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  1. TheMiddleMan

    Denvar international AIrport

  2. TheMiddleMan

    PLAAF vs. USAF

    China and the U.S. are to smart to engage with eachother. They both need eachother, they have a special love hate relationship.
  3. TheMiddleMan

    US Strikes in Pakistan - the US media propaganda offensive

    I take that as a threat, DREAM ON!!!
  4. TheMiddleMan

    Berlin school says no to Muslim prayers

    If kids can say their Muslim prayers in my school, then i should be allowed to go to school naked :)
  5. TheMiddleMan

    Anyone know who will fix the oil leak by BP

    You know 1/3 of the oil is already gone
  6. TheMiddleMan

    PLAAF vs. USAF

    American Ground Forces Advantages -Experience -American Soldiers always look Bad A** Chinese Ground Forces Advantages -Numbers -Artillery Feel free to mention anymore P.S. Whats the comparison between Chinese main Battle Rifles and American ones, same goes for tanks, APCs, and...
  7. TheMiddleMan

    Britain Reveals Nuclear Arsenal: 225 Warhead

    Oh hell ya!!! God save the Queen, may England stay strong!!!
  8. TheMiddleMan

    PLAAF vs. USAF

    No where near Americans and NATO
  9. TheMiddleMan

    Navy Needs F-35’s Capabilities, Admiral Says

    Oh HELL ya!!! :yahoo:
  10. TheMiddleMan

    Mosque to go up near New York's ground zero

    Its the right of Americans, Christian and Muslim, and who the hek are you to decide on an a very delicate issue in the U.S., were you there during 9/11, did you loose any family members or friends during that horrific event? yes its very insensitive, why would you build a mosque at the final...
  11. TheMiddleMan

    Mosque to go up near New York's ground zero

    I am very against the building of this mosque, I am for building a mosque but right next to ground zero...........big no. This just makes me mad, no im not Prejudice or islamophobia, i welcome any race or religon, but many people lost there lives on 9/11 due to Radical Islam.
  12. TheMiddleMan

    Mosque to go up near New York's ground zero

  13. TheMiddleMan

    US can wipe out Israel of the face of the earth : US Marine officials.

    All the world trade center theorys have been debunked
  14. TheMiddleMan

    USA funds Israeli Iron

    Sadly, Obama is one of the most anti-Semetic presidents the U.S. has ever had, every day Isreal is losing support from the U.S.
  15. TheMiddleMan

    The 2010 FIFA World Cup!

    FORZA ITALIA!!! Im also cheering for the U.S.A. and Netherlands :cheers:
  16. TheMiddleMan

    S. Korea responds to ship attack report

    Do you think the U.S. is going to let that happen?
  17. TheMiddleMan

    China's Capitalist Revolution

    kk i just got confused, No, i am not brainwashed and what!? Your in my nightmare? no......................... Paris hilton and Obama are in my nightmares.................creeper
  18. TheMiddleMan

    Pakistanis look beyond US

    Where i live in the U.S. there are many pakistanis and they are very friendly people. Everybody is friendly and there is no hateful tension, Many Americans Know the world hates us, but still, in most parts of America, nobody hates the middle East or other parts of the world. And whats this about...
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