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  1. Zee-Gen

    Corps Commanders express displeasure over Defence Minister’s statement

    Then criticize them, dont irritate them........army has been criticized many times before during WOT, but by genuine means and for genuine reasons.........what about Mr. Minister failing in his duties.......he suppose to be a politician, a visionary.......can't he see that his action could cause...
  2. Zee-Gen

    Corps Commanders express displeasure over Defence Minister’s statement

    Will this reminder serve the purpose......???........what if military don't listen.......??? My friend the point here is not one doing his job or not............the point is HOW he is doing his job.......military haven't interfere publically as far as I know.......and Mr. Minister is...
  3. Zee-Gen

    Corps Commanders express displeasure over Defence Minister’s statement

    By sub-ordinate you mean that anyone can criticize/mudsling on them publically of the crime they have not committed yet.....?????.........what is the point of Defence Minister's criticism on army....????.......Ohhhh.....it slips off my mind that he is an "elected member" he can do anything he...
  4. Zee-Gen

    Negotiations will fail | Dr. Tahir ul Qadri

    Does not matter my friend, people here start telling you about his lies with "evidence" of cropping videos........Qadri always have a point and hence we choose not to listen to him.
  5. Zee-Gen

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Mehtab Abbasi is now a history, he always won because of bradari system and multiple candidates from Jadoons (majority in the area and his opponent), in this election it is one on one competition and he is losing.
  6. Zee-Gen

    Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

    Before labeling us "beghairat", young lady you should know the reality first...........by the way Abbottabad is also in hazara division.
  7. Zee-Gen

    Paris women finally allowed to wear trousers

    And that is the difference between a Muslim and non-Muslim……….we live our lives by the law and non-Muslims make their law as per their lives…….if we change the law than what’s the point of being a Muslim????
  8. Zee-Gen

    Pakistani Ambassador to USA Sherry Rehman to be charged with Blasphemy

    So are other laws being abused........theft, compensation, adultery, defaulter etc. etc........should we have to ditch all of them.....as a matter-of-fact each and every single law is being misused.
  9. Zee-Gen

    Ajmal Pahari released as JIT report proved false

    Sad indeed……….that is the reason every time a mass murderer apprehended by forces, he confesses everything just to avoid “special treatment” by police because he knows he cannot be proven guilty in the court…….as far as moral of forces is...
  10. Zee-Gen

    Murree Altitude

    May be, but last year I ascended to Ansoo Lake (13,000+ ft) and I did it quite easily (first time went beyond 10k ft)....that’s why I attribute altitude sickness to more of a personal fitness than altitude itself.
  11. Zee-Gen

    Murree Altitude

    Here in Hazara division, we don’t even consider Murree as high point…….Thandiani and Nathia Gali are actually high points…….and since we local travel to these places very frequently, never heard of anyone mentioning fatigue or altitude sickness…….at 8-9k...
  12. Zee-Gen

    TTP letter to saleem safi

    Okay.....and in return?
  13. Zee-Gen

    PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

    Kissing his feet as a respect........now that is a right thing to do or not, I don't want to discuss, but this is what it is. @laiqs@mi Janab I am not a blind follower of Qadri sab.
  14. Zee-Gen

    PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

    Oh my young fellow, this is exactly what I am talking about.........you just read my post and come up with an argument…….who told you the man is doing sajda……..if not doing sajda than what he is doing………why so many good people around Tahir-Ul-Qadri did...
  15. Zee-Gen

    PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

    After post #181, I stopped reading anymore……..on everyday basis, we are expelling our hate about taliban and contrary those showing us the right path are also our priority #1 as far as hate is concerned.………people here posting continuously negative about Tahir-Ul-Qadri, but have anyone bother to...
  16. Zee-Gen

    Suicide Bombing In Peshawar Kills Senior Minister Bashir Ahmed Bilour & Oth

    My friend……….looking at the events in our history, it seems like “a stitch in time save nine” has never come across us……overlooking of potential threats to our ideology and existence has rooted so deep down in our bones that now we even has lost the...
  17. Zee-Gen

    Suicide Bombing In Peshawar Kills Senior Minister Bashir Ahmed Bilour & Oth

    Yes sir we all know who they are........what could we expect from these muck of the society.........expecting even a shred of honor is living in fool's paradise........they are doing what they best can do........fitna o-fasad
  18. Zee-Gen

    All MQM leaders and people to appear in SC: Farooq Sattar

    Young man it seems like you have clearly failed to understand the concept of justice……does having a mandate mean giving one a right to do whatever he wants to do……….and since he has a big mandate, become above the law?.........if that is the case than why affront Nawaz sharif, Zardari, Gillani...
  19. Zee-Gen

    Dutch to scrap blasphemy law - Almighty will have to defend his own name

    Because its all about respect……why you respect your parents……..is your faith weak……???.....since when respect has anything to do with faith….??? And don’t forget that that is the major difference between a Muslim and non-Muslim……..we live our lives by the rules of Islam and they make their...
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