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  1. Snakebite

    Pakistan's ecommerce industry is heading towards a bleak future

    If you don't know how an e-commerce business works, then don't comment on the topic. You clearly have no idea how many countries are giving huge tax incentives for such businesses everywhere while our gov is trying to suck up every penny they can. The biggest example is Amazon which is paying...
  2. Snakebite

    Pakistan's ecommerce industry is heading towards a bleak future

    Gov should ask for taxes but only when they provide sufficient infrastructure to support that industry. We don't even have any payment gateway to receive e-commerce payments and gov is looking for taxes.
  3. Snakebite

    And Reference Not File Against Justice Waqar

    Well, no one has mentioned so far that it was Supreme Court's decision to make the special court for Musharaf Case and when they did that, they also mentioned that no one will be able to file a reference against the judges of the special court. So Gov can't do jack shit and will only suck on a...
  4. Snakebite

    Nawaz diagnosed with complicated heart disease

  5. Snakebite

    Nawaz diagnosed with complicated heart disease

    Don't lie. When he returned, he went for a complete medical checkup before being sent to jail and doctors found scars of medical procedure on his chest and leg.
  6. Snakebite

    Pakistan Army Commander's Special Conference in GHQ

    Wow, man...I can feel why you are so much in pain. People like you always say that Musharaf made the right decision to hang Nawaz Sharif but now such hypocrisy.
  7. Snakebite

    Imran khan kicked out Nawaz Sharif ! Inside story of cabinet meeting

    Yes it was $200B but later it was discovered that the number is bloated. Even $10B looted by NS is absurd and this "Sabir Shapar" said it first that NS will give this much money back for a deal.
  8. Snakebite

    Imran khan kicked out Nawaz Sharif ! Inside story of cabinet meeting

    People who think that he looted $10B are living in fools paradise. Do they even have a fu*king idea how much money it is? The value of London properties are around £32 million so you can do the math. Where is the rest of it then? PM IK created a commission couple of months back to investigate...
  9. Snakebite

    Nawaz Sharif latest Medical Report: Disease revealed in initial diagnosis

    He is Khan but not a Pashtoon. And it is still the granny's Pak cuz if he was serious he would have gotten the money from both Nawaz and Zardari but everyone knows he can't do it.
  10. Snakebite

    How Much Time Has He From KHAN to KHAN'T?

    Yes by reducing imports they slowed down every thing. What is the current economic growth of Pakistan? Go read before you comment again. Regarding UAE being a free country, Where is your "ummah chummah" which Imran Khan is always boasting about. When he was driving the car for these arabs...
  11. Snakebite

    How Much Time Has He From KHAN to KHAN'T?

    1. Yes we avoided bankruptcy and everyone is shouting we have to pay this much back. Both Zardari and Sharif's gov paid back loans but they never acted like this. 2. By reducing imports and slowing down the economy. 3. Yes the documentation has started but again the FBR is gonna miss it's...
  12. Snakebite

    Pakistan's science minister reacts after Isro loses contact with Chandrayaan 2's Vikram lander

    Oh please. Did I say any thing about Kashmir? You people like to bring anything about India the minute you think you are gonna loose the argument. I hate India due to what they are doing in Kashmir but please talk some sense.
  13. Snakebite

    Pakistan's science minister reacts after Isro loses contact with Chandrayaan 2's Vikram lander

    He is a piece of shit who doesn't know when to shut his running mouth.
  14. Snakebite

    DG ISPR mentions ISRO says #AnotherVirChakar

    I admire India's space program and congratulate them on their "Failed Landing" attempt. They fucking tried and what are we doing here? Making fun of them. So I'd say to DGISPR, please be professional and don't tweet like this.
  15. Snakebite

    Indians !!! Meet Shahzzuddin

    India media is gonna chew d*ck now. They said couple of weeks ago that the Shazazudin lost his jet and got killed during that.
  16. Snakebite

    Military exercises and missile tests - 28/8 to 30/9

    Is it possible Pakistan is performing this missile to deter a specific country in Middle East? After all that country has nothing to do with Pakistan but have been poking their nose ever since.
  17. Snakebite

    modi again used pak air space

    My gut says the LOC drama was created just to give our beloved COAS an extension. The response was much harsher in February and later he wasn't even allowed to use Pak's airspace. This time he is freely using the airspace to go meet people while out PM is not even going anywhere and meeting...
  18. Snakebite

    (OLD News 2019) COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa given 3 years extension

    This is a political decision. Imran knows that if the new COAS doesn't work with him like Bajwa did, he'd be fucked on the political end. New COAS might be a neutral one and he can't afford that right now.
  19. Snakebite

    (OLD News 2019) COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa given 3 years extension

    So you think that Bajwa is the only option and his juniors were selling "aloo piaz" during their time in Pakistan Army? PM himself said that generals weren't given extensions during world war so why did he take a huge U-Turn now?
  20. Snakebite

    Babur Cruise Missile new test with enhanced range

    This was a land based variant of Babur but still the video has a part with coastal area visible. Only the launch seems to be from the actual test. Rest of the video is old.
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