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    Kim Jong-il visits China for J-10, rejected

    The South beats the North in just about every way.... ...BUT - with how many artillery systems are pointed at Seoul, they are unable to exploit their advantages.
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    PLAAF vs. USAF

    Quality > Quantity
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    The 2010 FIFA World Cup!

    Go Netherlands!!!!! Other than USA they're my team for sure!
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    The 2010 FIFA World Cup!

    Go Netherlands!!!!! Other than USA they're my team for sure!
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    Directorate of Inter Services Intelligence: Updates & Discussions

    So, quick question and I am NOT trying to offend at all when I ask this: Is it true that the ISI has been supporting the Taliban "to curb Indian influence in Afghanistan?" America has done much worse than that, I am just trying to get a Pakistani perspective on the issue.
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    Israel will Fall in 20 Years: CIA Report

    While Israel has nuclear arms and "The Solomon option" (or whatever their last-ditch nuclear plan is called haha) I don't see them going away soon, even though a 1-state solution is what I've always advocated. an "Israelstine" of sorts.
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