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$1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan

And you surely know terrorism and backwardness wasn't an Afghan creativity but by 'some' other people! hell, Afghanistan was closed to the world for almost a decade what can you expect?
I know, we all know where the terrorism came from. You have to become smarter and richer, so you do not let other nations influence your way of life badly.
I know, we all know where the terrorism came from. You have to become smarter and richer, so you do not let other nations influence your way of life badly.

Yep true, but things are remarkably changed in the last 10 years and we hope for the best in the future :)
Yep true, but things are remarkably changed in the last 10 years and we hope for the best in the future :)

Doesn't matter India is involved in Afghanistan or not but I wish to see Afghanistan as a prosperous nation!! I am sure your time is coming,buddy!!

So I guess you can argue that the US invaded Afghanistan for the same reason they invaded Afghanistan.

If we are talking about the same place, there got to be only one reason.. But whatever, the reason is well known and I don't think that is even the topic..
ROFL Western Corporations will just steal the resources left in Afghanistan. These so called 'afghaniwarriors' have no brains and they will continue fighting and killing their own people for no reason
There is too many eyes on those resources that will make it very hard for the west or India to steal.
Holy... Afghanistan is a blessed country, if only they utilized their resources right instead of giving to greedy countries (not saying names)
Holy... Afghanistan is a blessed country, if only they utilized their resources right instead of giving to greedy countries (not saying names)

They aren't giving their resources away. I don't know how some people come up with things like this.

How in the hell is Afghanistan going to use 1 trillion dollars in natural resources? The most logical thing is to sell the resources and use the earnings to develop the country and that is what they will do.

ROFL Western Corporations will just steal the resources left in Afghanistan. These so called 'afghaniwarriors' have no brains and they will continue fighting and killing their own people for no reason

I fail to see how paying for a countries resources is "stealing"

Stand up and utilize your resources Afganistan before some greedy people exploit it .

So your saying Afghanistan should use the resources instead of selling it off to mega economies such as China, India and the U.S.A and earning 1 trillion dollars from it?

What a stupid idea.

I agree. Both Iraq and Afghan have huge natural resources and the countries are too weak to protect themselves

Iraq is doing fine. No country is just going to walk in their and take the countries natural resources.

Is there "rear earth" in Afghanistan then west and Chinese will like to get their hand on it

And what's wrong with that?
I know, we all know where the terrorism came from. You have to become smarter and richer, so you do not let other nations influence your way of life badly.

lol nothing for Israel in it :) ,
Good for Afghan. Maybe your people will be less inclined to terrorism and backwardness once you become richer than most countries, if you play your cards right.

So what's israels excuse??

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