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  1. H

    Virgin Galactic bans Chinese nationals from space flights over espionage fears

    Not according from the leaks by Edward Snowden.
  2. H

    Employee Outsourced Job to China

    I don't know if this story belongs in world affair, I just find it hilarious. BBC News - US employee 'outsourced job to China' He will make an excellent project manager.
  3. H

    Vietnam warns China to not use trade as weapon

    Japan is the third largest economy in the world and they're suffering due to China boycotting their products. What do you think the chance of Vietnam surviving a trade war with China?
  4. H

    China and India border issue

    What do Chinese and Indian members think of this report, please don't troll. Can Russia break the India-China deadlock? | Russia & India Report
  5. H

    China seeks new military relationship with U.S. - Xinhua

    Would you rather see WW3 started over some uninhabitable islands. Talking is good.
  6. H

    US clears India, 6 others from Iran oil sanctions

    Selective sanctions, Obama's strong foreign policy. ( sarcasm )
  7. H

    China bombs South China Sea reefs!

    Please refrain from using derogatory and racial slurs, keep the forum clean.
  8. H

    Time for China to sell all her holding on US Treasury Bonds

    Treasury bonds are sold with given maturity, it can't be called by creditors. China can decide not to buy any new bonds when the US treasury auctions off. China can sell the bonds to other investors, the interest rate on bonds will rise due to more selling than buying. It will cost the US more...
  9. H

    Thai soldiers detained over Mekong attack

    @ao333 This was a tragic incidents, someone has lost a loved one. What is wrong with you.
  10. H

    China Has Homemade Supercomputer Gain

    Congratulation to China. Every journey begins with a single step.
  11. H

    Steve Jobs Dead: Apple Co-Founder Dies At 56

    Steve Jobs... a true visionary... you will be missed.
  12. H

    SAC's J-XX?

    This thread has wandered far from the original post. Everyone, please stick to the topic at hand. Any news on the test date.
  13. H

    62th Birthday Of Peoples Republic of China.

    @ao333. Jealous with the success of China much. Their country is building infrastructure, lifting people out of poverty. What have we accomplished lately. Wasting billions on wars, building more prisons. Our government can't say or do anything without the permission of the US.
  14. H

    Timothy Geithner: China 'Very, Very Aggressive' In Stealing U.S. Technology

    Transfering, copying and reverse engineering happen in every country.
  15. H

    U.S. War with China “Inevitable,” Author Glain Says

    War between USA and China, the winner will be the war itself. USA is a superpower because of its global alliance and not just military might. War were fought not on hardware alone but on command, military intelligence, tactics, infrastructure, and economy. If war were fought on hardware alone...
  16. H

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    I don't denied religous extremists was not part of the problem. Do you deny the western militaries has nothing to do with the destruction and death of Iraqy civilians and oil did not play any part of the invasion?
  17. H

    Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

    History repeats itself...2003 Iraq, today Libya. What has change in Iraq other than destruction and death to hundred of thousand of Iraqy civilians. Democracy for whom? The people of Iraq or the oil corporations?
  18. H

    India, China, & Sarah Palin

    Visiting other countries will not qualify as having foreign policy experience. She is testing the theory that the world is actually round. Another confused American tourist.
  19. H

    China is now The World's Biggest Producer

    Jealous much with China success.
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