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  1. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    Im proud of the fact that my ancestors were PART of the Persian empire. Why would I deny the history my ancestors were a part of. There is no logic in your premise. The Mongols had an entire army wiped out by Jalaludin Khwarezmi in todays Ghazni. AFGHANISTAN WAS NEVER A PART OF IRAN, IGNORANT...
  2. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    can you translate this please? and btw, lar aw bar refers to both sides of the durand not indus river ---------- Post added at 02:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 AM ---------- no you dont. its obvious you dont. study the difference and then re enter the conversation
  3. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    Yes Im proud of all my history and those who contributed to it. Please let go of this strawman you have created. No one is denying the historical linkages between Afghans and Indians. The fact remains though, that Afghans are not Indians. Pakistanis (east of the Indus) are. You are desi, I am...
  4. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    Again we have some one here with reading comprehension issues. I grew up with Iranians here in Toronto. Some of my best friends are Iranians. I understand their animosity towards Afghans. I would never indicate that I am one and the same, as these Iranians. There is a big difference...
  5. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    1. Hatred? Coming out of a 30 year civil war there are bound to be issues. Tajiks and Pashtuns are THE MOST GENETICALLY RELATED people. There is a HUGE difference GENETICALLY, RELIGIOUSLY and to some extent CULTURALLY between Tajiks and Persians. We speak each others languages and have inter...
  6. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    1. I never denied our linkages with India. There is a difference between being Indian (you) and having commonalities (me) 2. With all due respect, for a Pakistani to lecture an Afghan on historical resistance is really laughable. Mongols- Where was the only place in Asia where they...
  7. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    Thank you friend, for your esteemed response. I will respond as best as I can 1. I, undeniably, 100% agree with you that no one in our part of the world is of pure blood. We have, to various degrees, Turkic-Mongoloid, Iranic, Arab, Greek and Indian ancestry. I dont and will nevr dispute this...
  8. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    Are you disputing that Afghanistan comprises the eastern half of the Persian empire? This is what I stated, nothing more nothing less Please indicate if you are disputing this undisputed historical fact
  9. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    The Tajiks, genetically, are incredibly close to Pashtuns I am not Persian but why would i denounce the fact that my land was part of the great former Persian empire? That doesnt seem logical does it? Why would I denounce the Parthian and Bactrian ancestry of Pashtuns? Why would I denounce...
  10. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    Yes Im sure the women of Bengal can attest to the chastity of your army, but I digress It seems there is some confusion here. I dont point to ethnicity for the purposes of establishing supremacy. A Pakhtun is no greater than a Punjabi and vice versa. I appeal to ethnicity to point out to...
  11. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    Personal insults are not a positive characteristic, friend. It detracts from whatever positive meaningful contribution to the conversation you would other wise make I look forward to a more civilized response. Regards
  12. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    Kind sir I have no shown any disrespect towards Pakistanis. I have many Pakistanis as friends. I let my political stance be known, but I am educated, and civilized, and I can agree to be disagreeable with friends. I am simply offering my opinion, which I am willing to substantiate. If...
  13. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    I respect your right to abandon your free Balochistan, to ignore the Baloch women raped by Pakistani security apparatus, the appropriation of Balochi resources and the martyrdom of your liberationists all in the name of a Punjab dominated state that is having an inner family squable with their...
  14. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    Because we're not a country that has an inferiority complex or an identity crisis wrora. We are a people with history and we are aware of it. So to us, our Pakhtun or Persian or Turkic heritage is a matter of pride. We werent artifically created wrora, on the basis of a flimsy Islamic...
  15. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    Wrora, I forgive you for choosing a foreigner as your compatriot, countryman and colleague as opposed to your brother. I forgive you for denouncing your blood, as you grew up in an educational system where you taught about an English speaking Indian as your father as opposed to Khushal Khan...
  16. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    There is no difference between Qandahar and Quetta. Lar aw Bar yaw Afghan. You are for all intents and purposes an Indian. You are the same as the people of Gujarat or Punjab. All Desis. All Indic. Theres certainly nothing wrong with that. I dont hold that against you, or view you in lesser...
  17. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    Some have suggested breaking Pakistan into separate countries. Your point? the behaviour of a true Pakhtun indeed
  18. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    If one sets aside their emotions, which I will be the first to admit is rather difficult, then one will see the a confederacy of sorts between the two countries is inevitable Id rather see my united Pakhtunkhwa...but the trend is there
  19. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    i forgive my misguided Pekhawari brothers for their hatred towards their own kind. over a century of English slash Pakistani indoctrination has not taught them well I understand some Pekhawaris prefer to speak Urdu, dance to Bhangra, dismiss their fellow Pashtuns and enjoy the prestige that...
  20. Sher Shah

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    well my Pakistani brother, history tends to repeat itself
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