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  1. HD Seeker-5000

    The first of its kind in Africa .. Egypt builds "the mother factory" of all factories

    So i am gessing as well that this is contract signed. So the factory will propably ready by the end of next year 2022 and would be up and running for the production of 1000 CNC machines from 2023 and so on. Oh and i am assuming that they would be utilizing German components during the...
  2. HD Seeker-5000

    The first of its kind in Africa .. Egypt builds "the mother factory" of all factories

    Why was i first of all late liking this post, i should have been late. I was very joyful reading the news the other day. It is indeed a very good step and a leap forward to opening advanced industries in Egypt. I have confidence that Egypt would have the most Advanced industrial capabilites in...
  3. HD Seeker-5000

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    And they have experince building missile fuel and Engines too since the 50-60s.
  4. HD Seeker-5000


    I got my perception wrong about these people then. I thought they totally rely on denel dynamics instead they are diversified which i find very good. I really do hope that Egypt really teams up with these company in developing weapons as it has shown amazing strength over the pas few years. I...
  5. HD Seeker-5000


    So has Denel Dynamics got all of there testing an dmanufacturing facilities in the UAE or do they do some of it in South Africa. I dont get it, so is it totally owned by the UAE right now. Did they totally move there too?
  6. HD Seeker-5000

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    But Greece's Aerospace industry is alot superior than that of Denel Dynamics and has been around for a lot longer. Beside both countries have a lot of shared and common interests, the UAE does not have the same problems as Egypt. They will not want to fund expensive and sofisticate project thats...
  7. HD Seeker-5000

    Learn about the "Meteor" air-to-air missile obtained by the Egyptian Air Force, which changes the balance of power in the region

    One of the things they are propably concenred about to is that Egypt has a long and bad history of missile proliferation through promoting terror by being missiles with countries like North Korea and China. They are affiad of technology leak's since Egypt has a long history of dealing with North...
  8. HD Seeker-5000

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    I honestly see Greece has the best option for such a project. Honestly a project like this with Greece better suits Egypts requirements. The UAE does have not have any experience developing such missile nor do the have any advanced manufacturing capabilities for such a project. All they will...
  9. HD Seeker-5000

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    I really hope that they don't get the typhoon for several reason. First is an obvious reason and that it a 5 nation fighter, and second is that it is no depended on American comments and armament. The countries that have manufactured it do not have as good or as strong industrial base as much as...
  10. HD Seeker-5000

    Egypt may increase the number of Rafale in the air force to more than 72 fighters in the future

    I do really hope India makes a follow up order too. It will help take the price of the Rafale down and would make it easier and encourage other countries that already purchase it to make follow up orders.
  11. HD Seeker-5000

    Egypt may increase the number of Rafale in the air force to more than 72 fighters in the future

    What can you understand from this part thats written in the article?
  12. HD Seeker-5000

    Egypt may increase the number of Rafale in the air force to more than 72 fighters in the future

    I was just about to post this myself but you posted it before me.
  13. HD Seeker-5000

    Egypt to Buy Spy Satellite, Two MRTT Aircraft from France

    I absolutly agree with you.
  14. HD Seeker-5000

    Egypt to Buy Spy Satellite, Two MRTT Aircraft from France

    There are apparently lots of people of twitter that are twitting Egyptian Rafale's don't include scalp and meteor and that it has been blocked by USA and Israel. Which i don't know where they got that information from. They seem to have made that up and they are those indian's on twitter talking...
  15. HD Seeker-5000

    Egypt to Buy Spy Satellite, Two MRTT Aircraft from France

    The South Koreans are too dependent on the US on the technology that they develop. They almost need the USA in everything Security, and developing advanced technology. I have to totally agree with @Smarana Mitra. I would rather prefer the french or russia. Have the contracts been signed too...
  16. HD Seeker-5000

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    I absolutly agree with you the Mirage 4000 would have definitly been attractive to the EAF and would have been an alternative to the F-15. Its such a shame they dropped such a project.
  17. HD Seeker-5000

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    And you forgot to mention too the Volcano land attack missiles that Egypt ordered for the Volcano gun onboard the ships. Egypts has apparently ordered a significant number of these missiles. They have a range of 120km and have the ability to attack land targets.
  18. HD Seeker-5000

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    I was hoping that the OPVs would be of the PPA+ corvette type. The falaj-2 looks very lightly armed and too small to protect the shore lines the length of Egypt's.
  19. HD Seeker-5000

    Italy, Egypt To Sign Mega Arms Deal Includes 24 Eurofighters, 24 M346 Trainers and 6 Frigates

    You explaination is not enough to convince us that there is no A50 Sylver oboard the fremm. According to the Italian FREMM specification it is only designed to have only one vertical lauching systsem fitted and that is the A50 Sylver and nothing else. The designed basically is different from the...
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