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  1. AK 47

    BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

    I support A.Rehman She came back to Pakistan under a deal with Mush. US and Coy wanted her to take care of their interests in democratic way. She had a lot of curruption and remain abroad for 8 years. Although I reject killing but she would have been procecuted
  2. AK 47

    A tribute to Lt Col Haroon ul Islam of SSG

    I respect the Col but the operation was badly executed. Unfortunately Pakistan SSG has history of little adventures against proper military. They are at their best against boys and girls. Even Police could have handled the situation better. There was no need of deployment of APC, Cobras and...
  3. AK 47

    10th September - Nawaz Sharif redeported

    Military Rules the Country. It is true that each country has got an Army. Only Pak Army has got a country. A slap on the face of Supreme Court of Pakistan. The most currupt peoples who salute the General are not deported rather have been given ministries to enjoy. Bad for Democracy. Good...
  4. AK 47

    Career in the ISI

    Do join ISI. You will be soon famous in all the politicians / miniters. Then quit and join other job OR some time you might get a chance to Get a couple of millions from BILLIONS of unaccounted money at the disposal of ISI. Pawasta reh Sajar se , Ommeed Bahar rakh::army:
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