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  1. J

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    OK, I was misinformed about that particular newspaper having published them. But Iran officially hosted a cartoon contest on the holocaust, and you can see the entries if you type "holocaust cartoons" into google images search. You can find thousands, if not more. No jews went about murdering...
  2. J

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    You do know that there is a world of information even outside the internet, right? You know, the "hard evidence"? The judgement at Nuremberg did not come to their conclusions based on "Jewish websites". And anyway, all I can say at this stage is that there is plenty of evidence from any source...
  3. J

    Sukhoi-30MKI is India’s fallback fighter

    They could build smaller, F-16 sized aircrafts, instead of flanker sized ones. But their most potent fighters are their flankers and flanker copies. If RCS is what mattered, then they would have inducted JF-17, but they didn't. Heavy, twin engid jets have a lot of advantages over light, single...
  4. J

    Sukhoi-30MKI is India’s fallback fighter

    I will definitely tell it if I come across such a post. Are you sure there are many such posts from Indians? An example or two would help.
  5. J

    Sukhoi-30MKI is India’s fallback fighter

    You said that countries with unlimited resources would only buy F-16s or eurofighters. But you forgot that your big daddy China has hundreds of these birds, although thei defence budget is four times India's and 15 times Pakistan's. F-16 itself was the cheaper option for the USAF, and F-15 was...
  6. J

    Sukhoi-30MKI is India’s fallback fighter

    No aircraft is invincible, not even the raptor. But some of them are much better than others.
  7. J

    Sukhoi-30MKI is India’s fallback fighter

    Read carefully. It says "proven war-bird", not "war-proven bird".
  8. J

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    No it isn't, no it isn't. The Nuremberg trials took place well before the diary was published. The denazification laws were passed well before the diary was published. Please stop making up history.
  9. J

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    No it isn't. The orders of the government to send Jews to concentration camps, the judges who gave those orders were all alive after WW2. This was not a one time event, it took place over a decade in a place that had radio, press and even video recordings.
  10. J

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    @Akheilos : By the way, Anne Frank did not survive the holocaust. She dies in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Her diary was published years later by her father, who was the only one to survive. One 13 year old's diary is not how history gets documented. All of the govts writings, orders...
  11. J

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    Yes it is. But it is not about debating whether the holocaust took place or not. It is about freedom of peech, not the holocaust.
  12. J

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    LOL, are you serious? You really think that all the info or evidence for the holocaust came from Anne Frank? Oh dear. You really need to learn more history. The soldiers who liberated the concentration camps, the people who survived the camps, heck even the notes and records meticulously made by...
  13. J

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    Speech is not about beliefs alone. It can also be about opinions, or facts, or what the person thinks is factual. If a person believes that it is a fact that the holocaust did not happen, he has every right to say so. And from that statement, you can deduce that being a fact and being a belief...
  14. J

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    I know, I already said before, that it shouldn't be criminalized. Everybody should have a right to say what they believe, even if their beliefs are wrong. I was simply justifying the "crazy" label I attributed to holocaust deniers.
  15. J

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    Well, what else would you call somebody who denies one of the most documented event in human history, to which there are living witnesses to this day? What would you call somebody who denies that world war 2 took place?
  16. J

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    What did he say that was so shocking to you? Isn't he right, that there hasn't been a holocaust against muslims, like the one that Europe did against the jews?
  17. J

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    @qamar1990 : You are right, nobody should be punished for saying that the holocaust never happened. Craziness is not a crime. And free speech should be applicable for everything, especially to ideas we don't agree with. BTW there are some prominent holocaust deniers in the USA who have made a...
  18. J

    INS VIKRAMDITYA in Indian Service

    And yet, even without the invite, "Ayo Gorkhali!":p:
  19. J

    Pak played key role in Lanka's victory over Tamil Tigers

    Well, there are plenty of Indian tamilians here on PDF, you can ask for their photos too.
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