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  1. Redstorm

    The J-20 SUCCESSFULLY conducts first flight!!

    Please speak english。。。。
  2. Redstorm

    The J-20 SUCCESSFULLY conducts first flight!!

    请说英语,谢谢! Please speak english。。。。 发言前先仔细浏览下置顶的中文帖子“...
  3. Redstorm

    Sources: J-20 has flown many times already

    Someone said there have 7 prototypes.
  4. Redstorm

    J20 --the low sliding video

    the latest picture
  5. Redstorm

    J20 --the low sliding video

    i'm sorry. please Moderators move the thread to the China Defence, OK?
  6. Redstorm

    J20 --the low sliding video

    Allegedly, j20 will go its first fly today!
  7. Redstorm

    J20 --the low sliding video

    http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/TpGpk3r-prI/ <embed src="http://www.tudou.com/v/TpGpk3r-prI/v.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="opaque" width="480" height="400"></embed>
  8. Redstorm

    China-Indian border war terrain of the West line diagram

    My English is not good, sorry.:sniper: Today,the CCTV openly expose the China-Indian border war terrain of the West line diagram. Consider the recent India-Pakistan situation, this news is very mean.
  9. Redstorm

    China to build 93,000-ton atomic-powered aircraft carrier

    My FAV pic, 039 I'm sorry! I don't know how tu upload the pic........
  10. Redstorm

    Chinese 99A Tank

    Yeah. it's a good tank. And the first pic is 99G, not 99A , maybe..... I'm pround of it. By the way, your forum is very good also!
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