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  1. wulff

    Chinook Helicopters

    Well, the iranians are apparently rebuilding their Shah-era chinooks. These can be gotten DIRT CHEAP and sanction free, but will likely cause major intellectual property rights infringement issues and the threat of sanction. If we buy some chinooks from the americans first, however, i think...
  2. wulff

    Sheikh Abdul Aziz Killed - Violence Flares in Kashmir

    Feelin' stupid??? :flame:
  3. wulff

    Sheikh Abdul Aziz Killed - Violence Flares in Kashmir

    Sir, It is an indian plan to divide the hurriyet into so-called moderate and extremist factions. Purpose is to pit the people of kashmir against each other, Hamas v/s Fatah style. Fortunately our leadership saw through the ploy and the hurriyet leaders have patched up and there is no such...
  4. wulff

    Sheikh Abdul Aziz Killed - Violence Flares in Kashmir

    You have just shown your army men are such cowards that even a company of armed soldiers is afraid-to-the-death of unarmed civilians. I guess next thing you'll be claiming would be something like "pakistan has infiltrated unarmed terrorists into kashmir who terrorise your poor army"...
  5. wulff

    India Rejects Advice of its Closest Ally

    Sirs, Allow me to apply a little correction..... 1. "India now wants gas from the Iran-Pakistan Pipeline" 2. "India Accepts Advice of its Closest Ally" Reason: China must not be allowed pipelines from West Asia. Simple !
  6. wulff

    Pakistan's Submarine Procurement

    Hi, I have a question. What is the exact number and diameter of the torpedo tubes that the Pakistani T214s have? Do these have 650mm torpedo tubes?
  7. wulff

    US plans "significant" Pakistan missile sale

    yeah. Now that Pakistan has developed Babur and Raad, they want to give us a 'significant' missile pack. why tie up $370m on an outdated missile system for which India already has ABMs rather than develop our own ASH missiles. How about a Mach 4 beast to match the bramhoss.
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