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    Is the US close to defeat in Afghanistan ?

    It is funny how those who believe Islam and whose image is corrupted by the media want to be defeated. November 21, 1979 (Muharram 1400) Pakistan and the French were involved in trying to free the Kabah in Mecca from dissidents. Pakistan helped bring Al-Qaeda and Taliban to the border.
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    An insurgency swells, but Pakistan focuses on India

    How can we justify what the army is doing to the Pashtun people of the area? The fuels for separatism have been already sowed unfortunately. Dirty Politics= Dirty Nationalism= Death of many.
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    Throw down Nationalism and make our Ummah one from the North African Crescent to the lands of Nesia

    Throw down Nationalism and make our Ummah one from the North African Crescent to the lands of Nesia
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    An insurgency swells, but Pakistan focuses on India

    I am surprised that even during the 80's when Zia ul Haq was commander that no strife occurred between Pakistan and India. So, why shall we worry now? It is not in the best interests of both nations to position each other against each other.
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    Honoring our Martyrs

    I respect and honor the dead and wounded of the army. However, a question comes to the fore where I ask are they indeed martyrs fighting a war against Muslims; no matter how stray they are or not?
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