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  1. O

    Shias from Iran and Iraq rally up to fight Sunni ISIS in Iraq - Suicide Bombers and Kids

    U.S. senators and congressmen had put out that idea of partitioning Iraq, but it was just too controversial. Better do it quick, otherwise Iraq is pretty much base of operations for trainings and as well as access to many weapons in Iraq's military depots, so they would be in the long haul to...
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    Don’t Sweat Russia’s Newest Nuclear Submarine - 'Severodvinsk' is too expensive for mass production

    Politics and money can go hand in hand. Why the cancellation of the Crusader artillery? Or the ending of the F22 production? Or limiting only 3 Zumwalts destroyers? There are many programs especially social programs that many politicians want to divert to and see weapons programs as...
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    Iraqi soldiers, police drop weapons, flee posts in portions of Mosul

    What? Well developed countries can't have civil wars? We are not to be blamed for what goes around most of the world. If a Muslim blows himself up in a mosque killing other Muslims because he don't like Americans, don't blame it on us.
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    First Scorpene submarine to be ready by Sept 2016: Admiral Dhowan

    Okay mate, just so you know the U.S. Navy has no interest in making diesel/electric boats so its not the lack of trying or knowledge.
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    Don’t Sweat Russia’s Newest Nuclear Submarine - 'Severodvinsk' is too expensive for mass production

    But there are sacrifices on the Virginia, like less weapons. If they had kept the Seawolf design but implemented the tech used on Virginia, it would be a very very formidable submarine than it already is. But its all about money.
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    China’s Got an Aircraft Carrier—What About the Air Wing?

    Until you can show the video or pics of your carrier launching it without clearing the whole deck as well as no catapult, all you saying is nothing worth more than sand.
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    Don’t Sweat Russia’s Newest Nuclear Submarine - 'Severodvinsk' is too expensive for mass production

    Thats the reason we have only 3 Seawolf class boats. Too expensive.
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    RAF scrambles Typhoon fighter jets to intercept Russian aircraft

    Even if its subsonic they designed this specifically for future threats that are heavily defended. Any missile with a nuke will destroy any Russian ship.
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    China’s Got an Aircraft Carrier—What About the Air Wing?

    That don't mean anything. They had many years to build one for their carrier and still have not. Wonder why? Maybe if you show me a pic of the Chinese version being launched from that carrier of yours without the assistance of catapults, I will shut my mouth. Until then I rest my case. EAF...
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    China Reacts to Japanese Anti-Ship Missile Positioning

    Based on China's recent actions you shouldn't be surprised why the Asian nations are reacting.
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    418 US military drones crashed since 2001, report reveals

    They count those smaller ones as well.
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    RAF scrambles Typhoon fighter jets to intercept Russian aircraft

    Doubt that. Once the carrier group detects it, it just goes flank speed which by the way is fast for a carrier of that size. Launch its aircraft and fire missiles at it. LOL! No, the new stealth cruise missiles with radar avoidance, anti-jamming, and anti-GPS system guidance. They will do...
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    Iraqi soldiers, police drop weapons, flee posts in portions of Mosul

    Its called American Civil War. And even during the American Revolution the colonists fought each other. The Loyalists and the Patriots.
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    RAF scrambles Typhoon fighter jets to intercept Russian aircraft

    As I've said before what is the range of the S300?:-)
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    China’s Got an Aircraft Carrier—What About the Air Wing?

    Why do you think the Russians don't have one of theirs? Or the Chinese has yet to launch one from their carrier? Because its not possible on a non-catapult carrier unless as I've said before you cleared the whole freaking deck which hinders operations. Hence you will never see a C130 or any...
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    Iranians Tried With Smuggling UAV Engines

    I see them taking pics. They got cameras. Not like they are monkeys.
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    Iraqi soldiers, police drop weapons, flee posts in portions of Mosul

    Didn't have enough faith? The Iraqis had numbers, tanks and other mechanized vehicles as well as artillery and air support to counter terrorists invading their country. If it was a conventional army yeah that would be different but instead I see a few terrorists taking many cities to the point...
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    China’s Got an Aircraft Carrier—What About the Air Wing?

    Yeah you notice that they had to clear the whole entire deck on a carrier just to get that plane with 4 powerful engines to take off and land? Show me a pic of your Hawkeye version taking off on your carrier. All I see is a plane taking off but from what which most likely land.
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