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  1. American Eagle

    Experimental thread

  2. American Eagle

    India vehemently ratifies the two nation theory after 8 decades of denial.

    I understand that India has a few million fewer GOOD (not radical) Muslims vs. India. The PM-elect of India got votes from everyone, not just his party. Pakistan has the PML, a religious party. That is their right and their choice. It might be wise to wait and see how secular and fair the...
  3. American Eagle

    India vehemently ratifies the two nation theory after 8 decades of denial.

    Aeronaut, you might wish this to be so. But you are wrong. India is the largest democracy in SW/SE Asia, and remains so. You simply are continuing a religious prejudice that you carry. Nothing more. Look at what India continue to achieve in a securlar nation. SECULAR is what you do not...
  4. American Eagle

    In love with Northern Pakistan

    If you will note and read my posting it states: "....as seen from Peshawar." We all saw "a" very tall mountain from Badabur so "a" mountain of rugged height visible from both Peshawar and Badabur does exist. I suggest you contact Mr. Afridi, senior managing editor of the PESHAWAR POST and...
  5. American Eagle

    Eastern Ukraine Miners Oust Would Be Thugs & Spetsnaz leadership of same

    George Singleton•a minute ago THE WASHINGTON POST, Friday morning, May 16, 2014 B R E A K I N G NEWS which makes new historic news Friday, May 16, 2014 Steelworkers help keep uneasy calm in eastern Ukraine View Photo Gallery — Ukraine talks mark the start of tenuous negotiation: A day after...
  6. American Eagle

    In love with Northern Pakistan

    If your naming of this mountain is correct some by specific means of measuring it's height declare it is the highest/tallest mountain in the world. Very interesting. It is daily visible from both Peshawar and from the ex-USAF now PAF War College Base at Badabur, just outside Peshawar. Thanks...
  7. American Eagle

    View from Badabur ex-USAF now PAF Officers Club of Karakorum Mountains

    Can you see the mountain picture now? If not I will post a direct link to it. Thanks.
  8. American Eagle

    View from Badabur ex-USAF now PAF Officers Club of Karakorum Mountains

    This is the year around view of a mountain in the Karakorum Mountain Range from the picture window behind the bar at the ex-USAF now PAF War College Base outside Peskawar, near Badabur. What is the name of this mountain? Karakoram Mountains - Peshawar - Reviews of Karakoram Mountains - TripAdvisor
  9. American Eagle

    National Russian card payment system established

    As an American I favor getting out of Russia as this is just their feeble reaction to Sanctions on US credit card use inside Rusia. You spell the word tyrant P U T I N! NO one has a 25% reserve set aside requirement. That is nuts!
  10. American Eagle

    Donetsk Warns Ukraine Army Located In The East To "Leave In 48 Hours" Or Face War

    Here is some data to help you understand how volatile and dangerous the situation is in and over Ukraine: Why has Mr. Putin caused all this bloodshed and trouble when before he had a peaceful working production relationship with Ukraine with these contracted out items being manufactured in a...
  11. American Eagle

    National Russian card payment system established

    The scheme for a Russian National Credit Card is a failure before it starts regarding International accounts. Also, the Central Bank of Russia wanting a 25% of average daily uses of international credit card activity is insane. No credit card company in their right mind would tie up 25% of...
  12. American Eagle

    Referendum in Donetsk and Luhansk Republics

    Why has Mr. Putin caused all this bloodshed and trouble when before he had a peaceful working production relationship with Ukraine with these contracted out items being manufactured in a free enterprise for profit system for Russia inside sovereign Ukraine? (Gene Thorp / The Washington Post)...
  13. American Eagle

    What Russia is really concerned about inside soverign Ukraine

    PS - As for your need to make money, get a job. Even at age 74 I still sell a little real estate as a Broker of real estate. I have worked at various jobs since being in the 3rd grade, a long time ago. Sold door to door greeting cards and personalized stationery. "Misspelled" most folks names...
  14. American Eagle

    What Russia is really concerned about inside soverign Ukraine

    Today is Mother's Day in the US. Wish your Mother, if she is still living, a Happy Mother's Day. Also wish your wife a Happy Mother's Day.
  15. American Eagle

    This is part of old style Ex-KGB Lt. Colonel Putin does business now

    When I was working and living in Pakistan (West) 1963-65 Afghanistan had a King, I met him, and I personally like him. It was he who was recalled from exile in Italy to call and hold the Grand Jurga in Afghanistan after the Taliban lost power in the early 2000's. Yes, there was a period after...
  16. American Eagle

    Drunken chaos on the streets of some Eastern Ukranian cities

    Breaking news from THE WASHINGTON POST, Saturday, May 10, 2013: Ukraine’s rebels say they are seeking a mandate, not independence, in referendum View Photo Gallery — Growing disorder in eastern Ukraine: Cities across eastern Ukraine have been overtaken by pro-Russian protesters in recent...
  17. American Eagle

    What Russia is really concerned about inside soverign Ukraine

    Have a good weekend. Read the same openly available world media and Internet research sites most of the rest of us currently read and you will speak more clearly of facts vs. made up slogans and youthful disdain of tough facts no sane person likes but we all have to deal with.
  18. American Eagle

    This is part of old style Ex-KGB Lt. Colonel Putin does business now

    "Its when, Iraq attacked Kuwait, a small country with many US companies operating from there..." 1. Saddam invaded both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, two nations. 2. You are very polite in your choice of words but you are rehashing a point of view that the whole UN did not agree with, if you...
  19. American Eagle

    This is part of old style Ex-KGB Lt. Colonel Putin does business now

    If we taken your premise on it's face, Russia already is #2, even perhaps #1 if we consider unproved as yet oil and gas reserves all over and within Russia proper. Obviously THE WASHINGTON POST thinks that 20% of it's uranium coming from Ukraine is critical to Russia atomic power plants and...
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