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1,000 Chinese boats headed for Senkakus

Its a good strategy by the chinese planner, by sending the citizens they are ensured of one thing that Japanese coast guards are not going to shoot them, untill they play any monkey business there..
Japan should go for one naval exercise calling US, Australia, India, Singapore and if possible Russia..
Are you a special case or are your fellow countrymen usually this retarded? Russia has its own disputes with Japan.
Thats why i said, "if possible".. Its simple english u can read it..:whistle:

an aerial view of what a thousand boats looks like

Very impressive the armada. Let see how the Japanese respond.
And still chinese here say that they are not aggresive.. :disagree:

Japan too should take the aggressive stand and call the chinese 1000 ships == one Us aircraft carrier, for fishing.. Just to show that they fishing in the Japanese water.. Both side will be happy and war can be stopped with this step..

Obviously bad education has taken toll in this fanatic’s brain cells where history knowledge should be stored but are now crammed with cr@p. This poor guy never knows the Chinese have been fishing around the island for thousands of years.

Back to topic.

China should send additional 1000 if there is enough fishes around the island.

Don’t forget today is 9.18 when Japan invaded northeast provinces of China in 1931. After that Japan though it would be conquering the world and brought damage to USA by sneaking attacking Perl harbor, killing hundreds of thousands Americans. Alas, those 1% in US now for the short term interest would nurture Japan as running jackal. The ingrate slave would eventually bite back on its master. ..



an aerial view of what a thousand boats looks like

I just counted the number of boats in the middle picture. It has only about 220. That means Jap has to deal with 5 times as many boats as the ones in the middle picture. LOL! They will feel the burn.
given how PLAN hurried back after a mere japanese verbal warning, one shouldn't be holding one's breath.
but you never know, the fishermen may turn out to be braver than the chinese navy.
given how PLAN hurried back after a mere japanese verbal warning, one shouldn't be holding one's breath.
but you never know, the fishermen may turn out to be braver than the chinese navy.

you keep on harping the old tune for as many postings as you can. how boring you are getting! did you understand the wisdom contained in Sun Tsu - Art of War that I have remarked after your fomer drivel?
real macho :tup:
The Day they decided to go with full warships Japan will not come in front because they have a huge navy but not a huge Air Force and Army to back its Navy and with China being a Nuclear Power with lots lots of other kind of Missiles Japan can't afford war with China
The Day they decided to go with full warships Japan will not come in front because they have a huge navy but not a huge Air Force and Army to back its Navy and with China being a Nuclear Power with lots lots of other kind of Missiles Japan can't afford war with China

lots lots of other kind of missiles?? yes ok.

one can discuss particular scenarios, but it should have a separate thread imo

personally I would like both sides to talk it out, the brinkmanship is rather silly and doesn't suit the usual calm and level headed administration of both countries. i admire both nations for what they have achieved, but watching their antics over this issue is rather sad.

His days as pm of japan is on the count down! another 1 year-term pm! what a carousel! the 6th pm since Oct. 2006,


His days as pm of japan is on the count down! another 1 year-term pm! what a carousel! the 6th pm since Oct. 2006,


fake propaganda of CCP is at stake here, They will talk of Super duper missiles and megaton Nukes and at the crunch time they blink and send humans and their cannon fodders and sheilds. :lol:

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