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  1. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    That's not true. Practice shows that fortifications are still have a huge significance on the battlefield. Btw, how do you image yourself troops in defence? And I repeat: take a look at least few videos from the Russian-Ukrainian frontline, all questions will become irrelevant (despite there is...
  2. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Take a look at the Russian-Ukrainian frontline and then you'll understand importance of military fortifications.
  3. S

    Malaysia Defence & Economy Forum

    Gentlemen, could you please advice any materials related to detailed description of RMAF activity during Operation "Daulat"? Of course, if they exist in public access. I've discovered tons of materials and found some very interesting information, but there is no full description, just some...
  4. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Yes, for sure. This is just a question of time. :rolleyes1: I think this is only the Vietnam-U.S. interstate business. Despite from our side - I mean the post-Soviet space - it seems a little bit strange because of awful events during the Vietnam War. At the same time, there is extremely good...
  5. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Could you please tell what is happening in Ukraine now from the Chinese point of view?
  6. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    First export sale of Extra was to Azerbaijan soon after the Russian-Georgian war in August 2008. There are MLRS launchers with eight missiles on each (also can use 122mm and 160mm missiles). Unfortunately, I'm still not allowed to put any photo/video here until I have 30 posts, just to show you...
  7. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    OK, up to you! Despite I have a little bit another point of view towards this issue. :rolleyes1: To be more precise - as far as I know - there are following rocket weaponry: "Redut" (P-35B missiles), "Rubezh" (P-15M "Termit" missiles) and K-300P "Bastion-P" (P-800 "Yakhont" missiles; two...
  8. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Viet, I have few questions about the Coastal Missile Defence. :rolleyes1: Why EXTRA is used as a coastal rocket complex instead of its primar role - MLRS? This missile is definitely for a high-precision elimination of ground targets, but using this one for striking ships... seems strange...
  9. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    At least three 36D6-M radar station (improved version of ST68UM (36D6)) were delivered. Very good choice, btw. Yeah, there is also (possibly) the Central command post of Air Force - Air Defence at these pictures . We have very similar structures of our AFs. It makes the process of exploration...
  10. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Yeah, I saw it. We call this radar station "crocodile" for its funny form. :rolleyes1: But this is still S-300PMU-1. At least until there is no 48N6E2 acquired by Vietnam.
  11. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Do you have any detailed information related to this? Asking because there was no any confirmation in the Russian language sources. :what: NB: this post was written almost 4 years ago (p.82) :-)
  12. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    This link is another, here we can see information which was not available via the previous one. :tup: Last but not the least (crucial sentence): Yes, there is no any doubt that Vietnam is doing very well on the way to improve military capabilities. And I really happy with you, Lads! Who...
  13. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    The reason is the gap in technologies, you know it very well. South Korea is the famous "Asian tiger" while Viet Nam is a developing country. But here is nothing about the will to sell F-35 to Vietnam. :-) The link is not available... Do you have a subscription?
  14. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Yeah, RAM. This version is just a little bit heavier, for primar fire support of police operations. Thank you! I've discovered this issue some time ago and found out that there is information shortage towards the whole process (except official information). As I know, crews were prepared...
  15. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Looks like (armament, equipment, uniform etc.) some of these guys are from police special forces. Yeah, I'm still looking through. :cheesy: I guess it's fair before starting to be involved in discussions (despite I'm well-read about the issue). If you specify what exactly, I will provide...
  16. S

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Hello everybody! Week ago have joined the Forum, glad to read you and ready to add something useful to this topic. :-) But before it, I have to discover around 750 pages of the issue :laugh: Unfortunately, the vast majority of pictures and links (made 4-5 years ago) are not available now. If...
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