096 carries 16 JL3, each JL3 has 6 sub warheads, and 096 can attack 96 targets at a time.
China plans to service one 096 every year, build a total of 12, and carry 1152 warheads. The USA wants China to participate in nuclear arms control negotiations. So we will soon build the same number of nuclear bombs as the USA, and then negotiate.
Three important technologies of nuclear submarine: pressure hull, silent propulsion and reactor
1, China has the world's largest forging press and plate bending machine.
2, China has shaftless pump jet electromagnetic propulsion technology (Our technology is ahead of the USA).
3, We have nuclear submarine reactor technology.
We are the world's leading level in the 3 technologies. Of course, we can make high-tech nuclear submarines like the Ohio class.
096 will surprise the world, just like 055.