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  1. KillBill

    Turkish airspace closed to Israel, Erdoan says

    Aaah As i suspected. he did a publicity stunt and what better way to get Muslim sympathy than diverting their attention to Gaza strip. I believe he would have got the news floated to get the sympathy ( which he did) and then later denied officially so he is in a comfortable position. Thanks...
  2. KillBill


    Yeah that one
  3. KillBill


    Amen :) Did anyone saw the 3rd goal in last nights match between ARG VS Mexico?
  4. KillBill

    Turkish airspace closed to Israel, Erdoan says

    Does Mr Erdogan has a chance for second term in house? Was all those for local public consumption to get public sympathy?
  5. KillBill


    Thanks for asking. Both of them are still in hospital. Waiting for them to get discharged, looks like will take a while for that
  6. KillBill

    Turkish airspace closed to Israel, Erdoan says

    Looks like this Erdogan guy wants to be the next poster boy :D Looks like he has figured out the best possible way to do that. By the way, what happened to his going in the next aid ship? still packing his briefcase? A publicity stunt as always.
  7. KillBill

    Pakistan Tour of England 2010

    MCC had all the oldies and retired players in their team? :woot:
  8. KillBill


    I just bowed, I never asked or requested to anyone to do the same :) I donno why people are getting charged up with that statement of mine. About the second part, he indeed is :D for last two decades he is numero uno..... :cheers:
  9. KillBill

    Comedy/Parody Spy/War movies

    --self delete--
  10. KillBill


    By that logic, none of us do anything :D You treat someone with some medicine, again law of nature :P Everything needs to follow law of nature, just that we do try to understand a section of it.
  11. KillBill


    He he he Very true... But then, never ever stop thanking an engineer, Unless we make those fancy instruments, your hands are tied :smokin:
  12. KillBill


    God never makes many of that species.. Take a bow...
  13. KillBill


    No offense, but could never get that taste. I love to call a man a man, not homosapiens or a tiger as panthera tigris :D I never liked bio to be a doctor, I was more like an equation guy
  14. KillBill


    Physics is the only true science :smitten::smitten::smitten: I am a big big fan of that subject. I wanted to be a physicist but you know never got proper guidance, growing up in a poor backward state :(
  15. KillBill


    I will pray that it rains :P :P :P
  16. KillBill


    One of the best band ever and one of their best song :thinktank::thinktank::thinktank: But sad part is that new age kids, listening to a **** called Linking park wont understand
  17. KillBill


    Whats your fav subject? Anatomy? ;)
  18. KillBill


    How you doing SURB? Padhai ho gayi?
  19. KillBill


    He he he :cheers: cheers to that BTW, most of my posts are rubbish and in this thread :D
  20. KillBill


    Tiger bro, you know what? You are at an advantage. This is the phase of time when you should spend your time really wisely. When I was your age, I wasted so much time hanging out in coffee shops and all and now I repent wasting them that way. Choose a hobby and follow it madly, pick a...
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