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  1. T

    Balochistan: Middle Class Rebellion

    What do Indians know of this? Focus on your country and leave Pakistani affairs to Pakistan. These Balouch should be put down with full force and learn to accept that they are a part of Pakistan. Send the might of our army to eliminate all these goons.
  2. T

    Imran Khan Answering Indian Students Questions in Indian TV Show

    Da fuq are you doing here on a PAKSITANI forum Cow Piss drinker? Shouldn't you go to Bahrat Defense or some other indian forum instead of on a PAKISTANI forum?
  3. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    It seems you're the uneducated one. MQM controls only Karachi-Hyderabad. The Feudals/Sindhi nationalists get elected and run interior Sindh. Blame them for the poor conditions. We Muhajir are not in control of Sindh proper else we would have removed the vile Sindhi landowner/Feudal class. I...
  4. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    You mean bribes and "chai key lehai paisa"? I don't do that. I rather get in on my own merits which I have. Its a sad thing when Sindhi's have so many seats which they never fill while others, like myself, who are honestly into education and what to do the best for Pakistan are forced out of the...
  5. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    LOL, those that think I'm living in Canada are making huge assumptions. Due to the quota system, I didn't get into Karachi University for my PHD and I'm in a university there doing my PhD on the Muhajir issue. I still live in my magnificent house in PECHS that my grandfather built on the...
  6. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    So you don't know the problem yet here you are ranting and raving about God knows what. Why not educate yourself about the real issues facing Muhajir's in Karachi and Sindh and then discuss.
  7. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    Then proove it. Facts and figures are within a book. Of course, opening books requires certain skills. Do you have them? Low class PML -N goons will always be low class PML-N goons.
  8. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    No the reason why it is so peaceful is because it steals revenue from Karachi and the rest of the provinces to build its own province. Punjabi's are under the erroneous assumption that Pakistan is just made for Punjabi's.
  9. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    I have mistaken and I apologize for my comments eariler. You sir are awesome!
  10. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    This is not about Punjab so stop with the idiotic Punjabi examples. Punjabis have a problem thinking that since they are the more populace one they can tell other parts of Pakistan what to do. You clearly do not understand the racial and political tension cause by feudal Sindhis.
  11. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    Unless you do not know, the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Pakistan has signed and ratified protects the Muhajir by allowing the freedom of thought, conscience, opinion and expression alongside assembly and association. So hence your claiming and denying from me being a "Muhajir"...
  12. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    I have not seen it in this thread. All that I've seen is the defense of that one Pakistani telling other Pakistani's to go back to India. If what you have said is true then I will apologize.
  13. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    But your appearently fine with others telling Pakistani's like myself whose families sacrificed everything to go back to India. You sir and truthseer should be ashamed of yourselves.
  14. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    There is no law that stops us from calling who we are, Muhajir. Neither are you with any power to tell us to define our identity. My grandfather would roll over in his grave if I start calling myself "sindhi". I am not a Sindh since all they are related to is feudalism, warlordism and...
  15. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    This is pathetic and exactly way we need our own province. Tell us to go where? We must have our own province!
  16. T

    Thoughts on the 'Mohajir sooba', & the May 22 attacks in Karachi

    You might have lost your identity but I haven't. As a Muhajir, I support a seperate province so we do not face the racist attitudes from Sindhis, Punjabis and the rest who are the most undereducated groups in Pakistan. As a member of the most educated group I feel the need for a Muhajir province...
  17. T

    Karachi violence kicks off 22 may

    Yes because we are not accepted by anyone. They look at us with contempt and we who sacrificed the most are left hanging. Its high time Pakistan repays us for not only our suffering but Pakistan's continual racial policy against us.
  18. T

    Karachi violence kicks off 22 may

    Exactly. They are nothing but proto Nazi in disguise and should be stopped at any cost. Down with the people who supported the Sindh Muhabaat!
  19. T

    Karachi violence kicks off 22 may

    This youtube link below is perfect. Who are the rest of you to declare that I cannot call myself a Muhajir? I am a Muhajir just as you cling to your "Punjabi" or "Sindhi" titles. We demand a province in Pakistan and we will get in inshallah! Muhajir Zindabad! taalat_21_1 - YouTube!
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