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  1. K

    Israel's Attempt to Keep the World in the Dark

    we all know the UN is incompetent and useless and a tool for the west own agenda.The fact the report is NOT UNCONDITIONALY CRITICAL of Israel is a clear message for Israel to carry on with the status-quo. Lets assume for a momment that Israels (unilateral)sea blockade was legitimate to stop...
  2. K

    Israel's Attempt to Keep the World in the Dark

    No it is not wishful thinking as it is and will be fact soon....all the pieces are coming together. However I do not need to be explaining to you at this stage all the details, as you have mentioned yourself you are already confused with my simplist statement. Now what you need to do is get...
  3. K

    Israel's Attempt to Keep the World in the Dark

    Israel not for the first time in its false existence wants to fabricate lie after lie. will do this at all costs and has the audacity and the balls to stick to fingers up the the world. but as we know this can only be possible with full complicity of certain countries (that have leverage.)...
  4. K

    Israel's Attempt to Keep the World in the Dark

    To those who think most muslims have a fascination about Israel, i think you will find most humane peoples (no matter what nationality/religion)will. REASON.....Zionist state of Israel is the biggest Terriorist in the world it knows know morals...boundries...or humality. I do not need to go...
  5. K

    Israel hit by attacks

    sky news report, Up to six people have been killed and several wounded following co-ordinated attacks on a bus in southern Israel, reports have said. The series of attacks on Thursday are believed to have targeted a passenger bus, a private car and a group of soldiers. The bus carrying...
  6. K

    Home is where the heart is

    Nice simple article. I was born in pakistan and was very young when i came to England. I have lived my entire life in England, only going back to Pakistan once for a brief holiday. But i tell you what i know exactually where my heart is:pakistan: PAKISTAN TUJA MERE SALAAM
  7. K

    Happy Independence Day Pakistan, Defence.pk turns 6!

  8. K

    Targets of Indo-Israeli secret diplomacy

    Is that so? then why do Indian Military planners have dreams of breaking Pakistan up so that some how they could re-constitute the break up back into the Indian state.
  9. K

    Targets of Indo-Israeli secret diplomacy

    Well i did not want to make these two points but i can see you could not wait to jump at the chance, Talk about Paronoia. what i do know which is a fact at least Israels policies are clear no matter how hard they trie to manuipilate the truth. As for India whats their excuse? may be you can...
  10. K

    Targets of Indo-Israeli secret diplomacy

    The false creation of Israel has always viewed Pakistan as a threat to its existense...and for India you cant really blame that fact that it still feels all this animosity towards Pakistan because it was partioned into two states!
  11. K

    Targets of Indo-Israeli secret diplomacy

    Most of us know that Israel and Indial are natural allies...now the question is this a mere coincendence or a indication of the final confrontation which has been fated for the the world.
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