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  1. Jesus Christ

    Why would China fight India?

    yes. such as the US. how do u get the india flag by the way?
  2. Jesus Christ

    'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

    My point is - dont go around ranting how great IAF or ISRO or india is. Bcos when u do that, it reveals a sense of insecurity. Also dont use 'sir' too much as you will come across as a manipulator. gud luck:toast_sign:
  3. Jesus Christ

    'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

    sir please sir stop writing such childish comments sir.:partay:
  4. Jesus Christ

    Dear Pakistanis

    Have u been 2 india? how do u know if hindus drink cow urine.? None of my hindu friends do that. and trust me, I have a lot of them. Going by this logic we can say all muslims are terrorists rit? (Its sad they think like that in US and some European countries)
  5. Jesus Christ

    'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

    Still. it seems Iaf is somewhat better The Indian Air Force of the 1980s By First Lieutenant Jerrold F. Elkin
  6. Jesus Christ

    ISRO puts Oceansat-2 into the orbit

    lets not get carried away. this is no big deal. we r nowhere near the US
  7. Jesus Christ

    Why would China fight India?

    you must have come out of the matrix. Bcos the machines got their history texts wrong. Of course. And pigs fly.
  8. Jesus Christ

    PAF superiority over IAF in 65 war

    lol. good one. but my point of local superiority in all encounters with W Pak stays. for eg. Battle of Longewala
  9. Jesus Christ

    Dear Pakistanis

    you seem to be a muslim. so why should my avatar offend you? I am a christian anyway. besides there is no rule against this. I merely gave my opinion after reading the thread. Let us hope my impression is wrong
  10. Jesus Christ

    Pakistan's Top Gun Obsession

    jf17 is a sino-pak joint venture. Both of whom are nascent fighter jet developers. f16 on the other hand is developed by US which is a veteran in the same field. Although jf17 could be better than A/B i doubt if it will surpass C/D variant. Hence, although we cant be sure, it is unlikely that it...
  11. Jesus Christ

    Mathematical Analysis of Indian Poverty

    what do u mean by 'keep aside ur nationality'? my point still stays. with 2$/day u can have ur basic needs met in india.
  12. Jesus Christ

    Dear Pakistanis

    after reading this thread i am under the impression that indians are cunning, devious, trap laying scum of humanity.
  13. Jesus Christ

    Why would China fight India?

    you know. u r the only peace loving chinese i met here. sooo:welcome:
  14. Jesus Christ

    Mathematical Analysis of Indian Poverty

    RAW has a point. 2$/day takes u a long way in india at least
  15. Jesus Christ

    PAF superiority over IAF in 65 war

    IAF established complete superiority on E.Pak and local superiority on West Pak. simultaneously. This was bcos IAF was prepared for this. similar to PAf in the 65 war
  16. Jesus Christ

    BRIC economy bigger than US

    plenty of india bashers here it seems. and yes. this is good news bcos this helps reduce US monopoloy
  17. Jesus Christ

    India's nuclear power a 'myth'-Telegraph

    Here it is. Just as we expected. ‘Naked’ India needs ‘series of tests’ to deal with China: Santhanam
  18. Jesus Christ

    Pakistan's Top Gun Obsession

    i disagree. the f-16s are far more lethal than jf-17s. its the most successful and the safest fighter program in the world. there is an article in this website that says just that. but of course . avionics also matter
  19. Jesus Christ

    India's nuclear power a 'myth'-Telegraph

    RAW, ur point is that this statement cameout so that india has an excuse to conduct the nuke test?
  20. Jesus Christ

    Why would China fight India?

    u sound like moin ansari. watch it or u'll end up like him.
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