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  1. K

    Indian involvement in Waziristan- How real it is?

    By the way the article is 1999 time. Much of the water has flown since!!
  2. K

    Indian involvement in Waziristan- How real it is?

    I only receive one reply in shape of an article and two intimidation? May i know why? Why cant we discuss this topic, i wonder? What you stand for that disagree with it> Is this freedom of speech? If i disagree with what "you stand for" (though i dont know what you stand for EXACTLY) then...
  3. K

    Indian involvement in Waziristan- How real it is?

    My assertion are: 1)The author of the "idea of Pakistan" (i forgot his name) mentioned in one his column in early 2007 that the young army officer of Pakistan army are not motivated enough to fight in Waziristan; therefore untill we "don not add" Indian element to this war, the army will not...
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    Indian involvement in Waziristan- How real it is?

    Pak propaganda at its best in Waziristan: Rediff.com News It's a propaganda war in South Waziristan,'Pakistanis prefer Indian medicine' Another propaganda war in S Waziristan,'It will boost Taliban's image' The war goes on Last updated on: November 10, 2009 20:34 IST Pakistan has dragged...
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    Legend of Ayub Khan.

    Ayub Khan- An American agent.
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    Pakistani laws don’t apply upon us, says US nationals

    Ans so the Afghan and American law not apply on Afghan mujahideen.
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    Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

    With Zardari as our ruler what else can we expect.
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    Americans mapping sensitive info

    In Punjabi it is said "hour choopo"
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    Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

    over dead bodies of Pakistas Muslim.
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    The Pakhtun, the Taliban and Imran Khan —Farhat Taj

    very pathetic article. A perfect receipe of disaster.
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    How America was able to flame fire all around Pakistan

    i dont think you even read the article and jumped to your pre-drawn conclusion. Where have this been written that its a fight between Muslim and Infidel. Article call it "a war of fitna" which is a war between Muslim vs Muslim. Its seems you just want this butchery, chaos, and murder of Muslim...
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    How America was able to flame fire all around Pakistan

    Because the TTP is not one whole. Its a loose structure. From the position of stateman you dont just act and react. you solve problem. After swat, Zardari said Waziristan next while coming from Washington on 18th May. Now Waziristan is not finished and Gilani saying, Orakzai next; then...
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    How America was able to flame fire all around Pakistan

    if you cant see the urdu font properly then download from this website http://www.crulp.org/Downloads/Nafees%20Web%20Naskh.msi
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    How America was able to flame fire all around Pakistan

    وزیرستان آپریشن - امریکہ پاکستان میں جگہ جگہ آ&#1711...
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