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  1. S

    LCA Tejas fires R-73 missile

    Every country spent as much as time when they make something of their own for the first time. The duration and the cost is usual for first time since, it involves setting up required infrastructure. We will able to do it better with this experience gained in future. We have enough resources...
  2. S

    US involved in Pak politics to the hilt

    I think it is not fair to equate the US-Pak relation to Indo-US or China-US. India and China or not forced to make any deals with US. Your president himself claimed that US threatened to bomb your country to stone age.
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    Kashmir is disputed territory, not part of India: Pakistan tells UN

    You may call it disputed, occupied or whatever you like. It doesn't bother us. Our position is that the Kashmir is integral part of India and it is clear. You tried to take it by force and failed. You tried every possible way including sponsored terrorism to take it and again you have...
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    Ancient History not Appreciated by Pakistanis?

    In more than 1000 years anything could happen. The entire population may be wiped out or migrated to other places. The landscapes might be changed. Give me a link to your genetic proof. Because they were not Hindus? What a religious tolerance!!!! Why do blame us? You school text books...
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    Kashmiri killed for saving women from Indian soldiers' harrasment

    Don't twist the facts. I am not talking about the officers. I am talking about the person who presents the story of soldiers harassing this man not to accompany these women. I doubt about the credibility of this information. Any proof for this? Anybody can say anything and you believe it...
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    Ancient History not Appreciated by Pakistanis?

    roadrunner, How you call yourselves the descendants of the IVC people? This land is invaded by lots of army. Your ancestors could be a migrant from present day Iran, Iraq or even further away. Even your ancestors might be the cause for the destruction of the IVC. Wouldn't accepting this as...
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    HT Special Report on the New Muslims of India:

    I think it is an old news that I had read it in tamil weekly two years back.
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    Kashmiri killed for saving women from Indian soldiers' harrasment

    What is the credibility of this information? So, you believe something said by some unknown person? If the soldiers have any bad intention, why did they warn him? Wouldn't it alarm the public? What is the necessity for the soldiers to avoid one unarmed men to fulfill their lust? If they...
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    India committed to IPI gas pipeline: FM

    Is he confused or trying to confuse the world? :confused:
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    Tribals Regions Should be Constitutionalized

    Why not one should think the other way? Joining the Pashtoon area of Pakistan to Afghanistan and the Pashtoons don't have any boundary at all. Another option is merging the Pashtoon areas from both Pakistan and Afghanistan to make an independent Pashtoon country where they will enjoy their...
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    United we stand, divided we fall

    THOSE were created and trained by the Pakistan to fight in Afghanistan and Kashmir then. Now they are enemies of Pakistan? Why blame them? Instead of providing education, your government trained them to use Ak-47 and make bombs. You exploited their poverty and religious belief. You preached...
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    50 miscreants killed, 20 soldiers martyred in N. Waziristan gunbattles

    or you don't want to win? Simply playing Tom & Jerry for Americans?
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    Govt turning Kashmir into separate state: BJP

    Kashmir was independent. Pakistan tried to occupy it by force and now they are talking about independent Kashmir. :crazy: Who gave the right to Pakistan to decide about what Kahmiris want? If Kashmiris want freedom, then Kashmiris themselves should deal with India. What is the role of...
  14. S

    Indian officers killed in Occupied Kashmir

    So, you accept that those fighting in Kashmir are Pakistanis? According to your logic, the recent attacks on PA are not terrorism and they are not terrorists. They should be called soldiers, right? They are fighting the PA, because they are oppressed? Hope you agree.
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    Indian officers killed in Occupied Kashmir

    Soldiers? Soldiers of which nation? If these people fight against PA, then they are called terrorists? BLA too is innocent.
  16. S

    How secular, really, is India?

    Bull, you haven't understand one simple rule here... Whatever said against pakistan is a propaganda, but anything against India is a truth. Bull, don't waste your time.
  17. S

    Indian involvement with anti-state elements in Pakistan

    If there is no pakistani involvement, then why did your president agreed to stop supporting the terrorist and closing the training camps? Why do the European countries and US condemn the cross border terrorism? Why do the US ask Pakistan to stop supporting terrorists in Kashmir and your...
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    Iran warns India over Pakistan gas pipeline deal

    One more reason is to use as an excuse when US puts pressure in future. I think the GOI is not interested in this deal due to the price and Pakistan can block it anytime. Also, I believe GOI is promoting bio-fuel as an alternative. Now the government is encouraging farming sugarcanes in our...
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    US urges India to avoid Pakistan-centric policies

    dimension, if you have problem understanding english, then get somebody for help. That is not a reply to your post and in no way it is related to your post.
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    How secular, really, is India?

    Secularism is not about what one eat or drink. It is how the constitution keeps itself away from the religion and treats people of all religion equally. In India the constitution treats all religion equal. Pakistan is not secular since its constitution is based on religion. I have no idea about...
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