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  1. K

    Indian Cryogenic Engine GSLV D3 Failed

    We have had 29 Successful Launches and You are not even in the Picture of Space Program! Whole World Thanked us For Chandrayan, you are busy spewing Propaganda. We are amongst top 5 Space research Countries of The world you living on AID. Have some shame before opening your mouth!:azn::azn:
  2. K


    Whats wrong with people creating own Forums I see AV and AM geting a bit Shacky LOL:rofl::rofl: Just Kidding:devil: Your Forums are Huge and well established and Well Moderated no need to worry.:woot::woot: Then by your analysis we require more of pakistani LoLLYWooD Sites:partay::partay:
  3. K

    Indian Cryogenic Engine GSLV D3 Failed

    Guys we Indians have had 29 Successful launches and few learning experiences. Let guys who do not even have a Space program Troll around. World has thanked us for Chandrayan Discoveries....Don't mind if few members are jealous and Frustrated by their Dismal state of Affairs they have no other...
  4. K

    Indian Cryogenic Engine GSLV D3 Failed

    These things keep on Happening for Countries trying hard to be self-relient lets waite for nex tests, this won't end here or at next test , its an ongoing process! :)
  5. K

    Indian Cryogenic Engine GSLV D3 Failed

    Experimental launches do get learning experience USA, Japan all had these experiences...even Space launches explode carrying Astros...people realise mission data is very important, secondly, It will take many years to completely master this technology with more and more teests to follow! If...
  6. K

    Indian Cryogenic Engine GSLV D3 Failed

    Its the sheer hardwork of ISRO scientists that they reached 3rd Stage of cryogenic ignition. Cryogenic engine is a ccomplex tech. It requires hell lods of time and testing, they have got the mission data and they will start working on the next launch.
  7. K

    After long delay, India moves to expand strategic Karwar naval base

    Success or Failure does not matter, but delays are not acceptable! Atleast they have woekn up and trying to rectify old habits!
  8. K

    Indian Cryogenic Engine GSLV D3 Failed

    No it is not a Complete Success! Valid mission data has been collected and would be used for Second Testing of Indegenious Cryogenic Engine! We have a History of 29 Successful Launches, these things are learning experience. Yes indeed launching it has made us in top 5 (or only 5), hold on...
  9. K

    An eye on India’s outrageous nuclear infrastructure

    Strange, pathetic argument by a person from a country where its Former Nuclear Head is Wanted for proliferation Internationally(accepted his crime on national TV), pakistans Nuke safety is an international safety issue, and on the other hand whole world Busy making NUKE Deals with India.Where as...
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