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  1. P


    How is it trolling? So what if I start a new thread titled "US missile test", they do it every month, no need for a separate thread on it unless its something that is new. BTW i think you should get back to your xbox 360 and play SOCOM.:rofl:
  2. P


    So what is the point of this thread? :what:
  3. P

    Indian Army Major-General Runs Terrorist Camps Inside Afghanistan

    What else do you expect India to do? If I were the the prime minister or any other person in command I would vehemently lobby to to get this matter in UN or any other international body, even target all the Saudis and other powerful gulf countries who are traditionally allied to India. I...
  4. P

    Israeli supermarkets boycott Turkish products

    It came into picture rightly so, since some Pakistani poster said Israel's economy is tiny and will be affected. So he rightly pointed out that Israel being tiny, its economy is bigger than Pakistan's Think of it this way, if I say some non sense like Japan economy is small since it is a tiny...
  5. P

    Saras: How much indigenous is it???

    Didn't I tell you before that only the name Saras is Indian, everything else is foreign. Does that make you happy? It doesn't matter if Saras is 98% indigenous or 2% indigenous, at the end of the day it's an Indian aircraft. Similarly with fighter planes, doesn't matter if we have an F...
  6. P

    Indian Army Major-General Runs Terrorist Camps Inside Afghanistan

    I don't understand if you guys have so much evidence against India supporting and doing terrorism in Baloch, why don't you present it to the world media and embaress India, just like India points finger at Pakistan the moment a blast goes off in India. In today's world, power and lobbying are...
  7. P

    Indian boy mistakenly crossed into Pakistan

    You didn't even understand what he wanted to say :rofl:. He meant its easy for you to say that since pakistan doesn't have 20 million illegal BD people unlike india. And you pretty much agreed to that when u said its 2million at max :)
  8. P

    Indian boy mistakenly crossed into Pakistan

    Apparently that usually works in India's favor. :)
  9. P

    Fear pervades China's Uighurs

    How dare you make sense with your post. Don't you know talking sense is not allowed when bashing India. :hitwall:
  10. P

    Saras: How much indigenous is it???

    And people wonder why muslims are looked upon with suspicion in most western countries. Now don't tell me I violated any forum rules, if titanium can say something about hinduism, i can also for islam. if you ban me go ahead but also ban that racist idiot.
  11. P

    Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

    Atleast we acknowledge failure. That is the greatness of our open society in India. You will be held accountable for failure. As a wise man once said "You haven't learned anything if you haven't made any mistakes yet"
  12. P

    Bangladesh, India to jointly build mega coal-fired power plant of 1320 megawatts

    How is it old news when your country's financial newspaper is the source and is dated 8th June 2010, unless they put old news themselves :P
  13. P

    Bangladesh wants to introduce ferry service, read to play cricket in Pakistan

    I am stunned you said that, how dare you speak the truth :confused:
  14. P

    India unsafe for tourist

    Please i want to eat pad thai, tell me the recipe please.
  15. P

    India unsafe for tourist

    Can you tell me the recipe for pad thai please.
  16. P

    India unsafe for tourist

    Thailand's main export is TOURISM :rofl:. He is a travel agent from thailand so he needs his propaganda so that thailand doesn't lose tourists to India.:rofl::rofl: The only thing they are known for here in US is for thai food specially pad thai.:rofl:
  17. P

    India unsafe for tourist

    So should we make a separate thread for tourist incidents in Thailand? :rofl: Anyway as I said please don't come to India, you never know what will happen :rofl:
  18. P

    India unsafe for tourist

    Yes, please don't come to India and tell your family and all your friends from foreign countries to avoid India. That's my request.
  19. P

    Only 2pc of GDP spent on education

    Ah! the truth finally :rofl:
  20. P

    A frank discussion about Pakistan

    can someone tell me how to delete a thread which I started. Apparently people are taking it too personally here even to write something good when everyone is sitting before a monitor and fighting over who is more beautiful.
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