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  1. subarihant

    Meet Marcos

    I guess, it is you who has low self esteem. You don't see other countries talking about surgical strikes coz they don't have anything to do with terrorists hiding in Pakistan. India has known designated terrorists hiding there and when we see US doing OBL operation, its natural for citizens of...
  2. subarihant

    Meet Marcos

    I like the Marcos but what I did not like was their clamour for publicity during the Mumbai attack operations, one of their officers with his men behind him, was giving a press conference while the operations were still going on with gunshots clearly being heard. Don't they have a spokes person...
  3. subarihant

    Fear of rogue programming, GOI plans to set 25000 crore chip factory

    Yes this is true, India has very good human resources in Chip "design". What we need is "manufacturing".
  4. subarihant

    PAK-FA : photos and videos

    Is DSI a requirement for 5th gen? ( F22 ??) If so then why go gaga abt a tech spec which may not be a requirement. Moreover, doesn't it put a limitation on Mach number ?
  5. subarihant

    Indo Israel alliance -- Think again !

    ^^^ Thats an old 2002 article. Why don't you pull up '50s '70s articles. Whats your point? Do you think other govt. are stupid not to know about these things ? But thanks, the article is yet another source to J10 as Lavi copy, thanks for reminding us.
  6. subarihant

    Aero scientists pull off LCA, struggle with IJT, Saras

    Pathetic reporting indeed. LCA Tejas is designed by ADA. IJT Sitara is designed by HAL. Saras is designed by NAL. Three aircraft developed by three different agencies. TOI is just that -- TOIlet
  7. subarihant

    Arunachal CM Dead - Confirmed

    Almost all north east india people have mongoloid features. They are not chinese. If thats the case, then Burma, South east asia etc. should as well be chinese.
  8. subarihant

    India to increase troops along China border

    You must either be retarded or one of those rabid razakars who got their a$$es kicked in '71. FYI, 60% of Bhutans budget is financed by India every year. India is responsible for Bhutan's air space sanctity. Their army training and weapons supply is done by India. Invasion of Bhutan == Attack...
  9. subarihant

    India successfully launched Resourcesat-2, X-sat and Youthsat

    I am infected with your happiness and enthusiasm and feel happy about it, but Chinese too have these. :cry:
  10. subarihant

    India successfully launched Resourcesat-2, X-sat and Youthsat

    I think you are getting confused, the number of strap-ons depends on the mission. Low payload weight -- no strap-ons. Originally designed payload wt -- Normal config (4 strap-ons) Heavier payload wt -- Extra strap-ons + possibly higher performance fuels. There is nothing Russian...
  11. subarihant

    BAE opts out of Indian Army's towed guns tender

    We can't blame MMS as he is not directly responsible for Defence ministry but Anthony is definitely responsible as it is his own ministry. I am not saying Anthony is corrupt, I am merely pointing out his efficiency in rooting out corruption from his ministry.
  12. subarihant

    Pipavav Shipyard, Babcock to jointly build aircraft carrier for Indian Navy

    I highly doubt this happening. Cochin shipyard invested heavily for upgradation to build Aircraft carrier and with the kind of clout these PSU enjoy in the defence ministry, I doubt Pipavav building aircraft carriers. They might build smaller ships though.
  13. subarihant

    BAE opts out of Indian Army's towed guns tender

    ^^^ And in other threads ppl are singing praises about AK Anthony and his ministry's transparency.
  14. subarihant

    India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

    Wouldn't it be nice to have 60 Rafales with the Strategic forces command and rest 126 Eurofighters for normal service ?
  15. subarihant

    India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

    And you find no discussion there (your pakdef link) as true discussion and rejoice in it. Strange !!!
  16. subarihant

    India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

    @rajusri, what happened to nikitha ?
  17. subarihant

    India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

    Yes, I think India is trying to balance out. As India has problems with US, arming of Pak and also the cold war history, I guess they are trying to buy defensive weapons from US (P8I, C130J, C17 etc). As, the relation matures with time, in future, I guess, there will be more defence deals with US.
  18. subarihant

    India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

    Nice trolling, go ahead, I am not for the bait. Happy trolling !!
  19. subarihant

    India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

    No, I am telling that you are gloating that IAF is Fail coz it selected Rafale, I was merely pointing that isn't final and EF is still standing which u consider as a capable fighter, thats why I say aren't u celebrating apparent IAF's failure(according to u) early.
  20. subarihant

    India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

    Who said it is the only one ? huh?
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