefor is more independent in order protect its own interests. Iran, like KSA, has no problem to supply pro-Assad forces with indigenous-produced drones, MANPADs, rifles, munition, artillery, ATMs, etc. KSA on the other hand is dependent on countries like Croatia to supply its forces in Syria.

Besides equipment, Iran has proven to be capable of setting up professional and disciplined pro-Iranian militias too. Hezbollah, who has enjoyed Iranian supplied and produced weapons and Iranian military training, managed to defend itself against Israeli forces in 2006, has demonstrated such effectiveness, while the militias that KSA has supported are usual extremely undisciplined, unreliable, unpredictable and ineffective to some extent. If KSA would have invested in these asymmetrical capabilities, I have no doubt that Assad would have been defeated already. But Assad has managed to withstand rebel advancement in the summer of 2012, and even to stage counter offensives.

People overlook the fact that we are in a new military era right now. The days of huge tank battles, air wars and infantry clashes are long gone. It is this insight that Iran has managed to deter outside forces from attacking her assets, and subsequently this misjudgment that has led to the removal of Saddam and Qadaffi. Naturally, if it wasn't for Iran, Assad's name would have been on this list too. Lucky for him Iran, unlike USA, does not betray its friends in times of adversity.
Iranians are our Muslim neighbors to the east. What they consider themselves is equal to being feminine. They speak farsi in a very eccentric accent, and have mostly become city dwellers. But we can not allow an attack on our neighboring country. This will cause much instability in the region and many innocents in pain. If you have any belief in Muhammad saw or Allah; you will aid the Iranians If Israel were to ever attack them.

We non-Arab Muslims consider you to Saudis to deliver justice. So complete your obligations. Sunni-Shia conflicts are only minor, but If you betray Islam for the Jews, even I will not be able to accept you.

Will not let me edit. I meant to write our neighbors to the west.
Iranians are our Muslim neighbors to the east. What they consider themselves is equal to being feminine. They speak farsi in a very eccentric accent, and have mostly become city dwellers. But we can not allow an attack on our neighboring country. This will cause much instability in the region and many innocents in pain. If you have any belief in Muhammad saw or Allah; you will aid the Iranians If Israel were to ever attack them.

We non-Arab Muslims consider you to Saudis to deliver justice. So complete your obligations. Sunni-Shia conflicts are only minor, but If you betray Islam for the Jews, even I will not be able to accept you.

I'm against military options when it comes to Iran.
I'm against military options when it comes to Iran.

I'm very happy to hear this. No more military operations in the middle east and other muslim countries.

We are mature people. All of us have culture that means we can talk instead of fight. I have to agree Iranians are weird people, but a lot of times when I meet Saudis one of the first question they ask me is if I am Shia.

This type of mindset needs to go.
India is interested in purchasing less than a 100 DRs, remember it is a country with a modest budget.

India is buying 126 Rafaels not less than 100.

Is it really your latest information about Iran's Airforce? or you are trying to troll?
If that's really your latest info, I suggest you to search about it. Iran is producing Azarakhsh, and Saeqeh aircrafts, and as I have read, some squadrons are delivered to IRIAF. There is another aircraft named Shafaq. I don't know too much about it, but you can ask @SOHEIL about it. Qaher is also in research and development and design process, and RC models of Qaher are shown before. F-14s and their missiles are also upgraded, and new missiles are produced for aircrafts ...

Qaher is more of an embarrassment than an R&D project. Qahers design has been universally pilloried by designers all over the world and even on this forum there exist 100 page thread about technical unviability of Qaher.

Your airforce is extremely weak compared to that of Saudi's and even UAE's.Most of your jets are third gen (Saequeh is local version of F-5) which would be completely hopeless against 4.5 gen F-15 and F-16 that Saudi's and UAE could field and that too in large numbers (237 saudi and 147 by UAE) against 52 F-14 and 21 Mig29 ( both suffering from spare part problem) + 5 F-1 and 17 F-7 and 20 F-5.
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India is buying 126 Rafaels not less than 100.

Qaher is more of an embarrassment than an R&D project. Qahers design has been universally pilloried by designers all over the world and even on this forum there exist 100 page thread about technical unviability of Qaher.

Your airforce is extremely weak compared to that of Saudi's and even UAE's.Most of your jets are third gen (Saequeh is local version of F-5) which would be completely hopeless against 4.5 gen F-15 and F-16 that Saudi's and UAE could field and that too in large numbers (237 saudi and 147 by UAE) against 52 F-14 and 21 Mig29 ( both suffering from spare part problem) + 5 F-1 and 17 F-7 and 20 F-5.

Hazar lanat on me for thanking and agreeing with a Bhartee, but even I cannot turn away from the truth.
You probably don't know the hell you're talking about. :lol:

No, no country can rely on its own except the US. Iran is now left without a single squadron to protect her airspace.
Well that means they're so weak right then what you waiting for and why you want the west attack them why don't you do the job. if you wana shoot, shoot don't talk.
Do these things have a shelf life or something ? how long they can be stored before they "go bad" ?
Hazar lanat on me for thanking and agreeing with a Bhartee, but even I cannot turn away from the truth.

Imagine if Iran would have a top notch air force right now. To what extent would such force give Iran an edge to pursue its interests and regional objectives? Would it be an deterrence against an US attack? No way. Even if Iran would buy the most advanced Russian fighters the US would still dominate Iran's air force. So why spend billions on weapon systems that are incapable of provide protection to your assets? Did Iraq's relatively strong air force deter the US from attacking it? No.

US military analysts are not concerned by Iran's air force. Their concerns can be found in Iran's asymmetrical capabilities; its ballistic missile arsenal, naval capabilities, nuclear program, its proxies, etc.

Air force comparisons are only good for military fanboys.
I'm very happy to hear this. No more military operations in the middle east and other muslim countries.

We are mature people. All of us have culture that means we can talk instead of fight. I have to agree Iranians are weird people, but a lot of times when I meet Saudis one of the first question they ask me is if I am Shia.

This type of mindset needs to go.
then keep dreaming my friend its there religion plus there mindset trust me no use some people acting like predators either you kill the predator or ti will kill thats what it is unfortunately.
Imagine if Iran would have a top notch air force right now. To what extent would such force give Iran an edge to pursue its interests and regional objectives? Would it be an deterrence against an US attack? No way. Even if Iran would buy the most advanced Russian fighters the US would still dominate Iran's air force. So why spend billions on weapon systems that are incapable of provide protection to your assets? Did Iraq's relatively strong air force deter the US from attacking it? No.

US military analysts are not concerned by Iran's air force. Their concerns can be found in Iran's asymmetrical capabilities; its ballistic missile arsenal, naval capabilities, nuclear program, its proxies, etc.

Air force comparisons are only good for military fanboys.

Look my friend. If Iran can only rely on SAMs, but not offensive capability then it is doomed. Warfare has changed today.
War is very unlikely,if they wanted to attack Iran they(Israel,US or both) would have done it a long time ago.
KSA/GCC would never start a war,thats why i didnt mention them.

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