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    Hindus, Muslims are separate nations: Geelani

    Hi All, As my Name suggest I am a Muslim and my flags state that I am an Indian. Firstly I am tired with the whole Kashmir issue.. There is a way in which the Kashmiri struggle is being potryaed as some sort of Jihad and drawing parallels with palestine. There is not even a single common...
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    Air Force One INDIA

    So what happens to security threats and safety of VIPs when travelling abroad, reasoning which such expensive planes were bought on par (some what) with Air Force One. Or does these Air India One also come equip with these security features.. Thanks
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    Air Force One INDIA

    Hi All, I have been trying to understand this for a long time. Just a quick question, I am very confused regarding the VIP and Prime Minister's aircraft. As we know 3 boeing aircrafts purchased for VIP and VVIP travels so now what is the news of Air India deciding what to buy Airbus or Boeing...
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    Burqa to khaki: Gujarat mother is first Muslim woman DySP

    Absolutely . Couldn't agree more.
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    Maoists leader Kishenji accepts Prez appeal for talks, conditionally

    Absolutely. But the only way forward and to make sure that we end this menace is social justice and development. Maoists leader or any leader (eg:- Kashmir) promise people self respect and justice from oppression, Hence people fall for it, we should be proactive in setting up systems to...
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    India must help Pakistan

    I am speechless seeing the attitude of some of my Pakistani friends. Fill with arrogance, even at the time of such calamity. We should be thinking of people badly affected and they need help from every quarters be it any country. Yes I believe it will be a very good gesture from Indian part to...
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    Every Country has to fend for itself, develop its own system and ambitions. I don't buy the thing that "We are natural ally because we follow same system". Only because Power for now rests in America and Europe their system becomes Superior, what if the fortunes were reverse during cold war ...
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    While I agree with you that it is about delivering. I believe we should be talking more on "how". A Autocratic or Democratic system which would result in better efficeincy and satisfaction of the people. China and India Both have been doing well in delivering at their levels and in their...
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    There is a need for a system to inculcate the goods of both the Chinese and Indian system. I guess a lil bit of tweaking of their existing systems would result in that. India seriously needs to get structured execution of policies and China needs to be more sensitive and accountable towards...
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    Thanks but No Thanks. A lot of us are here to bridge the gap. Dialogue is the best way forward.. SO if you don't wanna be part of it . Please leave. Thanks
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    @ Chauism.. BTW I loved your signature quote..It is truly inspiring.. Sorry for getting off topic. couldn't resist.
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    Good thought, but what happens to the one who is unproductive and has no capacity to earn the right. Isn't his/ her will and wish not important.
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    The respect for my difference is what makes democracy worth all the flaw. Thanks
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    I couldn't agree more with Parasite. India and China both have systems which suits them. They have taken years to form these system. India is still improving upon it and China has mastered it although there is scope for improvement and there is no doubt that they both will succeed. now who...
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    ^^ Thats exactlt What I meant. Nobodywould like to do things they are asked to but the manner in which you convince them is important. I hope you will agree to this that, You can send an umwilling child to school by spanking and threating him, what purpose this will serve School will become a...
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    Well Better being Messy than being bulldozed off when asking for one's rights. Your perceptions are different then mine, your wants and needs are different then mine, You want to shape your country differently then how I want, thats the essence of democracy and fulfilling every one's wish and...
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    Hi all, This is my first post on PDF, firstly I would like to congratulate PDF and its member for being an excellent forum and absolutely top class in information dispersion. I have been lurking on the forum for over 6 months and have finally decided to join group. I have noticed that...
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