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  1. P

    Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

    Hello, I did'nt know where to post thisquesrion , but.... How can a Pakistan Army Cadet get transfered from PMA to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst? What are the requirements?
  2. P

    Can CPEC Make Pakistani Manufacturing More Competitive?

    I believe that this is certainly possible, the creation of new road networks and the development of industrial estates is sure to have a positive effect on our country's economy.
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    Market Complex Miranshah. FATA

    Simply Delightful! :-) Glad to see that the region is moving forward at such a fast rate, and only a few years ago this area was infested by Khawarijites and mercenaries! :pakistan:
  4. P

    Launch of Pakistan Defence Party

    An I'd like to be the the Development Minister, :p: It's been my twinkly little dream since i was 4. :p Then , just wait and see how Pakistan moves forward. :p
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    The miracle of Israel lives on 70 years later

    70 years of murdering,maiming and hurting innocent palestinian natives by a bunch of european-origin jews who say they lived there some 1000s of years ago and suddenly decided to return.
  6. P

    why DG Rangers paid Dharna detainees?

    Perhaps you are'nt in your senses. Im not a PTI supporter, not even a " kala engrez liberal " infact I actually despise wannabe desi liberals, Im just a concerned citizen who loves my country and worries about it. I wrote that to highlight the concerns i have for my country, not to get...
  7. P

    why DG Rangers paid Dharna detainees?

    The matter of providing money to protesters has been subject to quite a bit of twisting and tainting, the BBC published a propaganda piece ( s.c.: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-42149535 ) trying to imply that the army was behind the protests, the rangers need to provide a clarification...
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    Protest on Dec 9 against ‘plan’ to grant citizenship to ‘aliens’

    Pakistan was formed as a bastion, a fortress,a safe haven for the Muslims of the subcontinent.It's land was watered by the blood of a defiant and sacrificial youth, a home where members of the Ummah could freely practice their faith. Pakistan is not only for Punjabis or Balochis or Sindhis or...
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    Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

    Haha, I agree with everything you just said, chacha jee. :p:
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    Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

    So peeps, what's next? Martial Law or Mullah take over? :p:
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    Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

    Please post a screenshot of the tweet instead on sharing it directly because twitter is blocked here.Thank You. :toast_sign:
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    Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

    Protests are now intensifying across the country, people are now staging protests in different areas of Karachi as well as smaller towns and cities such as Gujranwala,Sialkot etc Protesters have burnt more than a dozen police vehicles in RWP alone , more such incidents occuring elsewhere...
  13. P

    Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

    The situation seems to be getting worse, first Islamabad, now people are out on the streets in Karachi and Lahore. Activists in favor of the protests on social media are using sectarian slogans and one such media outlet is calling for "jihad against pak". I say contain them and confine them to...
  14. P

    True Crime - Case 7 - Highway Murder

    Thanks for the tag. :-) To me it seems like none of the mentioned suspects are likely to have committed the crime, instead it seems that the victim was kidnapped when she stepped out of the car,taken to the city and then raped and killed. What to do: 1) trace the unknown number that she last...
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    True Crime - Case 6 Lauren is Missing

    Thanks for the tag :toast_sign: It syas that Rossman had a fight some young men at which point he was hit in the face, it is likely that the both of them were intoxicated at that time and thus Rossman cant remember what really happened, now, It is likely that just after Rossman and Lauren...
  16. P

    True Crime - Case 5 - Tamam Shud, International Man of Mystery [Unsolved]

    Thank you for the tag, To me it seems unlikely that this was a well planned suicide, this is very likely to be the act of a local serial killer , and not even an accidental occurance. Serial Killers are known to have weird fetishes associated with murder, for example, a particular serial...
  17. P

    Pakistan’s Costly Plunge into China Debt

    It is true that these figures are a matter of concern and make one wonder whether our country will truly be lost to crushing debt, however it is expected, at least by proponents of the CPEC initiative, that the money that we are able to generate will gradually be pumped back into our economy and...
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    ISIS terrorists in burqas kill 15 Afghan Taliban in Jawzjan

    Terrorists klling terrorists, good going :victory: These guys are the dogs of hell,I hope our military gets to give them a demo of hell and treats them like the dogs that they are.
  19. P

    Will Washington alienate Pakistan?

    Alienate Pakistan? Well, there's nice NATO supply route you've got there,would be a shame if somebody.....cut it off and let you and your puppet regime get destroyed. On a serious note, the US has a history of abandoning allies as soon they no longer need them, just like they did with us after...
  20. P

    Why I won't celebrate the surgical strikes

    Surgical Strikes? In any case,how can you celebrate something that never happened? :pakistan::-):sniper:
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