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  1. M

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Besides air activity over Islamabad yesterday night, i just heard roar of fighter (high altitude, speedy movement) right now, think jf17 or f16 over LAHORE (New Lahore), at 0808 hours, Something going on, what we aren't aware of.
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    IDEAS 2018 - Updates & Discussions

    So , Is smartphone allowed with airplane mode ON ? I really don't want to look deeply in to avionics, i just want to study switches and button locations, to diff bw JF17 And F16. However Thanks a lot for the information
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    IDEAS 2018 - Updates & Discussions

    That's really strange ! Photographing cockpit don't harm the plane, just the young ones find some information of avionics. Might this time someone get a chance to do so. Lets see !
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    IDEAS 2018 - Updates & Discussions

    Zarvan ! Can u please take some high resolution pictures of Jf17 cockpit (i mean left and right panels) ? Thanks a lot
  5. M

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Latest news over block 3, I was suggested this news by Google chrome. (Today) https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2018/11/china-exporting-cheap-jets-with-anti-stealth-plane-radar.html/amp
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    Medical Questions for joining GDP

    Assalamoalikum ! Does anyone know answer to following questions ? JazakAllah. 1) What is {maximum} chest measurement for GDP ? i.e for boy who is tall, strong chest. (A healthy one) 2) is there any Pushup, pull up , running test for GDP ?
  7. M

    Air Force Question Thread

    Sorry for the thread mistake, I couldn't find this thread before, but there was no activity for long time,so i couldn't find this before. But Oscar, please don't implement such false things to me of using proxy. I've never used any proxy ,in fact for any thing for last few months. I'm using...
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    Air Force Question Thread

    Yes, it isn't a flying base, but Wikipedia says, it contains ADA. Also, when i visited the base on 6sept, i could see a building with radar mounted on it , which was operating. When i saw it on satellite maps, i found it ADA building next to the Aircraft PENS...
  9. M

    Air Force Question Thread

    Assalamoalikum. Any one know about Lahore air base ? I mean, Lahore airbase is not that operational airbase but according to Wikipedia, ADA is present here for immediate reply to any attack. Which squadron or Fighter aircrafts are present at the air base , Any one knows about that ? Also one...
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    CIA Concludes Saudi Crown Prince Ordered Khashoggi Assassination

    Something really important to notice ; Trump said just at the same time of Kashogi's murder. "Saudi king won't proove him more than a week without our support" And the same time Kashogi get murdered.
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    SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

    Might I be wrong, but I personally think that, Jf17 blk 3 and 4 are steps being taken for our self made next stealth AC. As mentioned by Alan Wales , 5th gen is project of PAF for 2040> Do you really think If America is keeping eye over PAF regarding sharing of f16 blk52 technology with China...
  12. M

    IDEAS 18 Aviation portal

    CAS ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan are going to appear as chief guest. So the conference regarding next fighter jet will be worth attending. NGFA might stand for : Next Generation Fighter Aircraft. Source: http://ideaspakistan.gov.pk/air_conference.php
  13. M

    IDEAS 18 Aviation portal

    27th November 2018. "Innovation has no limits" Feel free to share your upcoming aviation experience and photos*** of IDEAS 2k18. *** {Only photos related to aviation conference, JF-17, Mushak , K8 , UAV'S and load out etc}
  14. M

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    I think PAF is holding something really secret. New Islamabad airport got construction right near the Nur khan base. Nur khan base was a joint civil and military airport. A long history of US aircrafts landing at Nur khan base with a reason of landing at Islamabad. But now u see more longer...
  15. M

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Absolutely right. A teacher of mine, i call the most intelligent man on earth after an isi agent, he has knowledge more than anyone regarding International affairs and their reality. According to him, Arabs of this age are nothing else than jammed mind people, they need nothing to research or...
  16. M

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    definitely it was an acting. but don't you really think so that they would have downloaded such big size software for just a blue print display for 3-4 seconds, and that within a song. !!!!!! I just want to say, that the man in song just opened the aircraft design file present in the system to...
  17. M

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Friend if you observe the last picture, it's neither f18, look at elevons, its jf17. and nor jf17 b, look, its one seat. and intake is under fuselage I think.
  18. M

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Did any one find Jf-17 blk3 design clue from PAF song. Aye watan Song by Paf, in which the aeronautical Engineer watches the computer screens displaying aircraft blue prints in PAC kamra. Animation Looks bit familiar to f-18 in 1st screen but in second one you can see f16 and Jf-17-blk 3 with...
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    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Brother, Jf-17 is not a "new fighter aircraft" Also,work on Jf-17 blk3 is going to start in 2019. it is written in the details of event that new fighter aircraft induction and challenges of handling it. Remember the order of J10 to china from PAF in 2008 or later. The fleet hasn't been...
  20. M

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    I think NEXT GENERATION FIGHTER AIRCRAFT might be 4.5+gen or less possibly 5thgen
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