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    India's GDP crosses $4 trillion for the first time, ranks fourth worldwide

    India's GDP crosses $4 trillion for the first time, ranks fourth worldwide 3 min read19 Nov 2023, 01:35 PM IST This is the first time the country has reached the milestone and marks a significant step towards its $5 trillion economy goal. This is the first time the country has reached the $4...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    26/11 parallel is very much visible. Jew hatred is strong amongst all Islamists, including those who attacked India in 26/11. Pakistani terrorists managed to find and attack the only few remaining Jews during 26/11. Thats a clear demonstration of vile anti-jewish hatred of India's enemies.
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    That's a T-90 from Russia-Ukraine war
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    Why The Middle East Won’t Accept Palestinian Refugees

    Palestinians refugees have made problems in Arab nation that gave them refuge. Lebanon payed a price for allowing them, same with Syria, Jordan and Kuwait. So most Arab nations don't want to import this issue to their land.
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    PM Kakar says Afghan Taliban "illegitimate," ; Pakistan may directly target TTP & its 'supporters' on Afghan soil - SAI

    Attacking and destroying most valuable military assets weakness the Pakistan military. It diverts significant capital to replace such assets, which will inturn reduce militaries overall capability in other sectors. AWACs is costly, submarines are costly, so from a long-term military campaign...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    They don't have enough weapon to launch any significant attacks. Within Palestine, only Hamas have any significant weapon stock.
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Guerrilla war will only work if the other side is not trying to ethnic cleanse you. Guerrillas doctrine need guerrilla to fight and vanish into civilians. Here Israel is not planning to allow any civilians to stay in northern Palestine. Peoples are getting pushed out of North by tens of...
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    PM Kakar says Afghan Taliban "illegitimate," ; Pakistan may directly target TTP & its 'supporters' on Afghan soil - SAI

    India is not the primary driver behind TTP. TTP is formed by the Pakistani Pashtuns to fight Pakistan due to Pakistani support for WOT. Their entire ideology is based on comradary with Afghan Taliban. All their leaders are from Pakistan and none of them have any history with India. It's very...
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    PM Kakar says Afghan Taliban "illegitimate," ; Pakistan may directly target TTP & its 'supporters' on Afghan soil - SAI

    Pakistan army should have made Taliban choose a side before they won Afghanistan war. They should have told Afghan Taliban they need to pick either PA/ISI or TTP. If they choose TTP, expell of Taliban leaders and support Afghan government. Taliban badly needed PA support and safe heaven inside...
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    PM Kakar says Afghan Taliban "illegitimate," ; Pakistan may directly target TTP & its 'supporters' on Afghan soil - SAI

    Loose end is TTP. TTP and Taliban are ideological brothers. Just to remind you, TTP started it's war 16 years ago for Afghan Taliban. Tens of thousands of them died protecting Taliban interest. They gave refuge to Taliban fighters during WOT and got bombed thousands of times for it. Now Afghan...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    It's time for Hamas to come out of tunnels & launch a counter offensive. Shooting few RPGs and running back to tunnels isn't sustainable anymore. 50,000 light infantry is a significant force. It can potentially cut off Israeli forward elements of they come out and fight. As of Israel, they are...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Nikki Hailey and her husband was neck deep under debt just few years ago(Several millions). Then she was assigned as US ambassador to UN by Trump. She then campaigned hard for Israel in UN. She was forefront in supporting US decision to move it's embassy to Jerusalem. Within few months,all her...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Who is going to tell him that ICC exist to serve western interest?
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Atleast one. And that would make it atleast one higher than the number of footages released by Hamas of a destroyed Israeli tank.
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Not anyone. Certainly not in this forum or in any Hamas released footages. If you have some information everyone else don't have, why don't you post it?
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    They actually did released videos of trophy intercepting incoming ammunition.
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I am basing my opinion on Hamas footages. None of them penetrated armour. Even RPG hits from rear doesn't appears to have penetrated the armour. Merkava ammunition is stored in the rear and any penetration will result in a cook off just like those you seen in Ukraine. As of now, you can't see...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    There isn't a single footage/picture of Hamas RPG penetrating/destroying any tank. That's not a propaganda, that's a fact. This is a military forum isn't it? Evaluation of military actions should be based on facts available, not based on personal emotions or hope. You can hope that all RPGs...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    You need a slow moving projectile/weapon, OR attack in quick succession to overwhelm trophy tracking radar. Hizbullah came up with twin launch tube ATGMs previously for this. They fire 2 ATGMS in quick succession from same launcher & trophy was failing to track the second one. Not sure Israel...
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    Normalizing ties with India

    India Pakistan relationship is just fine for now & it's unlikely to improve anytime soon. 70 years of investment in hostility won't go away in 4 years even if some leader had a change of heart. Relationship with Pakistan has some limited advantage, not not enough for any leader to invest...
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