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  1. D

    CASS: China's GDP surpasses US by 2020

    i mean nominal growth rate is not adjusted for inflation rate which is 1000% in your example. That is the reason we are using real GDP growth rate.
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    CASS: China's GDP surpasses US by 2020

    the nominal GDP number and growth rate are NOT adjusted for inflation rate
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    CASS: China's GDP surpasses US by 2020

    Yes, the real GDP rate we are mentioning excludes inflation. Instead of cutting and pasting what are Real vs Nominal GDP from Wiki, just do a simple math: if using 10% as growth rate per year, starting from china's 2000 GDP (1.19 billion), total of ten year's growth does not add up to 2010's...
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    CASS: China's GDP surpasses US by 2020

    GDP which we are talking about here is nominal GDP, why everyone is using real GDP 9-10% rate to project future? The average nominal GDP growth of china over past ten years is more than 14%. If both china and USA keep their growth rates of past ten years, even with current exchange rate...
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    India tells China: Kashmir is to us what Tibet, Taiwan are to you

    Joe, i guess you must mistake cities Lanzhou or Xigatse. Strategic highway of these two cities cannot be run through Aksai Chin if you don't want take extra thousand miles of detour. The highway between Xinjiang and Tibet has to pass through this area
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    Why is China called the longest continual civilization?

    i guess your real intention of creating this thread is to dig a hole and let other jump in especially our Pak/India friends
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    Will China's GDP be 6 trillion USD in 2010???

    i had this discussion in another forum: when people talking about GDP number, most cases they are talking about nominal GDP number not real GDP number, but when talking about GDP growth rate, they are referring to real GDP growth rate which is inflation adjusted. With 9-10% average growth...
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    China boasts breakthrough in nuclear technology

    Come on, guys, 20-25 years lead is not BigTree.CN's claim. He just posted article which stated the fact that India was (or is) ahead of china in certain nuclear areas but not whole nuclear industry, 20-25 lead is an exaggeration from an anonymous expert personal view to me though. Think of...
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    China boasts breakthrough in nuclear technology

    BF, as i know, china's first atomic bomb use uranium-235 as core not plutonium which is by-product of nuclear reprocessing. Enriched uranium can get from isotope separation process. But i do believe china was capable of nuclear reprocessing before. This breakthrough could mean more economical...
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    China boasts breakthrough in nuclear technology

    So glad to see china having such breakthrough which means a lot to china's future nuclear energy development. At the same time, we need to admit this was the one of some high-tech areas (e.g. nuclear reprocessing, fast breeder reactor) china was lagging behind India. I would like to beg the...
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    India to challenge China more: Indian experts

    Presumably, India should be catching up china after 1990 (actually, there was nothing to catch up for India in 1990, both countries started at the same place, so the idea that India started to reform 15 years later than china doesn't make any sense, don't know why so many people bought it) Let...
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    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's Visit to India

    India GDP per capita is dragged down by larger portion rural population while china urbanization is much ahead of India which pulled more rural population out of poverty. As i know, a IT professional in cities like Mumbai has pretty much the same wage as, even higher than Shanghai (i had...
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    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's Visit to India

    Just by comparing manufacturing labor cost or wage of two countries does not really tell true story. China has labor force 831 millions, 27% in industry area India has labor force 467 millions, 14% in industry area. Industry labor force in china is almost 4 times as India, i believe this...
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    Chinese Economy/Development thread (updated regularly)

    Hope this news will not get on Joe Shearer's nerves :)
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    Sharukh Khan wins over China with 'My Name is Khan'

    Hey, a quiz to Indian forumers here. Following lyrics is from which India movie song (no google please) "Ya gardish mein hoon aasman ka tara hoon" Hint: one of the most popular Indian movie in China
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    Chinese Economy/Development thread (updated regularly)

    1 tons= 7+ barrels, 100 million tons should be 730 million barrel.
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    What Liu Xiaobo said that will BLOW YOUR MIND

    Oh, boy, you don't realize this comparison is insult to Gandhi, do you?
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    20 years ago, there was almost no private property in China, the government can do whatever to relocate people, but i guess they will not have such luxury in next ten years. By then, there will be lots of NIMBY standing in the way of infrastructure project like USA. Just look at how hard to...
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    Come on! I was one of those "mob" throwing stone then :P. You cannot use individual personal feeling 20 years ago to support your argument of existing situation in China. Sorry, my bad, i was trying to say China is not rocking the boat unless it escalates these issues - which i don't think so
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